

时间:2023-10-05 19:03:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



Sixth, we developed new ways of conducting law-based administration and governance to promote social harmony and stability.


☆依法行政 conduct law-based administration and governance

☆推动 promote


The State Council submitted 11 legislative proposals to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and enacted or revised eight sets of administrative regulations. Efforts were accelerated to increase government transparency and expand the application of e-government and online administration.

☆提请 submit

☆法律议案 legislative proposal

☆制定修订 enact or revise

☆部 set

☆行政法规 administrative regulation

☆网上办事 online administration (转换角度,并非严格对应)


We set up a mechanism to inspect and establish accountability for the implementation of major government policies and introduced third-party evaluations. We responded effectively to natural disasters and emergencies. Efforts were stepped up to ensure workplace safety; as a result, we have seen a continued reduction in the number of total accidents, including the number of accidents of a serious or large-scale nature as well as those in industries where accidents tend to be more common.

☆建立问责机制 establish accountability for

☆督查 inspect (深奥词用简单词表达)

☆有效应对 respond effectively to


We moved ahead with the demonstration initiative to ensure food safety. We strengthened all-round efforts to maintain law and order and cracked down on crimes in accordance with the law to safeguard public security.

☆推进 move ahead with

☆治安 law and order/ public security

☆依法打击 crack down on crimes in accordance with the law


The campaign to build understanding of the Three Stricts and Three Honests* was intensified, the CPC Central Committee’s eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct continued to be implemented, action was taken against formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance, and rigorous efforts were made to carry out the State Council’s three-point decision on curbing government spending.

☆四风 formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance



Administrative supervision and oversight through auditing were strengthened. We stepped up efforts to improve Party conduct and government integrity and fight corruption, and brought a number of offenders to justice.

☆行政监察 Administrative supervision

☆审计监督 oversight through auditing

☆惩处 bring ... to justice

☆腐败分子 offender (结合上下文语境,避免重复的译法)


We marked the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the Global War against Fascism. This anniversary was a reminder of China’s place in history as the main theater in the East during the Global War against Fascism and its major contribution to the war effort. The Chinese people marked this occasion to demonstrate their dedication to safeguarding peace and upholding justice together with other peoples.

☆中国人民抗日战争 the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression

☆世界反法西斯战争 the Global War against Fascism

☆隆重纪念 mark (删繁就简)

☆主战场 the main theater

☆坚定信念 dedication

☆各国人民 other peoples

☆“历史地位和重大贡献”,分别译为 place 和 contribution。第一个是灵活发挥,第二个是中规中矩。“集中宣示”处理为 a reminder,也是一种简化。

