Carefully conducted researches (仔细调查的研究)that have followed (跟踪调查)the children of working mothers have not been able to show (表明;显示) any long-term problems,compared with (与……相比)children whose mothers stayed at home. (与全职母亲的孩子相比,对职业母亲的孩子仔细进行的调查并没有显示这些孩子存在什么长期的问题。)
My personal (1) view (我个人的观点是;或者:我个人认为) is that mothers should be allowed (被允许)to work if they wish. Whether we like it or not(不管我们喜欢还是不喜欢) ,there are a (2) number (a number of: 许多) of mothers who just have to work.. There are those who have invested (投资;投入了大半生)such a big part of their lives in establishing (创业)a career that they cannot (3) afford to see it lost. (若失去这份事业,他们承受不起。)Then there are many who must work out of pure economic (4) necessity(out of necessity: 完全或者纯粹出于经济需要). Many mothers are not (5) cut (cut out for something 或者 cut out to do something适合于;天生就是做某情的料)out to be full-time parents(许多母亲天生不适合于做全职母亲). After a few months at home with a much loved infant ,they feel trapped and isolated(受到了限制,被孤立了).
√afford (v.) (usu with can orcould 通常与can或could连用) be able to do sth without risk to oneself 能不冒风险而做某事物: I mustn't annoy my boss because I can't afford to lose my job, ie must not take the risk of losing my job. 我可得罪不起老板, 因为我舍不得丢掉这份工作. * You can ill afford to criticize others when you behave so badly yourself. 本身行为不正, 则不宜批评别人.
√be cut out for sth also be cut out to be sth [usually in questions and negatives]
to have the qualities that you need for a particular job or activity适合于做某事
In the end, I decided I wasn't cut out for the army.
Are you sure you're really cut out to be a teacher?
There are a number of options (许多选择)when it (6) comes to choosing childcare. (when it comes to something:当涉及某事的时候:当涉及儿童托管的时候) These range from child minders (“看护孩子的人”被称为“child minder”; nanny:保姆) and nannies through to Granny or the kind lady (7) across the street(街道对面). (8) In reality(在现实生活中), however ,many parents don't have any choice(没有任何选择的余地); they have to accept anything they can get. Be prepared! No (9) matter (不管;无论)how good the childcare may be ,some children are going to protest wildly (激烈*或反对)if they are left(被留下来). This is a (10) perfectly normal stage of child development(儿童成长过程中完全正常的阶段). Babies separate well (婴儿出生后的前六个月对与母亲分开没有感觉)in the first six months,but soon after that they start to get a crush on(迷恋) Mum and close family (11) members (迷恋妈妈或者亲密的家庭成员). Make sure that in the first week you allow (12) plenty of time (保证有足够的时间) to help your child settle in.(帮助孩子稳定下来;帮助孩子安定下来)
√(have a crush on sb) (infml 口) strong but typically brief liking (for sb) (对某人的)强烈而短暂的喜爱, 迷恋: Schoolchildren often have/get crushes on teachers. 小学生往往很钦佩老师.)
All children are different. Some are independent, while others are more (13) attached to their mothers(be attached to somebody:迷恋母亲). Remember that if you want to (14) do the best for your children ,it's not the quantity (数量)of time you spend with them,it's the (15) quality(质量)that matters (重要). (你与孩子相处时间的长短并不重要,相处过程中的质量才重要。)
√attached adj [pred 作表语] ~ (to sb/sth) full of affection for sb/sth 依恋﹑ 爱慕﹑ 留恋某人[某事物]: I've never seen two people so attached (to each other). 我从没见过两个人(彼此)这样如胶似漆. * We've grown very attached to this house and would hate to move. 我们十分留恋这所房子, 真舍不得搬家.
√do the best for somebody: 为你的孩子做到
conduct v. 实施,实行 isolate v. 使隔离,使孤立
invest / in'vest / v. 投资 option n. 选项,选择
establish v. 建立 nanny / 'næni /n. 保姆
economic adj. 经济上的 protest / prə'test / v. *
infant / 'infənt/ n. 婴儿,幼儿 crush n: 迷恋
trap / træp / v. 使陷入困境,使受限制 quantity n. 数量