School teachers should be required to take courses every five years to update their knowledge. 解析: 这个题目是一个“应不应该的问题”,波波老师建议大家使用“总分总”的结构,这样结构清晰,观点明确。我们的观点是同意,只需要去想这种做法两个好处就好。 思路同意: 1.对老师好,可以增强老师的能力School teachers should take courses every five years to update their knowledge for improving the quality and ability of teachers, especially the improvement of teaching methods and operation of advanced teaching instrument.进行定期培训有助于教学方法的转变(immersed teaching method, grammar teaching method, Video audio method)和教学仪器的使用,(电脑,多媒体) 老师的名声会随着教学能力的提升而增强,有助于未来职业的发展 2.对学生好,不仅可以给学生最新的知识,而且采用最适合学生的方法,培养学生的学习兴趣。Requiring teachers to update their knowledge can impart students the most updated knowledge as well as adopt more suitable teaching pedagogy for students. 一方面,知识随着社会的发展在不断更新和变化,所以老师作为知识传递者有义务向学生保证知识的准确性。 另一方面,教学方法的提升可以培养学生的学习兴趣从而让孩子养成自学的习惯。 比如说一个天文学老师如果了解希腊神话的话,可以在教授八大行星的名称的时候,结合神话里的人物名称来让学生的更好的学习,而且可以增强学生对天文学的兴趣。 3.让步,五年一学习的话会占用老师的休闲时间,影响他们的休息和上课效率。但是此说法并不成立,因为五年进修一次占用的时间没有那么多,所以也不会产生很大影响。 类似题目: Parents should not express their disagreement to the teacher if parents find the teaching method is not right? 必备词句: 1.Trial and error 试错法 The revision of practical science, in particular, is through the process of trial and error. 2.Have the obligation to guarantee the accuracy of 有义务保证…的准确性 Given the updates and changes of knowledge with the development of society, teachers, the mediator of information, have the obligation to guarantee the accuracy of what they taught. 3.Take regular training 进行定期培训 Taking regular training contributes to the transformation of English teacher’s teaching approach from traditional cramming pedagogy to video audio method. 4.Cultivate/foster/develop the interest in 培养在…的兴趣 The improvement of teaching pedagogy can help students foster their interest in learning certain subjects and thus get into the self-learning habit.