BEIJING, Oct. 24 -- The central parity rate of the Chinese yuan weakened to a six-year low against the U.S. dollar on Monday. 北京,10月24日--本周一,人民币兑美元中央利率平价跌至6年来最低点。 The central parity rate of the Chinese currency renminbi, or the yuan, weakened 132 basis points to 6.7690 against the U.S. dollar Monday, according to the China Foreign Exchange Trade System. 据中国外汇交易中心表示,本周一人民币中央汇率平价下跌了132个基点,降到了1美元兑换6.7690人民币。 It was the weakest level since September 2010 as increased market expectations for an interest rate hike in the United States led to a stronger dollar. 这一汇率是自从2010年9月份以来的最低水平,其原因是因为市场广泛预期美元将会加息,从而使得美元更加坚挺。 In China’s spot foreign exchange market, the yuan is allowed to rise or fall by 2 percent from the central parity rate each trading day. 在中国即期外汇交易市场,每个交易日人民币允许波动偏离中央汇率平价2个百分点。 The central parity rate of the yuan against the U.S. dollar is based on a weighted average of prices offered by market makers before the opening of the interbank market each business day. 人民币兑美元中央利率平价是基于加权平均价格而产生的,每个交易日在银行同业拆放市场开放之前,市商都会都会提供这一数据。 The recent yuan depreciation can be attributed to a stronger dollar, said Wang Chunying, spokesman for the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, said at a press conference on Friday. 在上周五的一场新闻发布会上,中国国家外汇管理局发言人王春英(音)表示说,最近人民币的贬值是由美元走高所引起的。 Wang said that China’s exchange rate mechanism has become more market-oriented and transparent which led to higher volatility for the yuan. 据王春英表示说,中国的汇率机制已经变得更加以市场为中心、更加透明,这就使得人民币的波动性更大。 Analysts believed despite short-term volatility from a stronger dollar, the yuan will maintain overall stability and the chance for a sharp depreciation is slim, backed by stable economic growth, balanced fiscal condition and ample foreign exchange reserves. 分析人士则认为,尽管人民币遭到美元走高影响而产生短期波动,但是人民币整体上将会保持稳定,而且人民币大幅贬值的可能性也很小,其原因是因为人民币背后有中国经济的平稳增长、平衡的财政状况、以及充足的外汇储备做支撑。
2018考研英语拓展阅读:美元加息 人民币汇率跌至6年来最低.doc