
时间:2022-07-04 16:36:27 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

ng grain without limitations at protective prices

把处理事与处理人结合起来integrate the handling of cases with the handling of violators

把有限的资金用在“刀刃上”use our limited funds where they can be put to best use 保持经济适度快速增长maintain an appropriate rapid economic growth

保监会the China Insurance Regulatory Commission

保证国家的长治久安guarantee China's long-term stability

保证社会公共需要guarantee social needs

保证这些项目如期建成并发挥效益ensure that these projects are completed according to schedule and yield economic returns

避免形成倒逼机制、欲罢不能The uncompleted projects cannot drag on and on and reuire excessive investment.

不合法、不合理基金和收费项目illegal and unjustifiable funds and charges

不会导致货币过量发行without cau
