
时间:2022-05-28 22:09:17 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
1. 你起床早吗?

Are you an early riser?

2. 这只母鸡很会下蛋. The hen is a good layer.

3. 他父亲适量饮酒

His father is a moderate drinker.

4. 她喜欢穿异性的衣服 She is a cross dresser.

5. 海伦酷爱中国文学

Hellen is an ardent lover of Chinese literature.

6. 他的不负责任的话应该受到批评

His irresponsible remarks deserve criticism.

7. 他自己错了却把责任推到别人身上

He himself was in the wrong, but he laid the blame on others.

8. 不要在他背后说坏话,你应该当面批评他

You should criticize him to his face. Don't speak ill of him behind his back.

9. 在那个丑闻之后,他就成了批评的对象

After that scandal, he has been the target of criticism.

10. 在过去的20年当中,他的家乡已经变得认不出来了

In the past twenty years, his hometown has changed beyond recognition.

11. 让我们轮流看护孩子

Let's take turns watching over the children while they play.

12. 一旦你从大学毕业,你当经历人生的起伏

Once you graduate from college, you will experience the ups and downs of life.

13. 我原来打算和你一块去的,转念一想我改变了主意

I intended to go with you ,but on second thoughts I changed my mind.

14. 如果你使用粗俗的语言,人们就会认为你没有教养

If you use vulgar language, people will think that you are ill-bred.

15. 在那家公司,他不能发挥自己的特长,因此他辞职了

In that company he couldn't make the most of himself, so he quit the job.

16. 在战斗中,人们暴露出自己的真面目,他们滥杀无辜

In the battle, people revealed their true nature; they killed the innocent mercilessly.

17. 我长大将做一个医生,这个是世代相处的

I'm going to be a doctor when I grow up, it runs in my family.

18. 他所做的工作是无所指责

The work he has done is above reproach.

19. 这个年轻人将通过在军队的经验变得成熟

This young man will grow mature though his experience in the army.

20. 我不想雇佣他,他干什么事情都半途而废

I won't employ himhe does everything in a half-way manner.

21. 他对会议的准备完美无缺

The preparations that he made for the meeting leave nothing to be desired.

22. 他这个人性格随和能和各种人相处

He has a well-rounded personalityhe can get along with people of various backgrounds.

23. 在地震当中,他保持冷静,安全地把孩子带出去

During the earthquake, he kept his head and led the children out safely.

24. 我们必须相处一个解决争端的办法 We must figure out a way to settle the dispute.

25. 在这个事情上没有什么妥协的余地

There is no room for compromise in the matter.

26. 他们没有能够达成协议,因为他们拒绝相互让步

They didn't reach an agreement, because they refused to make mutual concessions.

27. 他不会不同意他们的决定,他已学会了随大流

He wouldn't disagree with their decision, because he has learnt how to swim with the tide.

28. 他这个人有犯罪前科,我不想雇佣他 He has a criminal past, I wouldn't hire him

29. 已经证明被告被诬告了

It has been proved that the defendant was falsely accused.

30. 由于有其他人承认了,我的当事人洗清罪名

Since someone else confessed , my client was cleared of his charge.

31. 他通过非法手段,搞到了那些有价值的债券 He secured the valuable bonds by illegal means.

32. 他通过证明犯罪发生不在现场,他是无辜的

He proved his innocence with his alibi when the crime was committed.
