

时间:2023-11-11 19:01:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

His team said he would not keep his campaign pledge to try to have her jailed, and Mr Trump later said it would be too divisive to go ahead with.   川普的团队称他不会实现他竞选时扬言要将希拉里关进监狱的,而川普本人随后也表示说,如果那么做的话,美国就会太分裂了。   The FBI cleared her of any criminality but chants of "lock her up" became a rallying cry at his campaign events.   FBI曾澄清希拉里没有任何犯罪行为,但是在川普的竞选集会上,“把她(希拉里)关起来”是集会人群的呼声。   Conservatives seized on the news as a "betrayal" and a "broken promise".   保守派称这一消息是“背叛”和“食言”。   Redstate.com said that a failure to appoint a special prosecutor, as Mr Trump promised, would reveal the "very real fact that the candidate is not who he claimed to be".   Redstate.com网站表示说,不能像川普所的那样任命一个特别检察官揭示了“候选人不是他所自称的那样这一事实”。   The right-wing Breitbart News Network, one of the Manhattan billionaire’s most loyal supporters, denounced the climb-down as a "broken promise".   右翼布赖特巴特新闻网站(川普最忠实的支持者之一)谴责川普的屈服是“食言”。   Conservative commentator Ann Coulter tweeted her reaction to the news, saying: "Whoa! I thought we elected @realDonaldTrump president. Did we make him the FBI, & DOJ? His job is pick those guys, not do their jobs."   保守派评论家安·科特尔在推特上回复这一消息说道:“哇!我认为我们选@realDonaldTrump是来当总统的。我们是选了他做FBI和司法部(的工作)吗?他的职责是任命这些人,而不是做他们的工作。”   She later followed up to say that: "No president should be blocking investigators from doing their jobs. #EqualUnderLaw"   她后来接着说:“总统不应该阻止调查人员做他们的工作。 #EqualUnderLaw(法律面前人人平等)”   The right-leaning legal organisation Judicial Watch said it was "a betrayal of his promise to the American people to ’drain the swamp’ of out-of-control corruption in Washington".   偏右派法律组织“司法观察”表示称这是“这是他对美国人民要针对华盛顿失控腐败‘排干沼泽(drain the swamp)’这一的背叛”。   During the campaign, Mr Trump repeatedly vowed to launch new prosecutions against his "crooked" opponent, whom he described as the most corrupt candidate in history.   在竞选中,川普一再发誓要对他的“骗子”对手提起新的起诉,并且将希拉里称为最腐败的候选人。   The first signs since the election that he was not so full-throated in his conviction came in an interview a week ago in which he said the Clintons were "good people".   大选后川普第一次表现出自己对这一信念并不是太坚定是在一周前的一场采访中,当时他说希拉里是“好人”。   Then on Tuesday morning, his spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway said there would be no further investigation into Mrs Clinton’s emails, in order to help her "heal".   然后是在本周二早间,川普的发言人康伟表示称,为了帮助希拉里“恢复”,将不会对她的邮件进行更进一步的调查。   A few hours later, Mr Trump told the New York Times that a fresh inquiry was not off the table but unlikely because it would be divisive.   几小时过后,川普对《纽约时报》透露说,一场新的调查并没有被否决,但是可能性不大,因为这可能会使得美国分裂。   "I want to move forward," he said. "I don’t want to move back. I don’t want to hurt the Clintons, I really don’t."   川普说道:“我想要前进,我不想后退。我不想伤害希拉里,我真的不想。”   Mrs Clinton had a private email server while secretary of state, actions the FBI said were careless but not criminal.   希拉里在担任国务卿期间使用了一个私人邮件服务器,FBI称这一行为非常粗心大意,但是却并不构成犯罪。

