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【#英语资源# 导语】人类只有好好地对待大自然,大自然才能无限地回报人类。以下是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. Protecting the environment is not only a matter for adults, but also a responsibility for our pupils.

  Environmental protection is simple to say, but difficult to do. In our life, there are many pollutions that are harming the environment invisibly.

  China is a country with a large population, and its population is growing rapidly. With the development of society, the demand for cars is growing. Now more and more families have bought cars. The exhaust gas from cars is a kind of pollution to the environment. We can't stop people from buying cars, but we can convert cars that use gasoline and diesel to electric cars. Electric vehicles are not only environmentally friendly, but also can effectively deal with the problem of global warming. There are harmful gases that contribute to global warming in the exhaust gas from the fuel vehicles we use now.

  In addition to automobile pollution, we are also faced with the pollution of waste water and exhaust gas from factories, heavy metals in waste water, and potentially toxic substances. Water pollution has a great impact on agricultural production. Agricultural production needs not only enough water, but also certain requirements for water quality. Otherwise, it will cause great losses to agriculture, especially when polluted water is used in agricultural production, which will do great harm to human beings.

  People's survival and activities are inseparable from the environment, and the quality of the environment is closely related to human health. How can we survive when we have destroyed the environment on which human beings depend?

  Wake up! Humans


  One fine morning, the sun came up. I asked my good friends to go to the park to play.

  We got everything ready and got on the bus. In the car, I looked out through the window, ah! The scenery outside is really beautiful. Small trees stand very straight, like soldiers. We salute to us. The fruits on the trees are like lanterns, illuminating the whole city.

  When the park arrived, I got out of the car and went to play games with my good friends. Suddenly, I found garbage everywhere on the ground. The trash can is in front of me. Why do people always litter?

  Therefore, my good friends and I formed a "environmental protection" team to protect our homeland. We pick up the garbage together and throw it into the trash can. However, the garbage is disobedient. Put it in. There is another one. Put it in. There is another one. What can we do?

  We finally realized that people keep littering and never pick up again. I said in a flash: "Why don't we advise everyone not to litter?" Everyone nodded and said, "OK, that's it!" I saw a big brother throw the finished snack package on the ground and was about to leave. I hurriedly walked over and said, "Big brother, this is not good. The trash can is right there. Put the garbage in the trash can." After listening to this, Big Brother felt very embarrassed and threw the garbage into the trash can. We persuaded many people that the environment was much cleaner.

  Today, I understand that we must protect the environment and protect our common homeland.


  Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. The flowers are in full bloom. The grass is very soft. The flowers are especially fragrant. Sometimes there are some hard-working bees coming to collect honey.

  But now people are littering, the grassland has been covered by human litters, and the clear river water has been filled with garbage, which also makes the air we breathe pungent. If there is garbage on the grass and there are people living behind, it will be difficult for those people to continue walking.

  When we walk on the road, we often see the sanitation workers cleaning up the garbage on the road. Their work can sometimes be dangerous. For example, harmful waste such as cigarettes can easily catch fire. They are all very hard, so we have to throw the garbage into the trash can. It is because most people do not do so that the environment is polluted and destroyed. I hope the earth will become very beautiful again, the water will be clear and the bees will love to work more. If we do not protect the earth, the earth will retaliate against us, such as floods and other disasters. We protect the earth is equivalent to protecting our homes. If we see others littering, we should remind them to put their garbage in the trash can, and we should remind parents to protect the environment.

  In order to reproduce our beautiful earth, we should protect the environment and take the initiative to throw rubbish into the trash bin when we see it, because only in this way can we reproduce our beautiful home. Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment.


  This morning, when I got up and looked out of the room, I saw that the buildings in the distance were indistinct. I asked my father, "What's the weather today?" Dad said, "Today is a dusty day." I asked strangely, "What is a dusty day?" Dad said: "The dust on the ground flying into the sky is a dusty weather." Dad checked on the Internet and said, "Thirteen provinces in China are affected by sand dust. People in some areas can only travel with sand masks." I asked my father, "How did they come into being?" My father said: "It is human beings who cut down trees and forests, vegetation and grassland are desertified, the wind is strong in spring, and the dust on the surface is blown to the sky, which forms a dust weather."

  I remember that the story of a small village in Chinese lesson 7 warns us to love trees and protect the ecological balance of nature, otherwise we will be punished by nature. I wonder if our city has destroyed the manor as in the story.

  The teacher said that a big tree can absorb a lot of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases every day, and can also resist sandstorms. I should start to protect the environment. I think: I want to become a tree and grow up quickly to provide oxygen for people and resist sand and dust. If I were a big sky, I would rain and snow heavily and "dust" the earth.

  In a word, to protect the environment, we should take practical actions, start with ourselves, and use our hands to protect our beautiful and fragile earth.


  Today, my mother will take me and my sister to watch February orchid.

  When I got there, I smelled a faint fragrance. I entered the beautiful February Orchid Garden with my mother and sister. After entering the garden, I often saw several young volunteers dissuading everyone from littering or picking flowers and grass... Even so, many people picked one or two flowers and took pictures everywhere, and then threw them away after taking pictures. I don't know whether I should feel pity or angry. This is a living life! Why is it so unbearable in everyone's eyes? Is it just a plaything?

  Then we came to the end of February Orchid Garden. In my memory, it used to be so clear, but now it has become milky white, and there is a pungent smell floating in the air. I first thought: The river I saw before is not like this! Then I asked my mother: "Mom, why is the river so dirty now? There will be a pungent smell in the air?" Mom sighed and said helplessly: "When Mom was young, the water here was still clear..." Although it was a sad past, her voice was still full of yearning and longing. After listening to my mother, I couldn't help saying, "Hey, it must be because of a lot of pollution!"

  We must protect the environment, or the last drop of water on the earth will be our human tears!


  Environmental protection. Maybe everyone knows what it means and how to protect the environment. But do we really do this?

  First of all, why should we protect trees? Because on the earth, in order to meet the needs of human beings, today, on average, one hundred year old tree will fall in 10 seconds, and one tree in a forest will fall in three days. If this continues, our beautiful earth will become a big desert in less than 200 years.

  Wood is indispensable around us, such as wooden desks and chairs, exercise books, pencils, etc. However, wood comes from trees. As human demand for wood exceeds supply, deforestation is becoming more and more serious. There is a good saying: "The first tree fell, human civilization began, the last tree fell, and human civilization ended." We can't live without trees, so we should take good care of trees.

  To protect trees, we should start from ourselves and small things. For example, we take chopsticks with us when we go to a restaurant to eat. We refuse to use disposable chopsticks. We can't throw away our homework without finishing it. We can't break the saplings at will... For our more beautiful home and our more beautiful city, let's work together to resist the phenomenon of indiscriminate cutting. Let's not let our city become a forest of reinforced concrete, but a forest city full of green, vitality and vitality!


  environment protection Many people think that environmental protection should be handed over to cleaners, but these people are wrong. Environmental protection is something that every citizen should do. If only cleaners do it, then there will be more garbage that they haven't cleaned up. We should imagine that garbage will be piled up all over the floor. When the earth stinks and stinks, will you be as happy as you are now?

  In the past, the earth was fragrant and full of flowers, and the river was clear to the bottom. Sometimes you can see small shrimp and fish swimming happily in the water. But now garbage is everywhere. People throw away plastic bags and walk away as if nothing happened. The river is full of garbage. The small fish and shrimp that used to swim happily in the water have moved. When people passed the river, they quickly ran away with their noses covered. They often said, "This river is very smelly. You should leave here quickly!" I want to ask you, what qualifications do you have to comment on this river? Isn't it because you don't protect the environment that this river stinks?

  Usually, there are some faucets that have not been turned off everywhere, and the water is flowing noisily. If someone can turn off the faucet in time at this time to stop the water flowing out, it will reduce the problem of water cutoff and make every household use water normally. Turn off the TV and other power supplies in time at night, which will save a lot of electricity.

  Environmental protection is actually a simple thing. As long as you are willing to do it, you can save money. Start with us!


  Speaking of environmental protection, students must be familiar with it. From books, teachers and public service advertisements on TV, we can see the importance of environmental protection.

  When we were in kindergarten, our teachers taught us to protect the environment, not to throw peel and paper scraps, and not to spit everywhere. Every week, the school also sends a class to pick up paper on campus. It's our turn to pick up paper today. In class, the students sat in their seats and listened to the teacher's orders. After a while, the teacher came in and asked us to line up outside. We followed the stairs to a lawn. As we walked around, my eyes lit up and I saw a piece of paper in front of me. I hurried to it and bent down to pick it up. I think: I will pick up a lot of garbage to make the campus clean.

  We walked again and again, and came to another place. There were many fallen flowers on the ground. I picked them up one by one, and the tree was much cleaner. I found a lot of sugar paper in the grass again. We children ate sugar on the back and threw it here. Today we picked up a lot of rubbish, which is a big box. We must protect the campus environment, otherwise the beautiful campus will become dirty.

  Let's protect the environment together, and strive to be a small guardian of environmental protection to make the world a better place.


  My hometown is practicing martial arts. It is a "sanitary city" with beautiful scenery and pleasant environment. As a small citizen practicing martial arts, I want to contribute to this glorious title.

  At home, I want to be a small guard of environmental protection. I told Grandma that the water for washing rice and vegetables can be used to water flowers; I told my mother that the water for washing clothes can be used to flush the toilet or mop the floor; Whenever I see my father forget to cut off the power after watching TV, I will remind him to unplug the plug. I have also formed the good habit of turning off the light whenever I want.

  In public places, I also want to be a small guard of environmental protection. Once, when my family went to a restaurant to have a meal, clean tableware was clearly placed on the table, but my father asked the waiter to replace it with disposable tableware. He said that clean tableware was not necessarily clean, and there was still a charge. I immediately stopped my father and said, "Using disposable chopsticks is damaging the environment, and we cannot use disposable tableware." Mother also nodded and stood on my side. Dad was persuaded by us. Also, my mother and I used to use plastic bags when shopping in supermarkets. Now my mother and I always take a cloth bag when shopping in the street, which reduces the pollution of plastic bags to the environment.

  The beautiful city needs to be maintained by each of us. Let's take active action, start from ourselves, develop good health habits, and strive to be a small guardian of environmental protection to jointly build our beautiful home.


  There are many bridges in the world, including crescent moon like stone arch bridges and rickety cable bridges... And I most want to build an environmental bridge.

  The environmental bridge I want to build is made of two sturdy trees. The dense leaves are covered with a thin layer of gauze like clouds. At night, the stars can be touched. Even the sun is artificial. It can also turn waste products into environmental protection products.

  Living in this environment-friendly bridge, the weather can be controlled by people. Press the green button to turn it into spring, press the red button to turn it into summer, press the yellow button to turn it into autumn, press the white button to turn it into winter. The houses on the bridge are also environment-friendly, with stone caves and tree holes The houses are made of strange shapes of wood and moon bends. You can see all kinds of animals and insects on the bridge, such as lions and tigers, who have been tamed by humans. The fruits on the trees on the bridge are the source of human food. The food in each bud is different, some are bread, some are milk, and some are rice. Of course, some of the buds still have colorful flowers, and everyone is bored on the bridge, Then you can enter a room called Dream House, where each room is changeable. Some rooms will take you to the bottom of the sea to watch all kinds of fish. You can touch them with your hand. They can also become spaceships, allowing you to watch the beautiful scenery of outer space in outer space and swim in outer space like fish.

  How about the bridge I imagined? I must study hard to make such an environmental bridge in the future.   
