2017年职称英语 考试 报名,2017年职称英语综合类B级完型填空练习12


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 Helen and Martin

  With a thoughtful sigh, Helen turned away from the window and wa1ked back to her favourite armchair. (1) Would her brother never arrive? For a brief moment, she wondered if she really cared that much.

  Over the years Helen had given (2) up waiting for Martin to take an interest in her. Her feelings for him had gradually (3) weakened until now, as she sat waiting for him, she experienced no more than a sister's. (4) curiosity to see what had (5) become of her brother.

  Almost without (6) warning, Martin had lost, his job with a busy publishing company after spending the last eight years in New York as a key figure in the US office. Somehow the two of them hadn't (7) bothered to keep in touch and, left alone, Helen had slowly found her (8) confidence in her own judgment growing. (9) Ignoring the wishes of her parents, she had left university halfway (l0) through her course and now, to the astonishment of the whole family, she was (11) gaining a fast-growing reputation in the pages of respected art magazines and was actually earning enough to live (12) drop from her paintings.

  Of course, she (13) took no pleasure in Martin's sudden misfortune, but she couldn't (14) help looking forward to her brother's arrival with (15) quiet satisfaction at what she had achieved.


  Armchair n. 扶手椅   reputation n.名声,名誉声望

  curiosity n. 好奇心,好奇 misfortune n. 不幸;灾祸,灾难

  confidence n. 信心;言任 satisfaction n. 满意,满足

  astonishment n. 惊讶;令人惊讶的事物


  1. take an interest in ... : 对……产生兴趣

  2. become of sb. / sth. ...: 发生……情况;遭遇…

  3. to the astonishment of ...  :令……惊讶的是……


  1. A) Could  B) Should  C) Would   D) Ought

  2. A) in   B) up   C) out   D) away

  3. A) depressed B) weakened C) lowered D) fainted

  4. A) wonder B) idea C) curiosity D) regard

  5. A) become B) developed C) arisen D) changed

  6. A) caution B) warning  C) advice   D) signal

  7.A) minded B) concerned  C) worried  D) bothered

  8. A) dependence  B) confidence  C) certainty  D) courage

  9. A) Ignoring  B) Omitting  C) Avoiding  D) Preventing

  10. A) along  B) down  C) through  D) across

  11. A) gaining  B) reaching  C) starting  D) opening

  12. A) for  B) by  C) with  D) drop

  13. A) made   B) took  C) drew D) formed

  14. A) help  B) miss C) fail  D) on

  15. A) soft  B) fine  C) quiet  D) still


  1. C 考查情态动词。根据句意"哥哥将永远不再回来了吗?"有"应该""应"意思的 B ,D 选项 应该排除。只有 would 有将要的意思,符合句意。故选 C。

  2. B 考查介词搭配。此句句意为"这些年来,海伦已经放弃了等待马丁对她产生兴趣 " give in 意为"屈服,让步" give up 意为"放弃",符合句意 give out 意为 “分发,公布"give away 意为"泄露,出卖"。故选B

  3. B depress 偏重表达"数量的减少或价值的降低 ”weaken 一般来说偏重"情感"方面的减弱、变谈;lower 偏重在"数量或质量"上的减少或降低;faint 偏重于"视觉"的变淡、模糊。此 句表达的是 Helen 对他的感情的慢慢变淡,故选 B

  4. C 此句表达的是 Helen 非常急切地想知道她的哥哥到底发生了什么事的一种"急切的好奇的"感觉,故四个选项中只有 curiosity 最贴切,故选 C。

  5. A become of sb. /sth. ... .是短语,意为"发生某种情况;遭遇… "。故选 A。

  6. B 根据上下文可知,Martin 在没有任何征兆的情况下就失去了工作。caution 指"警察的口头警告" ,advice 意为"劝告、忠告" ,signal 意为"信号、暗号",只有 warning 有"征兆、前兆"之意。故选 B。

  7. D 此句句意为"在某种程度上他俩不会因为彼此的联系或不联系而烦扰",其中 A 选项mind 意为"介意"B 选项 concern 意为"担心、担忧";C 选项 worry意为"使担心、使焦虑", 只有 D 选项 bother 有"烦扰"之意。故选 D。

  8. B 此句表达的是 Helen 对自己的判断的"信心"0 A 选项 dependence 意为"依靠、依赖"C选项 certainty 意为"确定性、无疑". D 选项 courage 意为"勇气、胆量"B 选项 confidence 可 与介词 in 搭配,意为"对……有信心"。故选 B。

  9. A ignore"不顾、不理、忽视" ,omit"省略、疏忽" ,avoid" 回避、避免" ,prevent" 防止、预防"。此句表达的是"不顾及、忽视父母的愿且"。故选 A。

