【如果有来生】【If I had a next life】 作者:三毛 翻译:Gwen 如果有来生,要做一棵树, If I had a next life, I would like to be a tree, 站成永恒,没有悲欢的姿势; standing eternally, in a posture without happiness and sorrow. 一半在尘土里安详, 一半在风里飞扬; Half would lie beneath the earth, peacefully. Half would dance with the wind, joyfully. 一半洒落荫凉, 一半沐浴阳光。 Half would scatter shading, willingly. Half would bathe in the sunshine, warmly. 非常沉默、非常骄傲。 从不依靠、从不寻找。 So quiet and proud were I, and never would I cling and search. 【作者】 三毛,原名陈懋平,中国现代作家,代表作有《撒哈拉的故事》、《哭泣的骆驼》、《雨季不再来》、《温柔的夜》、《梦里花落知多少》、《背影》、《我的宝贝》等。其之所以在中国知名,一半在文字,一半在她独特壮阔的生活方式。白先勇曾评价:“三毛创造了一个充满传奇色彩瑰丽的浪漫世界;里面有大起大落生死相许的爱情故事,引人入胜不可思议的异国情调,非洲沙漠的驰骋,拉丁美洲原始森林的探幽——这些常人所不能及的人生经验造就了海峡两岸的青春偶像。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/03df33371b5f312b3169a45177232f60dccce7f4.html