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【CET6】【电脑用户】→点击进入免费试听>>四六级考试课程! 京杭大运河(the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal)是中国古代劳动人民创造的一项伟大工程。有着2500多年历史的大运河是世界上最古老、工程、里程最长的运河。春秋时期(the Spring and Autumn Period), 吴国(the State of Wu)开凿了从扬州到淮安的运河。后来历经几个朝代的翻修扩建,才形成现今的京杭大运河,运河北通北京南至杭州,全长约1794公里。它对中国南北地区经济、文化发展与交流起了巨大作用。
The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is a great project created by working peopple in and it China.With a histoiy of more than 2,500 years, it is the longest,largest,and the most ancient canal in the world.In the Spring and Autumn Period,the State of Wu dug a canal from Yangzhou to Huai'an, Later on, the canal had been successively restored and expanded in several dynasties to the existing Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.The Grand Canal reached Beijing in the north and extended to Hangzhou in the south with a length of about 1,794 km.It has been playing a veiy important in promoting the economic and cultural developments and exchanges between the north and the south areas in China.