Fourth,we promoted coordinated development between regions and the new type ofurbanization to expand development space.
☆新型城镇化 the new type of urbanization
Work continued to promote the coordinated development of the eastern region, the central region, the western region, and the northeast; priority was placed onmoving forward with the Three Initiatives – the Belt and Road Initiative, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration initiative, and the Yangtze Economic Belt initiative. A number of major projects were also launched to develop infrastructure, improve the distribution of industries, and achieve ecological and environmental conservation.
☆重点推进 prioritywas placed on moving forward with···
☆京津冀协同发展 the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration initiative
☆长江经济带 the Yangtze EconomicBelt initiative
☆在基础设施、产业布局、生态环保等方面实施一批重大工程 A number of major projects were also launched to develop···improve···and achieve
Policies and measures were introduced to promote the development of Tibet, Xinjiang, and Tibetan ethnic areas in the provinces of Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu, and Qinghai. We pressed ahead with the reform of the household registration system, adopted a residence certification system, and stepped up the development of urban infrastructure, making progress in developing new urbanization.
☆藏区 Tibetan ethnic areas
☆制定实施 introduce
☆加强 pressed ahead with/step up
☆户籍制度 the household registration system
☆居住证制度 residence certification system
☆城镇基础设施 urban infrastructure
☆取得新成效 make progress in doing···
Fifth,we promoted the reform and development of social programs to improve living standards.
☆社会事业 social programs
Despite fiscal constraints, we continued to intensify efforts to help ensure the wellbeing of our people. New policies were launched to create jobs and businessstartup opportunities for college graduates and those with difficulties finding employment.
☆财力紧张 fiscal constraints
☆在··· 情况下 Despite (突出逻辑关系)
☆民生 the wellbeing of ourpeople
☆高校毕业生 college graduates
Over the course of the year, 7.72 million government-subsidized housing units were basically completed in urban areas, work started on the reconstruction of 6.01 million housing units in rundown urban areas, and 4.32 million dilapidated houses in rural areas were rebuilt, helping large numbers of families that are struggling with housing realize their dream of having a home to settle in.
☆棚户区 rundown urban areas
☆一大批 large numbers of
☆安居梦 dream of having a home to settle in
☆危房 dilapidated houses (去年也有这个词)
☆Dilapidate /di’læpideit/ (如由于使用不当或缺乏保养)使(部分)破损(或破掉、破败、坍毁);使倾坍
The building had been dilapidated by neglect. 这座大楼因失修而圮毁。
We moved more quickly to improve conditions in badly built and poorly operated schools providing compulsory education in poor areas, deepened the reform of the professional title system for elementary and secondary school teachers, and increased the number of students from poor rural areas who were enrolled in key institutions of higher learning by a further 10.5%.
☆加快 move more quickly to
☆职称制度 the professional title system
☆中小学教师 elementary and secondary school teachers
☆重点高校 key institutions of higher learning
☆人数又增长 increase the number of ··· by a further···
Comprehensive reform was carried out in all public hospitals at the county level, the coverageof the serious disease insurance scheme was extended to more rural andnon-working urban residents, a system of assistance for treating major andserious diseases was put in place, and a system for providing living allowancesfor people with disabilities who are in need and for granting nursing caresubsidies to persons with severe disabilities was established.
☆重特大疾病 major and serious diseases
☆残疾人生活补贴 living allowances for people with disabilities
We increased subsistence allowances, benefits for entitled groups, and basicpension benefits for enterprise retirees, implemented the reform of the pensionsystem for employees of Party and government offices and public institutions,and improved their wage system. Efforts to develop basic public cultural services were also intensified. All of this has resulted in a stronger sense of benefit in society.
☆低保 subsistence allowances
☆优抚 benefits for entitled groups
☆基本养老金 basic pension benefits
☆机关事业单位 Party and government offices and public institutions
☆获得感 sense of benefit
☆工资制度 wage system
☆All of this has ··· 比较典型的总结句。
☆Subsistence /səbˈsɪstəns/
① Subsistence is the condition of just havingenough food or money to stay alive. 生存
below the subsistence level 在生存线之下
② In subsistence farming or subsistenceagriculture, farmers produce food to eat themselves rather than to sell. 自给自足的
Many Namibiansare subsistence farmers who live in the arid borderlands. 许多纳米比亚人都是自给自足的农民,居住在干旱的边境地区。