
时间:2022-05-28 22:09:19 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



______________________________________________________________________ 2.李先生太忙,不能来看比赛了。

______________________________________________________________________ 3.在地图上很容易找到我们学校。

______________________________________________________________________ 4.他们尽力想逃跑。

______________________________________________________________________ 5.我们别无选择,只能放弃旅行计划。

______________________________________________________________________ (二)


______________________________________________________________________ 2.你父亲给了你什么作为生日礼物?

______________________________________________________________________ 3.没有人能确保通过这次考试。

______________________________________________________________________ 4.房间里一定很冷,因为她在发抖。

______________________________________________________________________ 5[2011.苏州]我们的作业必须准时交。

______________________________________________________________________ (三)


______________________________________________________________________ 2.他已经结婚20年了。

______________________________________________________________________ 3[2011.苏州]我希望将来当一名像她一样的老师。

______________________________________________________________________ 4.她声音太小,没人能听见。

______________________________________________________________________ 5.昨天妈妈在洗衣服时,我在听音乐

______________________________________________________________________ (四)


______________________________________________________________________ 2.在他们随着音乐跳舞时,我们都在鼓掌。

______________________________________________________________________ 3[2011.苏州]我们新来的英语老师年轻、漂亮、有耐心。

______________________________________________________________________ 4.这些漂亮的发卡非常配她的衬衫。

______________________________________________________________________ 5.他们的衣服五彩缤纷,以至于我不停地拍照片。

______________________________________________________________________ (五)


______________________________________________________________________ 2.飞机起飞的时候噪音很可怕。

______________________________________________________________________ 3.他时不时地感到孤独。

______________________________________________________________________ 4.表演者都穿着不同的戏服。

______________________________________________________________________ 5.她课上得好,课后经常给我们很多帮助。

______________________________________________________________________ (六)


______________________________________________________________________ 2.三年前语文是由王老师教的。

______________________________________________________________________ 3.我们的城市发生了很大的变化。

______________________________________________________________________ 4.我认为上周末他们过得不愉快。

______________________________________________________________________ 5.他从车上摔下,并受了伤。

______________________________________________________________________ (七)


______________________________________________________________________ 2.学生们正在打扫教室,是吗?

______________________________________________________________________ 3.你知道你爷爷多大年纪吗?

______________________________________________________________________ 4.下星期将有一场精彩的足球比赛。

______________________________________________________________________ 5---格林先生来这所学校有多久了? ---3年半了。

______________________________________________________________________ ()

1. That museum was built eight years ago.

2. The students are cleaning the classroom, aren't they? 3. Do you know how old your grandpa is?

4. There's going to be a wonderful football match next week. ( There'll be a wonderful football match next week.) 5. - How long has Mr. Green been at this school?

- For three and a half years( For three years and a half).


1. Something must be done to prevent the earth from being polluted.

2. Chinese was taught by Miss Wang three years ago./Miss Wang taught us Chinese three years ago.

3. Great changes have taken place in our city.

4. I don't think they enjoyed themselves last weekend. 5. He fell off the bike and hurt himself.


1. She asks us to spend at least an hour a day leaning English. 2. The noise was terrible when the plane took off. . 3. He feels lonely from time to time. 4. The performers wore different costumes.

5. She teaches well and often gives us a lot of help after class. ' ()

1. I haven’t written to him since last year.

2. We were clapping while they were dancing to the music. 3. Our new English teacher is young, beautiful and patient. 4. The fancy hair clips match well with her blouse.

5. Their clothes were so colorful that I couldn't stop taking photos. ()

1. Now the place has turned into a park.

2. He has been married for 20 years.

3. I hope to be a teacher like her in the future. 4. Her voice is so low that nobody can hear her.

5. I was listening to music while mother was doing some washing yesterday. ()

1. How many of you have traveled to France?

2. What did your father give you as the birthday present? 3. Nobody is sure to pass the exam.

4. It must be cold in the room for she is shaking. 5. Our homework must be handed in on time. ()

1. Walk straight on, and turn right at the second turning. ( take the second turning on the right.)

2. Mr. Li is too busy to come and watch the game. 3. It is very easy to find our school on the map. 4. They tried their best to run away.

5. We had/have no choice but to give up the travel plan/the plan for the trip.
