#95:传统的想法是不是能够帮助现在的年轻人? The older generation has very traditional ideas about the correct ways of life, thinking and behaviour. However, some people think that these ideas are not helpful for the young generation to prepare for modern life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 开头段范例 Some people have doubts about whether the traditional views of elderly people about lifestyles and behavioural norms can help young people to deal with demands of modern life. I believe that some seemingly old-fashioned ideas remain valuable in today’s world. (7) The world is changing fast and older people’s suggestions may not be useful in modern societies. However, I believe that young people can draw upon the experience of the older generation if they want to handle some challenges of modern life. (7) 点击开始作答观点 学生的观点点评学生的观点 点评 有很多比较空泛的概念,譬如说世界观,不清楚是什么意思。 长辈的传统的想法 ,有正确的价值观, 成熟的世界观, 对于不健康的不好的事物有足够的克制力 , 有利于年轻人年走上正确的道路, 减少犯罪的发生 A 老一辈生活经历丰富 B 可以与年轻人分享经验 C 对年轻人有帮助 跑题。这个题目不是简单写老人和年轻人的区别,只讨论“对于生活方式、思维方式和行为方式的传统看法”,而且也比较具体地说到了“为现代生活做准备”,而不只是“对年轻人有帮助”。 开头段替换词 The older generation: elderly people Traditional ideas: conventional ideas, traditional views about Correct ways of life: the correct ways to live one’s life Thinking: ways to deal with problems Behaviour: rules of behaviour, behavioural norms Not helpful: useless, impractical, unimportant The younger generation: young people Prepare for modern life: cope with the demands of modern life 主体段一 A 老年人的看法强调遵守规则 B大家认可的行为 C 在现代社会更加和人有很好的关系,很好的立足 解释(B-C):强调对人要礼貌,要尊重别人,要懂得互助互利 具体化C:得到别人的帮助,更加好处理问题,事业成功 举例:遵守职场的规则,得到上司的认同和同事的尊重 拓展思路:词伙:范文: 主体段二 A 老年人遵守传统 B 规避风险 C很好的立足 解释(A-B):传统就是挫折和失败中总结的经验教训 解释(B-C): 避免浪费,做好计划,更好的处理一些危机 拓展思路:词伙:范文: 主体段三 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/0789bd54148884868762caaedd3383c4bb4cb4ef.html