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【#英语资源# 导语】我的童年像一个美丽的童话,充满了无穷的乐趣,我的童年像一首动听的歌曲,蕴含着无比的欢乐。下面是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  My childhood is full of fun and color. The story of my childhood is like a flowing river, lake and sea, which can't be finished.

  It was a Sunday morning, and my good friend came to play with me. His mother treated him warmly. Then he took our two children to the green garden. The park is not lively, and there are people playing everywhere. We couldn't wait to rush in.

  First, we came to the artificial lake. Take out a few sheets of paper and fold them into beautiful small paper boats. Put them in the lake and let them drift away slowly with the wind. We also compete to see whose little paper boat floats farthest. We used all our strength to blow into the paper boat, and our cheeks hurt! Looking at our small paper boat floating farther and farther away, we both laughed happily! The small fish in the river swam over and seemed to have a strong interest in these paper boats. Groups of fish surrounded the boat, testing with their mouths... As if they were looking for something delicious.

  Then, we took out our football for a shooting match. In the first round, I became a goalkeeper, and every ball I played noisily was thrown down by me. Then it was my turn to play, and the first few balls were stopped in my belly. I thought to myself: as a football player, I can't lose to him! So I made a fake move first, and then shot the ball with one foot. This time, I was fooled. WOW! The ball is in! The final battle ended 1-0.

  Childhood is a colorful poem, which brings me happiness and countless laughter. It also brings me sadness. Isn't that what happened in childhood? There are smiles, pain, joy and tears, which is colorful childhood.


  Childhood is the truth in the dream and the dream in the truth; Childhood is a beautiful stone; Childhood is a brilliant light; Six years, we have come, but it is not easy for us to come. Sometimes they will be scolded by teachers and parents; Sometimes fall back and hurt; Sometimes be trampled by others; All this is vividly visible.

  In my heart, there is one thing that I can't forget for a long time. That was the first time I broke down the computer.

  I can't go there in hot summer. I'm stuck at home all day. At noon that day, as usual, I got up in the morning and finished my breakfast, but I went into my room to watch TV. First of all, I turned on the computer and sat on the chair as if nothing had happened. After turning on the computer, I searched the TV and watched it. Somehow, the computer suddenly crashed. I thought it was me who broke the computer again, but it was really broken. Later, I unplugged the cable, disassembled the host and prepared it for research. After various debugging, I finally found out where the computer failed. It turned out that the power supply of the computer burned out, and then I went out and asked my father for a new power supply (my family runs a computer repair shop). Enter the room and replace the old power supply. But because I was in a hurry when I opened it, I didn't know how to install it back later. It was really beyond my comprehension, but I finally installed it back. At this time, my mother suddenly came in and asked me what happened. I told my mother what happened. My mother praised me as a little adult. Suddenly, my heart was really happy.

  From this incident, I understand that it is not difficult to transform things with hands, which also makes me know the happiness of labor.


  In my childhood, there are many joys. Every happy thing is worth cherishing and recalling. Today, I will talk about my childhood with you!

  In my childhood, I was also very happy to go to Fenghuangshan theme park in Ningbo. Last time, my father saw this place in the newspaper and said it was fun. I thought my father was spoiled, so my father agreed. Our cousins and uncles set out. Along the way, I thought to myself: which one shall we play later? Isn't it fun? I was elated and beaming. Just like this, thinking about it, I arrived unconsciously. I got out of the car, danced like a little rabbit, and jumped in. Ah! That's great.

  I look here and there. I want to play everywhere. We have two ways to play with our uncle soldiers. At first, we played crazy bus first. My cousin and I sat in a barrel. The game started, and every barrel started. The barrel began to turn again, turning left and right. My cousin and I were dizzy. When we came out, we bumped around like a headless fly, but fortunately, our mother was holding us.

  We just wanted to attack the next "target", but my uncle called. It turned out that my cousin wanted to play the pirate ship and waited in line for more than an hour, but my cousin was too small to play, so let's play. My cousin and I were overjoyed and went to play. The boat started and swung up and down. At first, it was very low and getting higher and higher. From top to bottom, the heart was very itchy. I hugged my father's hand hard, and it will soon be fine.

  This matter was very happy in my childhood.


  My childhood is colorful. There are many stories in my childhood, so I'll give you one of them!

  That happened when I went to the dance class. Although the story was full of sweat and tears, the most important thing was that it also brought me happiness.

  In the dance class, every night, either leg exercises or waist exercises. A difficult day is about to begin. First of all, of course, it is split leg. Split leg is the most difficult action in the dance. At first, I couldn't press straight. Again and again, sweat flowed down the hairline, and then tears couldn't help it. The teacher standing by also followed me hard. Seeing that I couldn't press well, he was also anxious. He kept asking me to insist again and again, and the mother who accompanied me to class kept cheering for me. But it still failed. The teacher said that this action must be practiced every day and persevered, not overnight. She asked her mother to take me home and continue to urge me to practice.

  When I got home, my mother asked me to stretch out my legs and lean against the wall according to the teacher's method. "Oops!" I shouted, and a burst of pain made me grin. Mom ran over and slowly helped me straighten my legs. Again and again, I feel relaxed gradually. At this time, mother said, "next, practice by yourself." But I took my mother and said, "Mom, don't go away." Mother said gently, "you can only win if you love to fight. You have to face any difficulties bravely."

  After listening to my mother's words, my heart warmed for a long time. At the critical moment, I gritted my teeth and finally succeeded. My legs finally stuck firmly to the wall. Suddenly I was ecstatic and shouted, "I succeeded, I succeeded!" Before the sweat was dry, tears came out again, but this time it was tears of joy.

  Although I suffered a lot, I realized the happiness of success in the process of practicing cheating. There are many such things in childhood. Every time I think of them, I always laugh involuntarily.


  Childhood life is like a kaleidoscope, red orange yellow green blue purple, colorful. Childhood life is like a seasoning box, with all kinds of flavors. Childhood life is like a wonderful film, full of joys and sorrows.

  Speaking of the happiest things in my childhood, I always can't forget the time when I ate at my grandmother's house during the Chinese New Year.

  I remember that it was noon when I finished my calligraphy class and came to my grandmother's house during the Chinese New Year. After the relatives came, we began to eat. I was still thinking in my heart, "who will come? Will my little sister come?" just after I finished thinking about it, my little sister came, wait! Wait! All the people who are coming are finally here. Let's start eating!

  There is no atmosphere when there is no wine at the Chinese New Year dinner. I take a small wine bottle to pour wine for the adults, and my little sister and I drink drinks. When we are having a good time, my grandfather changes my sprite and his wine. I pick up the glass and drink half in one breath. As soon as I finish drinking, my spicy mouth water and tears flow down together. After wiping my tears, I picked up sprite and drank it. However, I won't let Grandpa change his wine with my drink again, so I've been staring at my drink, staring and drinking. Everyone laughed when they saw it. I'm also surprised. I don't know what they laughed at? My little sister was surprised to see me! He said, "you're laughing to death while staring at the drink and eating like this." my little sister also made a funny mistake by imitating my movements. I couldn't help laughing, and my stomach hurt.

  There are many happy things in my childhood, which is just one of them, so my childhood is a colorful childhood, a happy childhood, a memorable childhood, although this happy time is slowly leaving me. But I believe that every bit of childhood will become the best memory in my life.


  Whenever I open the photo album and look at interesting photos, I feel how happy and happy my childhood is! There is a photo I particularly like. It's a photo of me and my mother boating. It makes me involuntarily enter the memory.

  It was the day of national day last year. My family went to Mianyang park to play. The park has beautiful scenery and a sea of people. Wherever you go, you can feel the thick festivity of the festival. When we came to the lake, many people rowed. I had never rowed before, so I shouted, "Mom and Dad, let's go boating!" Dad teased me and said, "aren't you afraid of falling into the water to feed the fish?" I patted my chest and said, "I'm not afraid. And you!" Mother smiled and said, "go! Go!" I took the money and jumped in line to buy tickets.

  I chose a red boat. I took my father's hand and got on the boat carefully. There were three handfuls of oars on the boat. My father held his hands and said to me, "son, it's up to you. Let's enjoy it." I think: Dad is testing me, so I can't let him look down on it. I picked up the oar, stretched into the water, and rowed back. The oar was light and easy to lift out of the water, but the boat didn't move. I rowed again, and the boat still didn't move. I was in a hurry and asked my father for help, but my father let me observe by myself. I looked at the boating uncle next to me, and then at myself. I finally understood that I had taken the wrong pulp. I happily told my parents what I thought, and they gave me a thumbs up. I proudly put the pulp into the water again, but I couldn't row. My mother kept cheering me on. I rowed with all my strength, and the boat finally moved a little. Later, my mother and I rowed one side, and we rowed faster and faster, and surpassed the boat next to us. We couldn't close our mouths with laughter. With a "click", this happy moment was recorded.

  Photos record my happy childhood, so I like it and cherish it more! I think there will be more happiness waiting for us in our childhood!


  Look at the cute girl with big eyes and a pigtail in the photo. It's me. At that time, I was only 3 years old and studying in kindergarten. In the photo, I was playing happily with a "duck wheel" in one hand and a toy mobile phone in the other hand!

  There is a happy corner in the kindergarten, which is full of toys: crayons, plasticine, puzzles. Usually I have to play at the specified time in class. I'm looking at the happy corner eagerly, and I really want to play more. After school, my mother came to pick me up. I wanted to play for a while, and my mother readily agreed.

  Looking at the toy in front of me, I couldn't wait to pick up the wave drum and hit it "Dong Dong". As soon as I looked down and saw the mobile phone toy, I grabbed the mobile phone and pressed it. While randomly pulling numbers, laughing. I'm very happy to hear the sound from my mobile phone. At this time, I saw the "duck wheel" again, so I put the wave drum aside and rolled the "little duck" running around the classroom. My mother reluctantly said to me, "be careful, don't fall!" I answered happily, "yes." My cheerful voice echoed in the classroom.

  My mother looked at me and said, "look up and smile!" I knew my mother was going to take a picture of me. I wanted to make a face, but when I looked up, my mother had pressed the shutter. "Click." My happy appearance will remain in the picture forever.

  Whenever I see this picture, I still think of these things. When I went to kindergarten, my mother would always meet my wishes and accompany me to play heartily in the kindergarten until the doorman closed the door and cleared the room at the top of his voice. Then I took my mother's hand and left the kindergarten bouncing.

  Ah, how happy my childhood was!


  Childhood is happy and beautiful. In my eyes, childhood is also memorable.

  One day, my brother and I went to our hometown to play. Sometimes, we will go to the fields, sometimes, we will go to the bamboo garden, and we will go to the lake to play.

  Finally, my brother and I decided to catch fish. As soon as we got to the pond, I saw a small puddle.

  I immediately ran over, thinking that I had just watched TV with my grandpa and saw Liu Xiang hurdle. That posture was so handsome! As I thought about it, I made Liu Xiang's action and jumped forward, "Pooh", and fell into the puddle. Suddenly, I splashed a lot of dirty water on my body. My brother saw my embarrassed appearance and hurried to run over and pull me out of the puddle.

  My brother said to me, "I want to be Liu Xiang again. First get up and go home and change clothes. Don't catch a cold." But I just don't agree. So I immediately started the second operation. This time, I learned from my previous experience. I ran from a distance for a while, jumped, jumped a long way, and I shouted, "it's successful, Ouye, long live!" However, the tragedy came again. Instead of jumping into the water, I jumped into a nearby well with another "poof". Fortunately, the water in the well is not deep, otherwise my life may be lost.

  Although this matter has been criticized by my mother, I am still more interesting. It wants a little star light shining on my colorful childhood.


  I always dream about returning to the past. As many people say, childhood is the happiest and easiest time in one’s life. Children show you their true emotions.

  They know what is compassion and what is tolerance better than adults.

  In their world, all real thoughts are presented.

  They may easily have different opinions with others, but they never understand what is animosity.

  They enjoy making friends but they never think about making social communication net. Every child talks from the bottom of his heart without evil plans hidden and never intrigues against each other.

  Only in children’s way can adults make our life simple, more real and more enjoyable.

  I wish everyone’s heart would keep as innocent and lovely as they ever did in their childhood. Then, the walls between our hearts can be broken down and the world would be a better place to live in.


  Childhood life is so unforgettable. Toys, games, friends and innocence are all what we had when we were very young. Now you may climb to work, or you may be in primary school, middle school, high school or even college. Can you still remember what your childhood was like? I don't know what your childhood is like, but I know my childhood. My childhood is a happy childhood.

  Although there are many photos of my childhood, they can only be remembered. The best way to remember my childhood is to play a happy song, and then slowly think about the happiest things in your childhood. When I tried this method, I found that the happiest thing in childhood is not just playing, but playing with your classmates or family. When you have nothing to do, you can play for a while or find your friends and classmates to have fun together. Do you know that nature is playing with you? They play with you four seasons a year, but they just provide us with the environment, so you have to rely on yourself to play. I fly kites in spring, and I can also go for outings and barbecues. Well, don't bake bird flu food during barbecue. In summer, you can go swimming or have water fights. Do you want to play just thinking about it? In autumn, you can harvest food and look at the fallen leaves. In winter, you can have snowball fights and make a snowman.

  Our childhood is beautiful, "cherish childhood".
