
时间:2021-08-18 10:44:57 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。那么你有了解过作文吗?以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Spring is coming, and the campus becomes more beautiful! Look, how beautiful the green grass on the lawn is, and how colorful the flowers on the grass are!

  The little guard came to the playground and saw Xiaoli eating banana peel. In the twinkling of an eye, Xiaoli threw the banana peel on the playground. The little guard saw it and said seriously: Xiaoli, please throw the garbage into the trash can. Xiaoli said carelessly: why? Because you want to protect the campus environment. The little guard said seriously, and Xiao Li said: why should I listen to you? If everyone is like you, will our campus be so beautiful? The little guard said calmly: pick it up! Xiao Li picked it up in shame.

  The campus has become more beautiful and beautiful.


  Dear students

  The earth provides us with all kinds of resources free of charge, but we destroy her recklessly for a little petty profit. As the article "there is only one earth" said, "we can no longer expect to destroy the earth and move to other planets. If the earth dies, the fate that comes to the earth will eventually come to mankind.

  When you study in this beautiful campus and work hard for our bright future, I believe every one of our students is eager to have a clean campus, healthy life, green and a good living environment. The school is a place for educating people. Environmental education is one of the basic means to improve our ideological and moral quality and scientific and cultural quality. Establishing an energy-saving and environment-friendly campus is not only the need of the school's own development, but also the due social responsibility of our middle school students. In order to strengthen everyone's awareness of environmental protection and make the campus and class environment cleaner and beautiful, In favor of creating a green and harmonious campus environment, our "campus environmental protection volunteer" activity group earnestly puts forward the following suggestions to teachers and students:

  1. Establish the concept of green civilization, consciously care about environmental conditions, and regard personal environmental protection behavior as an integral part of personal civilization cultivation.

  2. Do not litter, peel and paper scraps, do not spit, do not pick every plant on the campus at will, and take good care of the public green space.

  3. Take good care of instruments, equipment and public property, keep the equipment in good condition, and minimize damage and maintenance.

  4. Save water, cherish water resources and reduce water pollution; Save electricity, make sure that the lights are off when people walk, do not turn on the lights when the light is sufficient, avoid the occurrence of "daytime lights" and "long-term lights", and shut down the computer in the microcomputer room in time after use.

  5. Save paper, use less napkins and draft paper on both sides as much as possible.

  6. Live frugally, do not waste food and leftovers at will, and cultivate good living habits.

  7. Try to use less plastic bags and disposable paper cups and plastic cups.

  8. Starting from me, I call on all students to establish environmental awareness and contribute to the creation of a green and harmonious campus.

  "Looking through the country and home of the past sages, diligence and thrift lead to success and extravagance lead to failure". The Chinese nation has always advocated economy. Parents and teachers have repeatedly emphasized environmental protection. Let us unshirkable undertake our respective missions, establish environmental awareness, develop the habit of saving resources, start from me, start from now, start from small things, and strive to build an environment-friendly and harmonious campus! As long as we all start from the little things around us, protect and cherish our campus, the campus can show a youthful smile! Let's make the only learning place, the only knowledge paradise more beautiful!


  Who doesn't want the lush grass? Who doesn't want to sit on the grass and enjoy the sun? Who doesn't want leisure books on the green lawn? Now the school provides us with everything, but the white plastic bag is occasionally blown by the strong wind. Whose fault is this? This is our fault. We should enhance our awareness of environmental protection and create a green campus.

  One day, I saw a piece of information on environmental protection on my computer. The information shows that with the development of industrialization and the rapid growth of the world population, the earth's environment has been destroyed unprecedentedly, resulting in air pollution, climate deterioration, depletion of the ozone layer, depletion of fresh water resources, pollution of rivers, lakes and marine environment, land degradation, loss of forests, sharp decline of biodiversity Acid deposition, the spread of harmful and toxic substances, the spread of diseases and other similar problems have seriously affected the improvement of human quality of life, and even threatened human survival.

  After reading this information, I was shocked. I felt that it was urgent to strengthen environmental education and improve people's awareness of environmental protection. Environmental protection is closely related to everyone. We should start from the small things around us, such as: if the faucet is not closed tightly, tighten it immediately. We should know that if a faucet leaks a drop of water in one second, 360t of water will drop in a year; Every 1m3 less water is used, 0.6 ~ 0.7m3 less sewage will be discharged; Use less or no disposable chopsticks, otherwise many trees will be "sacrificed"; Whenever the festival comes, try not to send greeting cards to each other. You know, 4000 greeting cards will cut down a big tree! Waste paper must not be thrown around. A ton of waste paper can be recycled into 800kg good paper, which can cut down 17 trees less, save 3m3 landfill space, and do not climb flowers and trees or trample on the lawn; Save water, electricity and food; Do not use tableware that pollutes the environment; Do not throw garbage and paper scraps at will; Choose green food and use degradable plastic bags to reduce the pollution of municipal solid waste; Choose to use phosphorus free washing powder and recycled paper to reduce water pollution; Care for the surrounding environment and participate in the classified recycling of waste batteries; Do not make noise at will, and do not make noise in public places......

  I have heard that college students have the advantage of high education and shoulder the important responsibility of future construction, that is, environmental protection. We contemporary primary school students also have the responsibility and obligation to make some contributions to environmental protection and do our part. We must first "dress up" our home - campus. Take good care of every plant, brick and stone on the campus, and let the grass and flowers in the school dress up our home more beautiful! Do not speak in class, be polite, modest and tolerant, and create a harmonious and civilized dormitory environment, class environment and campus environment.

  "Build a green, harmonious and civilized campus!" Not empty slogans, but real actions. Let's take action immediately! We are the masters of the 21st century. We should establish a sense of responsibility for the times. Don't litter everywhere; Bend over to pick up peel and paper scraps; Take a few more steps. Don't walk through the flowers and grass and trample on the green space“ Don't be good and don't be evil. "Start with me, start from childhood, start from your side, and start from now on. Let the slogan become our real action!

