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【#英语资源# 导语】童年像一首诗,纯净甜美;童年是一幅画,绚丽多彩;童年是一支小夜曲,悠远绵长。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《关于童年的英语日记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.关于童年的英语日记 篇一

  Childhood is colorful, childhood is incredibly beautiful, my childhood is like a flower, colorful and incredibly beautiful. Whenever I think of my childhood summer vacation, I can't help but laugh.

  The scorching heat was unbearable, and cicadas were chirping in the trees. I have already gone crazy with the heat, I wish there was a cool place to crawl in. Eh? "My gaze swept towards the refrigerator." The refrigerator is both cool and has ice cream? Why don't I just go in? "I said and did, and I crawled in with all my hands. Ah! It's so cool in the fridge! I need to sleep, "I stretched and squinted.

  When I woke up, it was already dusk. I crawled out and found that there was no one at home, so I ate snacks and watched TV. When my mother came back and saw me, she picked me up and cried with a "wow" sound. Later on, I found out that when I was "missing", my mother was so anxious that she searched for me all afternoon. Afterwards, I seriously warned myself not to "disappear" again in the future.

  Imagine how foolish I was when I was a child, climbing into the refrigerator to avoid the heat. How cute I was when I was a child!

2.关于童年的英语日记 篇二

  The fun stories of childhood are like stars shining in my memory.

  I still remember when I was four years old, on my first day at kindergarten, before I even arrived at the door, I dropped the phrase 'golden bean' and hugged my mother's leg. As soon as I entered the classroom, I burst into tears. No matter how the teacher tried to coax me, I always said, 'No, no, I just want my mother.'. Other children also thought of their mother, and suddenly, the classroom was filled with tears. The very meaningful first time I went to school was spent crying. When I was 5 years old, I transferred to a new school and reluctantly released my mother's hand. I followed the teacher into the classroom, seeing unfamiliar faces with sweet smiles. Soon, I melted into this new group. Time flowed like flowing water, and in a blink of an eye, my back was covered in tears I have become a primary school student with a backpack, and at this moment, my mood is extremely excited! I am full of curiosity about my new school. Turning back and waving his hand to his mother, he said, "Mom! I've grown up! I don't want to grow up or not. When I grow up, there will be no fairy tales in the world. I want to grow up and then I can realize my dreams.

3.关于童年的英语日记 篇三

  What is childhood? Childhood is a "treasure chest" that makes us happy, moves us, and has many gains. I also had my own "treasure chest" in my childhood, let me open it for you to see!

  My childhood was very happy. I remember one time, my father and mother went on a wild outing, where the scenery was extremely beautiful. I happily said to my father, "Dad, to showcase the beauty here, take a picture of it with that camera!" After that, my father picked up the camera and took a picture of the scenery. I said, "Dad, Mom, can I take a group photo of you?" They said in unison, "Okay. My parents posed well, but I didn't think it looked good, and I made them pose many times, which made them exhausted. My mother said, "I'll take a look after the photos are developed.

  The photo was developed, and my mother looked at it and laughed heartily. I looked at it and the scenery was good, eh! Where are parents? Take a closer look, ah! Only two small heads were photographed.

  Whenever my parents are unhappy, I show them this photo. Our family only smiles, and there are no unhappy moments.

  how? My childhood was very happy, right!

4.关于童年的英语日记 篇四

  My childhood was like a five flavor bottle, filled with sourness, sweetness, bitterness, spiciness, and saltiness. My childhood was like a brilliant sunshine, filling my life with warmth. My childhood is like a camera, recording many happy moments.      Childhood was happy, and I had many friends who were very kind to me. Once, I was in physical education class and got injured. My friend helped me to the infirmary because I received timely medical attention and quickly recovered. I feel very happy to have these good friends.

  Childhood is happy. I have a good mother. Whenever I fail an exam, she always says to me with a serious heart, 'Do better next time and continue to work hard.'. Whenever I get angry, my mother always patiently comforts me and makes me a happy and happy child.

  My childhood was very happy, just like drinking sweet honey, my heart was filled with joy.

5.关于童年的英语日记 篇五

  There were too many happy things in my childhood, just like the clouds in the blue sky, I couldn't see them all, like seashells on the beach, I couldn't finish picking them up, more like stars in the night sky, countless. Now let me pick the brightest star for you to see.

  That was when I was six years old, a walnut tree that I was born with was planted in the yard. My mother said, "You compete with the small tree to see who grows faster." Don't mention how happy I am after hearing this sentence. So, I made a mark on the tree with a knife. Every day after school, the first thing I do when I go home is to compete with the small tree. Suddenly one day, I found the mark on the tree on top, while I was under it. I exclaimed in surprise, "Mom, come and see, the small tree has grown upside down." Mom hurriedly ran out of the room and approached, stunned for a moment. After a while, I saw Mom laughing and looking back and forth. My mother kindly said, "Silly child, the little tree has grown up

  Ah... I was stunned for a moment. In the blink of an eye, three years have passed, but recalling the fun stories of childhood, I can't help but secretly giggle.

  Happy childhood, unforgettable childhood! My forever beautiful memory.
