

时间:2023-11-12 02:04:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Each school day, millions of children across the Unites States pledge allegiance to their flag and their country "One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
  But in the aftermath of a bitterly contested presidential election, the rifts laid bare by that campaign have refused to close - one nation under God, perhaps, but one riven with division.
  And it is not only adults who have noticed.
  Children across America have been writing letters to President-elect Donald Trump calling for kindness, compassion and unity.
  Molly Spence Sahebjami, a mother from Seattle, started the campaign with a Facebook group. Launched the day after Mr Trump’s victory, the private group’s membership has now swelled to more than 10,000.
  Molly Spence Sahebjami是一位来自西雅图的母亲,她和Facebook上的一个小组成员一起发起了这项活动。自特朗普获胜以来第二天起至今,这个私人小组成员现已扩张到1000多人。
  The idea was sparked following a conversation with her own young son, a kindergarten student, she told the Washington Post.
  After her son expressed concern about some of the comments Trump has made about Muslims - Molly and her family have relatives of Iranian descent - she encouraged him to write to the President-elect.
  "Why don’t you talk to him about why it’s important to be kind?" the Washington Post reports her as asking him.
  Now, children from across the world have followed suit and their parents have been sharing the images on social media using the hashtag #KidsLettersToTrump.
  Alison and her son Tommy, 9, followed the election closely from the UK.
  "We encourage him to make up his own mind about things," Alison told the BBC.
  "As a thoughtful, kind young boy he has been upset by some of the language and views he has heard during the election.
  "His letter is in his own words and the drawing his own expression of what he hopes from his new president."
  Lara and her family live in Texas. Her 13-year-old daughter decided to write a letter to Mr Trump the day after his election.
  "She had a lot of questions about why someone would vote for him despite how he spoke about women, minorities and the disabled," Lara said.
  "I didn’t have a lot of answers for that question other than to say that people felt strongly that he would do a better job running the country.
  "I tried to explain to her that just because we had different opinions about how to run the country did not mean that we did not support the country and wish him success.
  "I suggested that she write down her feelings. She chose to put them in a letter and she blew me away."
  Campaign organiser Molly said: "I set up the page because where I live, and among many of my Facebook friends from across the country, there’s a very prevalent feeling among kids that Trump is ’the mean man’ and they were confused about why he won."
  She hopes that children from all sides of the political spectrum will write positive letters to Mr Trump.
  "We’re also encouraging kids who are Trump supporters to submit letters if they’d like to congratulate him and give him some advice about being more kind. Nobody’s perfect and I think that aside from politics and policies, we can all agree that our new President-elect needs to be a little more kind and respectful at a basic human level," she added.

