

时间:2023-10-05 17:24:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

If you weep at the thought of a White House without Barack Obama, take comfort in Netflix's new original biopic about the future POTUS as a 20-year-old college student.

  如果你因为白宫没有巴拉克·奥巴马而泪流, 那么Netflix的新传记体影片讲的就是"未来”美国总统20岁的大学生时代。

  'Barry' follows the young ambitious Barack - called Barry by his pals - as he navigates New York City of the early 1980s. Barry, played by Australian actor Devon Terrell, arrives in the city as a junior at Columbia University.

  《百瑞》讲述的是年轻有为的巴拉克,朋友们称他为百瑞, 20世纪80年代在纽约游走的故事。百瑞由澳大利亚演员德文•特雷尔扮演,大三时候来到哥伦比亚大学。

  The trailer highlights Obama's sense of displacement as a child of a white mother from rural Kansas and a black father from Kenya.


  It also shows him indulging in a few things we don't normally associate with the buttoned-up POTUS: dancing sensuously at a nightclub with a young lady who is not Michelle Obama, hanging out on graffiti-scarred street corners and inside smoky tenement hallways, and lounging shirtless in bed with a cigarette dangling from his mouth.


  Throughout the trailer, the theme of Obama's 'otherness' from his classmates is clear - he's of mixed race, he's not into the club scene, and he probably studies just a bit harder than most of them.


  When he tells a man that he is part Kansas, part Kenyan, the man says: 'That makes you American.'


  And there are flashes of the idealism that would propel the Democrat to the highest political office in the world: 'I believe people create change,' he says.


  It might be a shock for some to see Barack sans Michelle - at this stage of life, his girlfriend is Charlotte, a wealthy young lady from Connecticut.


