
时间:2022-08-19 13:52:48 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


II.GrammarandvocabularySectionA 1

The mamabear instinct

Ms Angela McQueen a math and PE teacher at Mattoon High School Illinois has a routine when

she's on lunchmonitoring duty She 1 keep an eye on the hundreds of students in her charge by walking laps(圈) around the school cafeteria

In September 2017 McQueen then 40 had hardly finished one lap 2 a 14yearold freshman standing not far from her pulled out a gun She knew too well that he was going to start shooting

School employees3 trainon how to handle active shootersAttack their ability4 aim So with the shooter's finger on the trigger McQueen rushed to him 5 grab at his arm she forced the gun into the air but not 6 he struck one student in the hand and chest and hurt another As students ran for the exits McQueen defeated the shooter with help from the school resource officer 7 disarmed the student and took him into imprisonment until police arrived minutes later Afterward McQueen went outside to give hugs and support to her shaken students "It's the mamabear instinct" she told the local paper "I don't have kids of my own but these are still8 ' kids"

9 McQueen a story that has played out tragically at far too many schools across the country had a relatively happy ending "If it hadn't been for her the situation would have been a lot different" Police Chief Jeff Branson said at a news conference

As one 10 impress student told CBS News "Mr McQueen is our heroine" SectionB 2


Photography is often perceived as an objective and therefore unbiased medium for documenting and

preserving historic moments and national and world histories and for visualizing and narrating news stories

But the choices made by a photographer including how the image is 1 what is left in or out of the frame and how it may be cropped edited or otherwise altered after it is taken introduce a pointofview into the photograph and 2 impact how we receive and understand images Such considerations raise critical questions about how willingly we accept any one photograph as a reflection of 3 truth

Photographs can bear 4 to history and even serve as catalysts(催化剂)for change They can foster sympathy and raise awareness or5 offer critical commentary on historical people places and events Throughout the history of the medium photographers have aimed to capture the essence of events they saw with their own eyesthough the question of the trustworthiness of their images is always up for debate

Though Dorothea Lange had been operating a successful portrait studio in San Francisco since 1919she was moved by the homeless people as the Great Depression began to take its toll and she started photographing them These photographs led to her being hired by the federal Farm Security AdministrationFSA formed to raise awareness of and provide aid to poor farmersLange closely identified with the FSA's mission which was to6 the effects of the Depression on Americans bringing attention to their struggles so that such events would never recur Due in part to her work with the FSA Lange became known as a pioneer of documentary photography a 7 she disliked because she felt the term did not reflect the passionate social motivations that fueled her work

Dorothea Lange took this photograph Migrant Mother Nipomo California in 1936 while employed

by the FSA program In Nipomo California Lange came across Florence Owens Thompson and her children in a camp filled with field workers whose livelihoods were devastated by the failure of the pea crops Recalling her encounter with Thompson years later she said "I saw and approached the hungry and desperate mother I do not remember how I explained my8 or my camera to her but I do remember she asked me no


questions I made five exposures working closer and closer from the same direction" One photograph from that shoot now known as Migrant Mother was widely9 to magazines and newspapers and became a symbol of the plight of migrant farm workers during the Great Depression

As Lange described Thompson's situation "She and her children had been living on frozen vegetables

from the field Yet they could not move on for she had just sold the tires from the car to buy food" HoweverThompson later 10 Lange's account When a reporter interviewed her in the 1970s she insisted that she and Lange did not speak to each other nor did she sell the tires of her car Thompson said that Lange had either confused her for another farmer or embellished(渲染) what she had understood of her situation in order to make a better story

III.ReadingcomprehensionSectionA 3

Vast parts of Earth should be left wild

To avoid mass extinctions of plants and animals governments should protect a third of the oceans and

land by 2030 and half by 2050 with a focus on areas of high biodiversity So say leading biologists in an

editorial in the journal Science

This isn't just about saving biodiverse areas says Jonathan Baillie of the National Geographic Societyone of the authors It is also about saving ourselves by protecting 1 natural systems or ecosystemsand their benefits to us known as ecosystem services "We are learning that the large areas that remain are important for providing services for all life The forests for example are 2 for absorbing and storing carbon" says Baillie At present just 3.6 per cent of the planet's oceans and 14.7 per cent of land is protected by law At the 2010 Nagoya Conference of the Convention on Biological Diversity governments agreed to protect 10 per cent of the oceans and 17 per cent of land by 2020 But this isn't nearly enough says Baillie In the editorial he and his coauthor YaPing Zhang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences want governments to set much bigger 3


at the next major conference on biodiversity in 2020

"We have to enormously4 our ambition if we want to avoid an extinction crisis and if we want to maintain the ecosystem services that we5 benefit from" says Baillie "The trends are in a 6 direction it's just we have to move much faster" It is hard to work out how much space is needed to preserve biodiversity and ecosystem7 the pair say because there is so much we don't know about life on Earth like how many species there are

8 most estimates suggest that between 25 and 75 percent of high biodiversity regions or major ecosystems should be protectedThereforewe including governmentsshould be9 when setting goals and strategies

"There is no doubt that we need far more land and sea10 for conserving and retaining nature"says James Watson at the University of Queensland in Australia "Targets like 50 per cent are in the right ball park when it comes to the minimal11 of area needed to conserve biodiversity"

But Watson and others stress that which areas get protected is even more important than the overall percentage "The key thing is to protect the right areas" says Jose Montoya of the Station for Theoretical and Experimental Ecology in Moulis France "If we 12 protect a proportion of the territorygovernments will likely protect what's easy and that's usually areas of 13 biodiversity and ecosystem service provision"

In fact a third of the 3.6 percent of land that is already meant to be protected is actually being 14 Watson's team reported last month So only15 areas to be protected isn't enough

1A stricter 2A unique 3A examples 4A increase 5A barely 6A opposite

B wider B sufficient B values B achieve B currently B fixed

C safer C critical C awards C lack C roughly C complex

D simpler D fit D objectives D frustrate D thoroughly D positive


7A approaches 8A Therefore 9A concerned 10A deserted 11A damage 12A completely 13A mass 14A exploited 15A developing SectionB

B management B Furthermore B changeable B secured B cost B merely B tropical B expanded B covering

C benefits C However C firm C measured C amount C virtually C marine C restored C declaring

D degradation D Otherwise D cautious D distributed D standard D desperately D low D discovered D utilizing

4The summer I turned 16 my father gave me his 69 Chevy Malibu convertible(敞篷车) Beautifully

repainted with V8 engineit was a gift wasted on me at that age What did I know about classic cars The important thing was that Hannah and I could drive around Tucson with the top down

Hannah was my best friend a year younger but much taller almost five foot ten "Hannah's going to

be something" my mother always said And sure enough that summer she signed with a modeling agency

She was already doing catalog and runway work

A month after my birthday Hannah and I went to the movies On the way home we stopped at the McDonald's drivethrough putting the fries on the seat between us to share "Let's ride around awhile" I said It was a clear night ovenwarm full moon cast low over the desert Taking a curve too fast I hit a patch of dirt and slid from side to side I then cut through a neighbor's landscape wall and drove into a fullgrown palm The front wheels came to rest halfway up the tree trunk French fries on the floor the dashand my lap An impossible amount of blood on Hannah's face pieces of skin hanging into her eyes They took us in separate ambulances In the emergency room my parents spoke


quietly Best plastic surgeon in the city End of her modeling career

We'd been wearing leg belts but the car didn't have shoulder bands I'd damaged my cheekbone on the wheel Hannah's forehead had split wide open on the dash What would I say to her When her motherSharon came into my hospital room I started to cry preparing myself for her anger She sat beside me and took my hand "I hit my best friend's car in the rear when I was your age" she said "I wrecked her car and mine" "I'm so sorry" I said"You're both alive" she said "The rest is windowdressing" I started to protest and Sharon stopped me "I forgive you Hannah will too"

Sharon's forgiveness allowed Hannah and me to get back in the car together that summer to stay friends throughout high school and college to be in each other's weddings and to watch my four teenagers get along with her three younger children I think of her gift of forgiveness every time I'm tempted to blame someone in a secret for something recognized as wrong And whenever I see Hannah the scars are so faded that no one else would noticebut in the sunlight I can still see the faint shimmer(微光)just below her hairlinefor me a sign of grace

1Which of the following about Hannah is TRUE according to the passage A She was not as badly injured as the author B She never really forgave me though her mother did C She learned the gift of forgiveness through the accident

D She could have been a model if she hadn't experienced the accident 2In paragraph 4 "window dressing" is closest in meaning to " " A insignificant B colorful C undetermined D hopeful

3According to the passage Sharon comforted the author by A showing her own scar B mentioning her own story C visiting the author in person


D teaching the author a personal lesson

4Which of the following might be the best title of the article A A Graceful Friend B A Lasting Friendship C A Lucky Car Accident D The Gift of Forgiveness

5Making these easy tasks part of your morning schedule will improve your nutrition energy and mood

todayand beyond 600 am STRETCH IN BED

Try this even before you open your eyes Lift one arm and begin by stretching each finger then your

hand then your wrist and then your whole arm Move on to the other arm Then stretch your toes feetankles and legs Finally end with a neck and back stretch that propels you out of bed You've just limbered up your muscles and joints and enhanced blood flow throughout your body providing a shot of oxygen to all your tissues Take up the entire length of the bed when you stretch According to Harvard University psychologist Amy Cuddy this display of power is typical of a bold person making you feel more confident all day long 700 am


Working out before you eat researchers say encourages your body to burn more fat for energy rather

than relying on carbohydrates from food In a Journal of Physiology study participants who exercised after breakfast still gained weight as did a control group who didn't exercise but those who exercised on an empty stomach did not Moreover research from the University of Vermont shows that the moodenhancing benefits of a 20minute workout can last for 12 hours a boost you'll want to enjoy all day long BREAK YOUR FAST TWICE

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so why not have two A study published


in the journal Pediatric Obesity tracked the weight and breakfasteating patterns of 584 students over two years They found that frequent breakfast skippers showed increased odds of becoming overweight or obese compared with those who ate two breakfasts one at home and one at school The sensible takeaway If you eat more in the morning you'll be less likely to snack at night when it's harder to burn off calories 800 am


In a 2015 study researchers asked one group of participants to watch just three minutes of positivesolutionsfocused news such as a video of a 70yearold man who got his graduation certificate after failing the test dozens of times These participants were 27 percent more likely to report a few hours later that their day had been "happy" than people who watched negative news in the morning Study author Gielan also cited substantial evidence that negative moods affect workplace performance

Voila! You've improved your state of mind your health and your productivityall before the weekday

has even begun Now you're ready to conquer your todo list for today and every day

1The article is written to A give professional guidance on keeping fit B reveal some research results about health

C put forward several suggestions for morning routines D offer some tips on how to improve workplace performance

2It is suggested that you should occupy the entire bed when you stretch because it especially

A increases your confidence B helps you out of bed easily C stimulates your blood circulation D has an effect on your overall health

3Who is least likely to gain weight according to the article A Those who skip breakfasts frequently


B Those who do morning stretching in bed C Those who have double breakfasts in the morning D Those who have their breakfast before morning exercise

6What is the single most effective way to reduce greenhousegas emissions Go vegetarian Replant the

Amazon Cycle to work None of the above The answer is make airconditioners radically better On one calculation replacing refrigerants(制冷剂) that damage the atmosphere would reduce total greenhouse gases by the equivalent of 90bn tons of CO2 by 2050 Making the units more energyefficient could double that

Airconditioning is one of the world's great overlooked industries Automobiles and airconditioners were invented at roughly the same time and both have had a huge impact on where people live and work

Unlike cars though airconditioners have drawn little criticism for their social impact emissions or energy efficiency Most hot countries do not have rules to govern their energy use

Yet airconditioning has done quite a lot of things to benefit humankind It has transformed productivity in the tropics and helped turn southern China into the workshop of the world In Europeits spread has pushed down heatrelated deaths ten times less than what it was in 2003 when around 70000 people most of them elderly died in a heatwave For children airconditioned classrooms and dormitories are associated with better grades at school

Environmentalists who call airconditioning "a luxury we cannot afford" have half a point however

In the next ten years as many airconditioners will be installed around the world as were put in between

1902when airconditioning was inventedand 2005 Until energy can be produced without carbon emissions these extra machines will warm the world At the moment therefore airconditioners create a vicious cycle The more the Earth warms the more people need them But the more there are the warmer the world will be

Cutting the impact of cooling requires three thingsbeyond turning up the thermostat(温



make rooms less Arctic First airconditioners must become much more efficient The most energyefficient models on the market today consume only about onethird as much electricity as average ones

Minimum energyperformance standards need to be raisedor introduced in countries that lack them altogether to push the average unit's performance closer to the standard of the best Nextmanufactures should stop using damaging refrigerantsOne category of thesehydrofluorocarbons is over 1000 times worse than carbon dioxide when it comes to trapping heat in the atmosphere An international deal to phase out these pollutants called the Kigali amendment will come into force in 2019 Footdraggers should approve and implement itAmerica is one country that has not done so

Last more could be done to design offices malls and even cities so they do not need as many air conditioners in the first place More buildings should be built with overhanging roofs or balconies for shadeor with natural aircirculation Simply painting roofs white can help keep temperatures down

Better machines are necessary But cooling as an overall system needs to be improved if airconditioners is to fulfill its promise to make people healthierwealthier and wiser without too high an environmental cost Providing indoor shelters of airconditioned comfort need not come at the expense of an overheating world

1Why does the author think airconditioning is an overlooked industry A Because many hot countries haven't put the energycontrolling rules into force B Because it has caused the same impact on people's life and work as automobiles have C Because it has brought great economic physical and educational benefits to humans D Because it doesn't get the due criticism for its environmental impact as automobiles do 2What can we learn from Paragraph 4

A The price of airconditioning will go up due to the large demand for it B A high environmental cost will come along with the airconditioning service C Environmentalists are expecting extra machines which can warm the world D Governments partially agree that airconditioning is a luxury we cannot afford


3With regard to the measures to cut the impact of cooling which of the following statements is TRUE

A Manufacturers should only stop using hydrofluorocarbons

B People should avoid turning up the airconditioners to have cool rooms on hot days C People should adopt more environmentallyfriendly materials when designing buildings D Governments should give a green light to the agreement on eliminating the pollutants 4The author writes this passage to A arouse people's attention to the global warming

B appeal for the global joint efforts to combat global warming C give credit to airconditioning for its great contributions to humans D offer a new perspective on how to reduce greenhouse gases emissions SectionC 7

Bill Gates doesn't pretend he lives in an egalitarian(主张平等的) household When it comes to parenting his three children the billionaire Microsoft giant readily admits his wife Melinda has done more than her share of the work raising the kids

"My wife does 80%" Gates told a crowd of Harvard students last Thursday Gates spent two years

there taking math and computer science courses as a prelaw student but never finished up his degree "Myeldest graduates from Stanford in June so I'm optimistic she won't fall into my footsteps" Gates joked

1 They followed a 1970s "Love and Logic" parenting model The core idea


of the philosophy is centered on the idea of exerting emotional control essentially minimizing emotional reactions like shouting or scolding kids2 Gates admits he and his wife haven't been perfect at carrying out the approach

"Can you get rid of the emotion You can't totally do it" he said

Aside from ruling in hotblooded parent tempers the love and logic model also stresses the importance

of not leaning into rewards for kids but instead demonstrating unconditional love and admiring kids for

who they are not what they do or don't achieve like a poor test score

"Many highly successful people struggled with grades as children" Fay wrote on his site " 3 "

The model is a bit like the ideal method in that it pushes parents to focus on asking questions of their kids and getting them to think about how to solve their own problems instead of feeding them answers

4 However he knew he wanted to do things differently with his own kids It wasn't the only way he set boundaries for his children while they were growing up None of his kids owned a cell phone until they were 14 years old And they will each get about 10 million of their parents fortune as inheritancea mere fraction of the giant's roughly 90 billion net worth "We want to strike a balance where they have the freedom to do anything but not a lot of money showered on them so they could go out and do nothing" Gates once told TED

IV.Summarywriting 8Summary writing

The life of a journalist can be exciting To be in constant pursuit of the latest news demands a curiosity

that can only be rewarded by getting to "where it is happening" as soon as possible The goal of course is to relate what is happening to the public as clearly as possible

However every journalist must be careful to report not only a vivid picture of what is happening but

a true picture Each journalist reports his or her own version of what has taken place Still


this version must be an actual account if the reporter is to maintain a reliable reputation In order to get to the truth in some news stories a reporter must rely on the statements of someone who is on the inside of the situation Often this insider will only talk to a reporter if the reporter promises never to reveal the insider's name The insider usually threatens never to admit meeting with the reporter if his or her name is revealed

Because stories of this nature often involve criminal activity reporting them becomes a dangerous job

This kind of work involved in obtaining news in this manner serves as an inviting situation for the underworld as well as the legal world Members of the underworld want to find out who the insider is so that they can keep him or her quiet Members of the legal world claim that the reporter will obstruct(阻挠)justice if he or she fails to disclose the insider's name Devotion has given journalism its reputation for reliability a reliability that each journalist is expected

to uphold in his or her search for truth Supplying a truthful account of each day's occurrences is the serious contract made between reporter and the public I.Translations

9.嫌疑人已抓获,所有相关证据已移交警方. concern

10.众所周知,学习方法因人而异,适合你的不一定适合我. necessarily 11.我突然想到,我忘记提醒班长集合时间了,随即给他发了一个消息. It 12学生表达自我的能力越强,他们就越可能在入学面试中脱颖而出,这促使了他们将练习演讲作为每日常规.rule II.Guidedwriting





II.GrammarandvocabularySectionA 1

The mamabear instinct

Ms Angela McQueen a math and PE teacher at Mattoon High School Illinois has a routine when

she's on lunchmonitoring duty She 1 keeps keep an eye on the hundreds of students in her charge by walking laps(圈) around the school cafeteria

In September 2017 McQueen then 40 had hardly finished one lap 2 when a 14yearold freshman standing not far from her pulled out a gun She knew too well that he was going to start shooting

School employees3 had been trained trainon how to handle active shootersAttack their ability4 to aim aim So with the shooter's finger on the trigger McQueen rushed to him 5 Grabbing grab at his arm she forced the gun into the air but not 6 before he struck one student in the hand and chest and hurt another As students ran for the exits McQueen defeated the shooter with help from the school resource officer 7 who disarmed the student and took him into imprisonment until police arrived minutes later Afterward McQueen went outside to give hugs and support to her shaken students

"It's the mamabear instinct" she told the local paper "I don't have kids of my own but these are still8 my ' kids"

9 Thanks to McQueen a story that has played out tragically at far too many schools across the country had a relatively happy ending "If it hadn't been for her the situation would have been a lot different" Police Chief Jeff Branson said at a news conference As one 10 impressed impress student told CBS News "Mr McQueen is our heroine"



【解答】1keeps 考查谓语动词一般现在时. 本句讲述老师每天的工作内容,所以用一般现在时主语是第三人称单数.

2when;考查句型. 本句运用了had done sth when 从句句型"刚做了…这时…"此句是"他还没走玩一圈,这时不远处一个青少年拔出了手枪"

3had been trained;考查过去完成时的被动语态.train是动词"培训" School employees学校员工)train是被动关系并且发生在枪击事件发生之前,所以用had been trained

4to aim;考查动词不定式. 考查结构"…能力"the ability to do sthaim动词,所以填写to aim

5Grabbing;考查现在分词短语. 此处是非谓语动词,逗号后是一个句子.grab"夺,",动词.老师猛拽他胳膊,(同时)把他的枪甩到空中.所以用grabbing主动结构表示伴随,位于句首要用大写首字母.

6before;考查连词. 字面意思应该是:但是,在手枪击中一个学生的手之前,手枪没有飞上天空,也就是说:手枪击中一个学生的手和胸部并上到另一个学生之后,老师把手枪撞到空中.

7who;考查非限制性定语从句. disarmed,缴了…的枪械,动词,谓语,所以空格处填写who做定语从句的主语,指代人.

8my;考查形容词性物主代词. 根据句意:老师说"我自己没有孩子,但是这些孩子就是'我的'孩子"

9Thanks to;考查词组. Thanks to:多亏 句意是:多亏了这位老师,全国很多学校发生的悲剧在这所学校是一个快乐的结局.

10impressed;考查过去分词当形容词用法. impressed是形容词来做student定语,意为:一个(对枪击事件)印象深刻的学生说道…

【点评】首先要通读全文,了解大意,抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,仔细分析带空格的句子,明确空格所要填的词义,词型和短语搭配,给出所要填的正确形式,然后整体阅读短文,核对答案. SectionB 2


Photography is often perceived as an objective and therefore unbiased medium for documenting and

preserving historic moments and national and world histories and for visualizing and narrating news stories

But the choices made by a photographer including how the image is 1 B what is left in or out of the frame and how it may be cropped edited or otherwise altered after it is taken introduce a pointofview into the photograph and 2 E impact how we receive and understand images Such considerations raise critical questions about how willingly we accept any one photograph as a reflection of 3 A truth

Photographs can bear 4 F to history and even serve as catalysts(催化剂)for change They can foster sympathy and raise awareness or5 C offer critical commentary on historical people places and events Throughout the history of the medium photographers have aimed to capture the essence of events they saw with their own eyesthough the question of the trustworthiness of their images is always up for debate

Though Dorothea Lange had been operating a successful portrait studio in San Francisco since 1919she was moved by the homeless people as the Great Depression began to take its toll and she started photographing them These photographs led to her being hired by the federal Farm Security AdministrationFSA formed to raise awareness of and provide aid to poor farmersLange closely identified with the FSA's mission which was to6 D the effects of the Depression on Americans bringing attention to their struggles so that such events would never recur Due in part to her work with the FSA Lange became known as a pioneer of documentary photography a 7 K she disliked because she felt the term did not reflect the passionate social motivations that fueled her work

Dorothea Lange took this photograph Migrant Mother Nipomo California in 1936 while employed

by the FSA program In Nipomo California Lange came across Florence Owens Thompson and her children in a camp filled with field workers whose livelihoods were devastated by the failure of the pea crops Recalling her encounter with Thompson years later she said "I saw and approached the hungry and desperate mother I do not remember how I explained my8 G or my camera to her but I do remember she asked me no


questions I made five exposures working closer and closer from the same direction" One photograph from that shoot now known as Migrant Mother was widely9 I to magazines and newspapers and became a symbol of the plight of migrant farm workers during the Great Depression

As Lange described Thompson's situation "She and her children had been living on frozen vegetables

from the field Yet they could not move on for she had just sold the tires from the car to buy food" HoweverThompson later 10 J Lange's account When a reporter interviewed her in the 1970s she insisted that she and Lange did not speak to each other nor did she sell the tires of her car Thompson said that Lange had either confused her for another farmer or embellished(渲染) what she had understood of her situation in order to make a better story 【分析】这是一篇说明文,主要讲述了摄影对反应映历史的影响,并以著名摄影师Dorothea Lange为例子来说明其影响.

【解答】1B 考查动词含义及语态.首先,句意为"但是摄影师所做的选择﹣﹣包括图象如何创作、什么在镜框内什么在镜框之外、如何修剪编辑……"其次,该空在be动词之后,所以该空只能填名词、形容词或分词,composed意为"构成,写作,创作",与be动词构成被动结构.结合句意,故选B

2E 考查副词含义.首先,句意为"摄影师把某个观点引入到摄影作品里,这必然会影响我们如何接受和理解该摄影作品";其次,该空需要一个副词来修饰impactinevitably意为"必然地,不可避免地".结合句意,故选E

3A 考查形容词含义.首先,句意为"这样的考虑会引起一些关于我们如何心甘情愿地接受任何一幅反应最终真实结果的摄影作品的关键性问题";其次,该空需要一个形容词来修饰truthdefinitive,意为"最后的,决定性的,限定的".结合句意,故选A 4F 考查名词含义.首先,句意为"摄影能支撑(即证明)历史的存在,甚至能充当变化的催化剂"其次,该空需要一个名词来作bear的宾语,此处的bear为动词,意为"承受,承担,支撑"presence意为"存在,出席,风度".结合句意,故选F

5C 考查副词含义.首先,句意为"摄影作品能够培养同情心和增强意识,或者,就历史上的人物、地点或事件提供关键性的评论";其次,or alternatively意为"或者"alternatively意为"或者,二者择一地".结合句意,故选C

6D 考查动词含义及to do首先,句意为"这一任务将见证美国经济大萧条的影响"



7K 考查名词含义.首先,句意为"Lange被称作纪实摄影师﹣﹣一个她不喜欢的归类(因为她感觉这个术语不能反应给她工作带来热情的社会动机)";其次,该空需要一个名词来作为a的修饰对象,classification意为"分类,归类,等级".结合句意,故选K 8G 考查名词含义.首先,句意为"我不记得我是如何向她展示我的证件和相机了";其次,该空需要一个名词作为my的修饰对象,document意为"文件,公文,证件".结合句意,故选G

9I 考查固定短语.首先,句意为"被称作Migrant Mother的作品被流传到许多杂志和报";其次,be circulated to…为固定短语,意为"流传到……,分发到……".结合句意,故选I

10J 考查动词含义.首先,句意为"然而,后来ThompsonLange的叙述有所质疑"其次,该空需要一个动词来充当谓语,contest意为"质疑,争辩"contested为一般过去形式.结合句意,故选J

【点评】解答此类题目可遵循以下步骤:第一步,通读全文,了解文章大意,获得整体印象,同时初选出一批较有把握的答案.第二步,边核对初选答案边补填留下的空格.如果短文难度较大,则可复读几遍,核对和确定答案.有些空一时决定不了,可作个记号,复查时再确定. 第三步,复查定稿.从整体理解角度出发,仔细审核答案,确保意义上、语法上没有错误,同时对遗留下来的少数几个空格作最后选择. III.ReadingcomprehensionSectionA 3

Vast parts of Earth should be left wild

To avoid mass extinctions of plants and animals governments should protect a third of the oceans and

land by 2030 and half by 2050 with a focus on areas of high biodiversity So say leading biologists in an

editorial in the journal Science

This isn't just about saving biodiverse areas says Jonathan Baillie of the National Geographic Societyone of the authors It is also about saving ourselves by protecting 1 B natural systems or ecosystemsand their benefits to us known as ecosystem


services "We are learning that the large areas that remain are important for providing services for all life The forests for example are 2 C for absorbing and storing carbon" says Baillie

At present just 3.6 per cent of the planet's oceans and 14.7 per cent of land is protected by law At the 2010 Nagoya Conference of the Convention on Biological Diversity governments agreed to protect 10 per cent of the oceans and 17 per cent of land by 2020 But this isn't nearly enough says Baillie In the editorial he and his coauthor YaPing Zhang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences want governments to set much bigger 3 D at the next major conference on biodiversity in 2020

"We have to enormously4 A our ambition if we want to avoid an extinction crisis and if we want to maintain the ecosystem services that we5 B benefit from" says Baillie "The trends are in a 6 D direction it's just we have to move much faster" It is hard to work out how much space is needed to preserve biodiversity and ecosystem7 B the pair say because there is so much we don't know about life on Earth like how many species there are

8 C most estimates suggest that between 25 and 75 percent of high biodiversity regions or major ecosystems should be protectedThereforewe including governmentsshould be9 A when setting goals and strategies

"There is no doubt that we need far more land and sea10 B for conserving and retaining nature"says James Watson at the University of Queensland in Australia "Targets like 50 per cent are in the right ball park when it comes to the minimal11 C of area needed to conserve biodiversity"

But Watson and others stress that which areas get protected is even more important than the overall percentage "The key thing is to protect the right areas" says Jose Montoya of the Station for Theoretical and Experimental Ecology in Moulis France "If we 12 B protect a proportion of the territorygovernments will likely protect what's easy and that's usually areas of 13 D biodiversity and ecosystem service provision"

In fact a third of the 3.6 percent of land that is already meant to be protected is actually being 14 A Watson's team reported last month So only15 C areas to be protected isn't enough


1A stricter 2A unique 3A examples 4A increase 5A barely 6A opposite 7A approaches 8A Therefore 9A concerned 10A deserted 11A damage 12A completely 13A mass 14A exploited 15A developing

B wider B sufficient B values B achieve B currently B fixed B management B Furthermore B changeable B secured B cost B merely B tropical B expanded B covering

C safer C critical C awards C lack C roughly C complex C benefits C However C firm C measured C amount C virtually C marine C restored C declaring

D simpler D fit D objectives D frustrate D thoroughly D positive D degradation D Otherwise D cautious D distributed D standard D desperately D low D discovered D utilizing

【分析】本文主要讲述为了避免动植物大规模灭绝,政府应该保护三分之一的海洋和海洋,到2030年为止,到2050年为一半,重点是生物多样性高的地区. 【解答】110 BCDAB DBCAB 1115 CBDAC

1B形容词辨析.根据上文 To avoid mass extinctions of plants and animals governments should protect a third of the oceans and

land by 2030 and half by 2050 with a focus on areas of high biodiversity可知为了避免动植物大规模灭绝,政府应该保护三分之一的海洋和海洋,到2030年为止,到2050年为一半,重点是生物多样性高的地区,说明我们应该保护更宽广的wider自然生态系统个,故选B

2C.形容词辨析.本句The forests for example are 2for absorbing and storing carbon" says Baillie句意是例如,森林对于吸收和储存碳是至关重要的critical"Baillie说.故选C


3D名词辨析.根据下文when setting goals and strategies可知在设定目标和策略时.明我们应该设定更大的目标(objective,故选D

4A动词辨析.本句We have to enormously4our ambition if we want to avoid an extinction crisis and if we want to maintain the ecosystem services that we5benefit from" 可知如果我们想要避免灭绝危机,并且如果我们想维持我们目前受益的生态系统服务,我们必须极大地增加(increase)我们的雄心壮志,"故选A

5B副词辨析.本句We have to enormously4our ambition if we want to avoid an extinction crisis and if we want to maintain the ecosystem services that we5benefit from" 可知如果我们想要避免灭绝危机,并且如果我们想维持我们目前currently)受益的生态系统服务,我们必须极大地增加我们的雄心壮志,"故选B

6D.形容词辨析.根据下句 it's just we have to move much faster"可知只是我们必须加快行动."说明现在正朝着积极的(positive)方向前进,故选D

7B名词辨析.本句It is hard to work out how much space is needed to preserve biodiversity and ecosystem7 句意是很难确定需要多少空间来保护生物多样性和生态系统管理management,故选B

8C.副词辨析.本句because there is so much we don't know about life on Earth like how many species there are 8 most estimates suggest that between 25 and 75 percent of high biodiversity regions or major ecosystems should be protected.句意是因为有太多我们不了解地球上的生命 就像有多少物种一样.但是,大多数估计表明应该保护25%75%的高生物多样性地区或主要生态系统.上下句是转折关系,故选C

9A.形容词辨析.本句Thereforewe including governmentsshould be9when setting goals and strategies.句意是因此,在制定目标和战略时,我们(包括政府)都应该关注(concerned.故选A

10B动词辨析.本句There is no doubt that we need far more land and sea10for conserving and retaining nature"句意是毫无疑问,我们需要更多的土地和海洋来保护自然,"故选B 11C.名词辨析.根据上句There is no doubt that we need far more land and sea可知我们需要更多的土地和海洋来保护自然,本句是指的最少量(amount)的土地和海洋,故选C

12B.副词辨析.本句"If we 12protect a proportion of the territorygovernments will likely protect what's easy and that's usually areas of 13biodiversity and ecosystem service



13D.形容词辨析.本句"If we 12protect a proportion of the territorygovernments will likely protect what's easy and that's usually areas of 13biodiversity and ecosystem service provision"句意是"如果我们只是保护一部分领土,政府可能会保护容易的东西,而这通常是生物多样性和生态系统服务供应不足的(low)地区."故选D

14A.动词辨析.本句In fact a third of the 3.6 percent of land that is already meant to be protected is actually being 14Watson's team reported last month.句意是事实上,已经意图受到保护的3.6%的土地中有三分之一实际上正在被剥削exploitedWatson的团队上个月报告说.故选A

15C.动词辨析.根据上句In fact a third of the 3.6 percent of land that is already meant to be protected is actually being 14,可知事实上,已经意图受到保护的3.6%的土地中有三分之一实际上正在被剥削,说明因此,仅声明要保护的区域是不够的.故选C 【点评】完型填空题的命题趋势 解题步骤:




4.再次复读,弥补疏漏,全部做好后,务必要结合自己选择的答案重新阅读短文内容,确保全文文意连贯. SectionB

4The summer I turned 16 my father gave me his 69 Chevy Malibu convertible(敞篷车) Beautifully

repainted with V8 engineit was a gift wasted on me at that age What did I know about classic cars The important thing was that Hannah and I could drive around Tucson with the


top down

Hannah was my best friend a year younger but much taller almost five foot ten "Hannah's going to

be something" my mother always said And sure enough that summer she signed with a modeling agency

She was already doing catalog and runway work

A month after my birthday Hannah and I went to the movies On the way home we stopped at the McDonald's drivethrough putting the fries on the seat between us to share "Let's ride around awhile" I said It was a clear night ovenwarm full moon cast low over the desert Taking a curve too fast I hit a patch of dirt and slid from side to side I then cut through a neighbor's landscape wall and drove into a fullgrown palm The front wheels came to rest halfway up the tree trunk French fries on the floor the dashand my lap An impossible amount of blood on Hannah's face pieces of skin hanging into her eyes They took us in separate ambulances In the emergency room my parents spoke quietly Best plastic surgeon in the city End of her modeling career

We'd been wearing leg belts but the car didn't have shoulder bands I'd damaged my cheekbone on the wheel Hannah's forehead had split wide open on the dash What would I say to her When her motherSharon came into my hospital room I started to cry preparing myself for her anger She sat beside me and took my hand "I hit my best friend's car in the rear when I was your age" she said "I wrecked her car and mine" "I'm so sorry" I said"You're both alive" she said "The rest is windowdressing" I started to protest and Sharon stopped me "I forgive you Hannah will too"

Sharon's forgiveness allowed Hannah and me to get back in the car together that summer to stay friends throughout high school and college to be in each other's weddings and to watch my four teenagers get along with her three younger children I think of her gift of forgiveness every time I'm tempted to blame someone in a secret for something recognized as wrong And whenever I see Hannah the scars are so faded that no one else would noticebut in the sunlight I can still see the faint shimmer(微光)just below her hairlinefor me a sign of grace


1Which of the following about Hannah is TRUE according to the passage D A She was not as badly injured as the author B She never really forgave me though her mother did C She learned the gift of forgiveness through the accident

D She could have been a model if she hadn't experienced the accident 2In paragraph 4 "window dressing" is closest in meaning to " A " A insignificant B colorful C undetermined D hopeful

3According to the passage Sharon comforted the author by B A showing her own scar B mentioning her own story C visiting the author in person D teaching the author a personal lesson

4Which of the following might be the best title of the article D A A Graceful Friend B A Lasting Friendship C A Lucky Car Accident D The Gift of Forgiveness


【解答】1D.细节理解题.根据第四段的Best plastic surgeon in the city End of her modeling career.可知,如果不是这次车祸,汉娜可能或做模特.故选D

2A.词义猜测题.根据划线词前面的句子."You're both alive" she said.可知,你们都活着,其它事情都不重要.故选A

3B.细节理解题.根据第五段的"I hit my best friend's car in the rear when I was your age" she said "I wrecked her car and mine" 可知,Sharon讲述自己的故事安慰作者.故选B

4D.标题判断题.根据最后一段的I think of her gift of forgiveness every time I'm tempted


to blame someone in a secret for something recognized as wrong.可知,作者通过一个车祸学会原谅,The Gift of Forgiveness是最好的标题.故选D


5Making these easy tasks part of your morning schedule will improve your nutrition energy and mood

todayand beyond 600 am STRETCH IN BED

Try this even before you open your eyes Lift one arm and begin by stretching each finger then your

hand then your wrist and then your whole arm Move on to the other arm Then stretch your toes feetankles and legs Finally end with a neck and back stretch that propels you out of bed You've just limbered up your muscles and joints and enhanced blood flow throughout your body providing a shot of oxygen to all your tissues Take up the entire length of the bed when you stretch According to Harvard University psychologist Amy Cuddy this display of power is typical of a bold person making you feel more confident all day long 700 am


Working out before you eat researchers say encourages your body to burn more fat for energy rather

than relying on carbohydrates from food In a Journal of Physiology study participants who exercised after breakfast still gained weight as did a control group who didn't exercise but those who exercised on an empty stomach did not Moreover research from the University of Vermont shows that the moodenhancing benefits of a 20minute workout can last for 12 hours a boost you'll want to enjoy all day long BREAK YOUR FAST TWICE

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so why not have two A study published in the journal Pediatric Obesity tracked the weight and breakfasteating patterns of 584


students over two years They found that frequent breakfast skippers showed increased odds of becoming overweight or obese compared with those who ate two breakfasts one at home and one at school The sensible takeaway If you eat more in the morning you'll be less likely to snack at night when it's harder to burn off calories 800 am


In a 2015 study researchers asked one group of participants to watch just three minutes of positivesolutionsfocused news such as a video of a 70yearold man who got his graduation certificate after failing the test dozens of times These participants were 27 percent more likely to report a few hours later that their day had been "happy" than people who watched negative news in the morning Study author Gielan also cited substantial evidence that negative moods affect workplace performance

Voila! You've improved your state of mind your health and your productivityall before the weekday

has even begun Now you're ready to conquer your todo list for today and every day

1The article is written to C A give professional guidance on keeping fit B reveal some research results about health

C put forward several suggestions for morning routines D offer some tips on how to improve workplace performance

2It is suggested that you should occupy the entire bed when you stretch because it especially A

A increases your confidence B helps you out of bed easily C stimulates your blood circulation D has an effect on your overall health

3Who is least likely to gain weight according to the article C A Those who skip breakfasts frequently B Those who do morning stretching in bed


C Those who have double breakfasts in the morning D Those who have their breakfast before morning exercise



1C.归纳判断题.根据文章中第一句中的your morning schedule 以及三个时间600 amSTRETCH IN BED700 amEXERCISE A BITON AN EMPTY STOMACH800 amSEEK OUT GOOD NEWS可以看出:本文提出了三个每天早晨的活动内容.C

2A.细节理解题.根据文章中第二部分第六,七句Take up the entire length of the bed when you stretch(伸展的时候要占满整个床) this display of power is typical of a bold person making you feel more confident all day long(这个姿势是勇敢的人独有的,所以会让你全天信心满满),所以应该选择A

3C.细节理解题.根据文章第三段Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so why not have two(早餐是一天中重要的一餐)? A study nd that frequent breakfast skippers showed increased odds of becoming overweight or obese compared with those who ate two breakfasts one at home and one at school(研究表明经常不吃早餐的人相比那些吃两顿早餐"家里和学校"更容易增重或者说变胖)可知:最不可能增重的是每天吃两顿早餐.故选C


6What is the single most effective way to reduce greenhousegas emissions Go vegetarian Replant the

Amazon Cycle to work None of the above The answer is make airconditioners radically better On one calculation replacing refrigerants(制冷剂) that damage the atmosphere would reduce total greenhouse gases by the equivalent of 90bn tons of CO2 by 2050 Making the units more energyefficient could double that

Airconditioning is one of the world's great overlooked industries Automobiles and air


conditioners were invented at roughly the same time and both have had a huge impact on where people live and work

Unlike cars though airconditioners have drawn little criticism for their social impact emissions or energy efficiency Most hot countries do not have rules to govern their energy use

Yet airconditioning has done quite a lot of things to benefit humankind It has transformed productivity in the tropics and helped turn southern China into the workshop of the world In Europeits spread has pushed down heatrelated deaths ten times less than what it was in 2003 when around 70000 people most of them elderly died in a heatwave For children airconditioned classrooms and dormitories are associated with better grades at school

Environmentalists who call airconditioning "a luxury we cannot afford" have half a point however

In the next ten years as many airconditioners will be installed around the world as were put in between

1902when airconditioning was inventedand 2005 Until energy can be produced without carbon emissions these extra machines will warm the world At the moment therefore airconditioners create a vicious cycle The more the Earth warms the more people need them But the more there are the warmer the world will be

Cutting the impact of cooling requires three thingsbeyond turning up the thermostat(温度调节器)to

make rooms less Arctic First airconditioners must become much more efficient The most energyefficient models on the market today consume only about onethird as much electricity as average ones

Minimum energyperformance standards need to be raisedor introduced in countries that lack them altogether to push the average unit's performance closer to the standard of the best Nextmanufactures should stop using damaging refrigerantsOne category of thesehydrofluorocarbons is over 1000 times worse than carbon dioxide when it comes to trapping heat in the atmosphere An international deal to phase out these pollutants called the Kigali amendment will come into force in 2019 Footdraggers should approve and implement


itAmerica is one country that has not done so

Last more could be done to design offices malls and even cities so they do not need as many air conditioners in the first place More buildings should be built with overhanging roofs or balconies for shadeor with natural aircirculation Simply painting roofs white can help keep temperatures down

Better machines are necessary But cooling as an overall system needs to be improved if airconditioners is to fulfill its promise to make people healthierwealthier and wiser without too high an environmental cost Providing indoor shelters of airconditioned comfort need not come at the expense of an overheating world

1Why does the author think airconditioning is an overlooked industry D A Because many hot countries haven't put the energycontrolling rules into force B Because it has caused the same impact on people's life and work as automobiles have C Because it has brought great economic physical and educational benefits to humans D Because it doesn't get the due criticism for its environmental impact as automobiles do 2What can we learn from Paragraph 4 B

A The price of airconditioning will go up due to the large demand for it B A high environmental cost will come along with the airconditioning service C Environmentalists are expecting extra machines which can warm the world D Governments partially agree that airconditioning is a luxury we cannot afford 3With regard to the measures to cut the impact of cooling which of the following statements is TRUE C

A Manufacturers should only stop using hydrofluorocarbons

B People should avoid turning up the airconditioners to have cool rooms on hot days C People should adopt more environmentallyfriendly materials when designing buildings D Governments should give a green light to the agreement on eliminating the pollutants 4The author writes this passage to D A arouse people's attention to the global warming

B appeal for the global joint efforts to combat global warming C give credit to airconditioning for its great contributions to humans


D offer a new perspective on how to reduce greenhouse gases emissions 【分析】文章主要介绍如何普及空调的好处,同时又不让地球升温.

【解答】1D.细节理解题.根据第三段的Unlike cars though airconditioners have drawn little criticism for their social impact emissions or energy efficiency 可知,因为它没有象汽车那样因为对环境影响得到应有的批评.故选D

2B推理判断题.根据第四段的Environmentalists who call airconditioning "a luxury we cannot afford" have half a point,可知,空调服务将带来高的环境成本.故选B 3C.细节理解题.根据第四段的 Last more could be done to design offices malls and even cities so they do not need as many air conditioners in the first place More buildings should be built with overhanging roofs or balconies for shadeor with natural aircirculation.可知人们在设计建筑的时候,应该采取更环保的材料.故选C

4D.主旨大意题.根据全文和第一段的Amazon Cycle to work None of the above The answer is make airconditioners radically better.可知文章提供一个新视角关于怎么减少温室气体排放.故选D

【点评】阅读理解考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断. SectionC 7

Bill Gates doesn't pretend he lives in an egalitarian(主张平等的) household When it comes to parenting his three children the billionaire Microsoft giant readily admits his wife Melinda has done more than her share of the work raising the kids

"My wife does 80%" Gates told a crowd of Harvard students last Thursday Gates


spent two years

there taking math and computer science courses as a prelaw student but never finished up his degree "Myeldest graduates from Stanford in June so I'm optimistic she won't fall into my footsteps" Gates joked

1 F They followed a 1970s "Love and Logic" parenting model The core idea of the philosophy is centered on the idea of exerting emotional control essentially minimizing emotional reactions like shouting or scolding kids2 B Gates admits he and his wife haven't been perfect at carrying out the approach

"Can you get rid of the emotion You can't totally do it" he said

Aside from ruling in hotblooded parent tempers the love and logic model also stresses the importance

of not leaning into rewards for kids but instead demonstrating unconditional love and admiring kids for

who they are not what they do or don't achieve like a poor test score

"Many highly successful people struggled with grades as children" Fay wrote on his site " 3 D "

The model is a bit like the ideal method in that it pushes parents to focus on asking questions of their kids and getting them to think about how to solve their own problems instead of feeding them answers

4 C However he knew he wanted to do things differently with his own kids It wasn't the only way he set boundaries for his children while they were growing up None of his kids owned a cell phone until they were 14 years old And they will each get about 10 million of their parents fortune as inheritancea mere fraction of the giant's roughly 90 billion net worth "We want to strike a balance where they have the freedom to do anything but not a lot of money showered on them so they could go out and do nothing" Gates once told TED



奖励,引导孩子自己去解决问题. 【解答】FBDC

1F理解判断题.根据后文They followed a 1970s "Love and Logic" parenting model The core idea of the philosophy is centered on the idea of exerting emotional control essentially minimizing emotional reactions like shouting or scolding kids.可知比尔•盖茨表示,他们遵循上世纪70年代的"爱和逻辑"教育模式.它的核心理念是情绪控制,即最大程度地减少情绪反应,如大喊大叫、训斥孩子.F项:Gates said he and his wife have been quite deliberate about the model they've used to raise their three children.盖茨夫妇育有三个子女,他们夫妇二人对孩子的教育模式非常慎重.符合文意,故选F

2B联系上下文.根据前文They followed a 1970s "Love and Logic" parenting model The core idea of the philosophy is centered on the idea of exerting emotional control essentially minimizing emotional reactions like shouting or scolding kids.可知比尔•盖茨表示,他们遵循上世纪70年代的"爱和逻辑"教育模式.它的核心理念是情绪控制,即最大程度地减少情绪反应,如大喊大叫、训斥孩子.根据后文Gates admits he and his wife haven't been perfect at carrying out the approach

可知盖茨承认,他和妻子在实践这种教育法时做得并不完美.B项:One of the greatest benefits of applying Love and Logic is that it helps us learn how to keep a tighter leash on our emotions and on our tongues.应用爱和逻辑教育的最大益处之一是能帮助我们学习如何控制情绪和语言.符合文意,故选B

3D语境辨析题.根据前文"Many highly successful people struggled with grades as children" Fay wrote on his site "可知费伊在他的网站上写道:"许多非常成功的人小时候成绩并不好"D项:What's most important is that our children develop good character curiosity and problemsolving skills.最重要的是使孩子具备良好的品格、好奇心和解决问题的技巧.符合文意,故选D

4C.文章衔接题.根据后文However he knew he wanted to do things differently with his own kids.可知但他希望为自己的孩子做点不一样的事情.C项:Gates says the "Love and Logic" method is a far cry from the way he grew up.盖茨表示,"爱和逻辑"教育法和他自己的成长经历相距甚远.符合文意,故选C



带到文章中逐一的作答,答完后注意通读检查是否符合逻辑,语义顺畅. IV.Summarywriting 8Summary writing

The life of a journalist can be exciting To be in constant pursuit of the latest news demands a curiosity

that can only be rewarded by getting to "where it is happening" as soon as possible The goal of course is to relate what is happening to the public as clearly as possible

However every journalist must be careful to report not only a vivid picture of what is happening but

a true picture Each journalist reports his or her own version of what has taken place Still this version must be an actual account if the reporter is to maintain a reliable reputation In order to get to the truth in some news stories a reporter must rely on the statements of someone who is on the inside of the situation Often this insider will only talk to a reporter if the reporter promises never to reveal the insider's name The insider usually threatens never to admit meeting with the reporter if his or her name is revealed

Because stories of this nature often involve criminal activity reporting them becomes a dangerous job

This kind of work involved in obtaining news in this manner serves as an inviting situation for the underworld as well as the legal world Members of the underworld want to find out who the insider is so that they can keep him or her quiet Members of the legal world claim that the reporter will obstruct(阻挠)justice if he or she fails to disclose the insider's name Devotion has given journalism its reputation for reliability a reliability that each journalist is expected

to uphold in his or her search for truth Supplying a truthful account of each day's occurrences is the serious contract made between reporter and the public

【分析】高分句型一:Exciting as it is to be a journalist every journalist must take care to report what happened vividly

译文:虽然作记者是令人兴奋的事情,每个记者必须注意生动地报告发生的事情. 分析:这句话使用as引导让步状语从句.

高分句型二:A reporter must depend on the statements of whoever is on the scene so as to


get to the truth in some news stories

译文:记者必须依靠在现场的人的陈述,才能在一些新闻报道中了解真相. 分析:介词of后面接whoever引导的宾语从句.

【解答】Exciting as it is to be a journalist every journalist must take care to report what happened vividly 【高分句型一】(主题) Besides they should be followed by a true picture (要点一)A reporter must depend on the statements of whoever is on the scene so as to get to the truth in some news stories(要点二) It is devotion that has given journalism its reputation for reliability(要点三)

【点评】这是一篇概要类作文,我们需要用正确的英语把给出的要点表达出来. 动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题.本作文中给出的要点比较具体,故需要准确表达.写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次.特别注意在选择句式时要赋予变化.平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果. I.Translations

9嫌疑人已抓获,所有相关证据已移交警方. concern The suspect has been arrested and all the concerning evidence has been transferred to the police 【分析】嫌疑人已抓获,所有相关证据已移交警方.

【解答】答案:The suspect has been arrested and all the concerning evidence has been transferred to the police 考查形容词,相关的,有关的:concerning,嫌疑人:suspect根据汉语提示,使用现在完成时,并且注意使用被动. 【点评】汉译英基本步骤

1.理解 通读并透彻理解原文含义

2.翻译 确定译文句子的时态、句型、结构和用词

3审校 首先检查译文是否正确地转述了原文内容,是否有错译和漏译;其次,检查是否有语言上的明显错误,如时态、语态、单复数、拼写、大小写、标点符号等.发现错误,及时改正.

10.众所周知,学习方法因人而异,适合你的不一定适合我. necessarily As we all know learning method varies from person to person so what is suitable for you may not necessarily suit me


【分析】As we all know learning method varies from person to person so what is suitable for you may not necessarily suit me

【解答】As we all know learning method varies from person to person so what is suitable for you may not necessarily suit me


首先,翻译时使用as引导一个非限制性定语从句,vary from person to person因人而异;so引导一个结果状语从句,not necessarily未必.


11我突然想到,我忘记提醒班长集合时间了,随即给他发了一个消息. It It suddenly occurred to me that I forgot to remind the monitor of the time for gatheringso I left him a short message

【分析】It suddenly occurred to me that I forgot to remind the monitor of the time for gatheringso I left him a short message

【解答】It suddenly occurred to me that I forgot to remind the monitor of the time for gatheringso I left him a short message


结合句子的意思和括号中的代词it可知,翻译时需要使用句型it occurred to me that我突然想起……;it为形式主语,that引导一个主语从句,remind sb of sth意为"提醒某人某物",最后使用so引导一个结果状语从句.


12学生表达自我的能力越强,他们就越可能在入学面试中脱颖而出,这促使了他们将练习演讲作为每日常规.rule The stronger the students' ability to express themselves the more likely they are to stand out in the entrance interview which makes it a rule for them to practice speaking every day

【分析】The stronger the students' ability to express themselves the more likely they are to stand out in the entrance interview which makes it a rule for them to practice speaking every day

【解答】The stronger the students' ability to express themselves the more likely they are to


stand out in the entrance interview which makes it a rule for them to practice speaking every day


翻译时需要使用句式结构the+比较级,the+比较级,用来表达"越……越……"be likely to do sth可能会做某事.而make it a rule for sb to do某人做某事成功常规.

【点评】考查汉译英,注意英汉之间的差异,英语与汉语之间的一些特殊表达,准确地理解句子、翻译句子,然后根据句意及提示完成句子,使句意更通顺. II.Guidedwriting


【分析】高分句型一:She is the best friend I've made in the class who is always there for me when I am in need of help

译文:她是我在班上交的最好的朋友,当我需要帮助的时候,她总是在那里. 分析:who引导非限制性定语从句,when引导时间状语从句.

高分句型二:From her I learnt that the only way to beat difficulties is keeping trying instead of complaining

译文:从她身上,我学到战胜困难的唯一方法是不断尝试,而不是抱怨. 分析:that引导宾语从句,不定式作定语修饰the only way

【解答】I have met a lot of people in my school life One of them is my good friend Emma She is the best friend I've made in the class who is always there for me when I am in need of help 【高分句型一】(遇到最好的朋友)

Recently I found myself getting upset easilyI often complained about the stress and even couldn't concentrate on studies Emma noticed my problem and spent two hours with me one day talking about her own stress and how she was dealing with difficultiesFrom her I learnt that the only way to beat difficulties is keeping trying instead of complaining 【高分句型二】 And I felt much more confident to fight against them together with Emma(印象深刻的事情)

"A friend in need is a friend indeed" A good friend is one who makes you happy when you are crying and strong when you are giving in and that is Emma to me(感想)


【点评】这是一篇话题类作文,我们需要用正确的英语把给出的要点表达出来. 动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题.本作文中给出的要点比较具体,故需要准确表达.写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次.特别注意在选择句式时要赋予变化.平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果.

