

时间:2023-03-04 07:59:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1、 although ,though 这组词都有 “虽然” 之意,均不能与but连用,但可以加yet,still 等词以增强语气。

  although: “尽管、虽然”;:只作conj. (连词) ,较正式,“出人意外的” 这种含义也更强,一般情况下可以用though替代。没有固定的搭配。

  He passed the examination although he had been prevented by illnees from studying. “虽然他曾因病耽误了学习,但他考试还是及格了。”

  Although he was seriously wounded , yet he refused to quit the battle line. “他虽然身负重伤,但坚持不下火线。

  though: “虽然、尽管、即使”,(conj. ) 还可与even 连用,even though即使、纵然。作副词时,不能置于句首,译作:“然而、不过” 相当于nevertheless

  l can see that New York must seem dull to her though the family won’t admit it,。我看得出来纽约对她来说一定很单调乏味,虽然家里人不承认这一点。

  She won't leave the TV set , even though her husband is waiting for his supper. “即使丈夫等着吃晚饭,她也不愿离开电视机。”

  2、maybe,possibly,perhaps,probably 这组词都可表示 “可能性”。maybe:“可能、也许”,比其余的几个词更为随便和不正式,可能性不大,也可以表示一种非常委婉而礼貌建议或要求。如:You could put it over there,maybe. “也许你可以把它搁在那边。

  The doctor thinks maybe we'd better have a little operation andget it ove. “医生认为也许我们做个小手术,然后就能恢复。

  possibly : “可能地、或者、也许” 可能性较大。用于否定句和疑问句时表示 “无论如何” 之意, She expressed regret for any inconvenience which might possibly be caused. “她为任何可能造成的不便而深表歉意。”

  perhaps : “可能”,较为常用也较为正式的词,可能性不大。它可以表示建议或要求,也可以表示以礼貌的方式下达命令。 Perhaps you will kindly give us a hand when we get into trouble.“当我们陷入困境时,也许你会善意地帮我们一把。”

  probably : “很可能'、大概” 可能性在这一组词意中.表示一种几乎完全肯定的意思。

  He is the only witness of the accident: he can probably tell us some detailed information about it. “他是这次事故惟一的目击者,他大概可以告诉我们一些详细情况。”

