
时间:2022-03-29 11:52:22 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

AbstractThe criticism on Cipoetry in the Ming Dynasty in Chinese traditional Cipoetry visual field mainly embodies in three aspects one is the comprehensively negative judging to Cipoetry in the Ming Dynasty the second is the multivariate analysis of the decline of the Cipoetry in the Ming Dynasty and the third is dispelling and correcting the criticism that Cipoetry died in the Ming Dynasty. In the second aspect people mainly discourse the disadvantages of Cipoetry in the Ming Dynasty from interblending the Cipoetry and traditional opera melodycomposing and certain characteristics like listlessness and vulgarity absence in meanings. In the third aspect Kuang Zhouyu and Zhao Zunyue discussed the deficiency and merit of Cipoetry in the Ming Dynasty from a dialectical point which is extremely epochmaking. The criticism on Cipoetry in the Ming Dynasty in Chinese traditional Cipoetry perfectly expands and deepens the understanding of the evolution of classical Cipoetry from considerably unique point of view which is of important value. Key wordsChinese traditional Cipoetry the criticism on Cipoetry in the Ming Dynasty comprehensively negative to investigate the reason dispel and correct 一对明词总体性否定的判评


思与情感抒发不够圆融巧妙、声调音律表现有失谐和、字语运用俚俗尘下等特征,他们在创作之路上偏离了传统词作的内在艺术要求,令人遗憾的。陈霆之论较早从多方面体现出对明词的贬抑之声。 清代,词学中兴,词学批评活跃,对明词的否定之音不断突显。这一时期,从总体上对明词予以过否定性评价的主要有朱彝尊、高佑祀、吴衡照、凌廷堪、储国钧、陆蓥、林昌彝、江顺诒、丁绍仪、谢章铤、陈廷焯、郑文焯、王国维、文廷式等人,他们将对明词的否定之论不断张扬开来。如:凌廷堪在《梅边吹笛谱目录跋后》中认为明则高者仅得稼轩之皮毛,卑者鄙俚淫亵,直拾屯田、豫章之牙后(谢章铤《赌棋山庄词话》记)P3511)储国钧评说明三百年直谓之无词可也(谢章铤《赌棋山庄词话》记)P3528)林昌彝在《海天琴思续录》中持论朱明三百年,诗人间出,而词学不振(卷四)江顺诒在《词学集成》中认为元明之词不足道P3227)丁绍仪在《听秋声馆词话》中评说格调之舛,明词为甚P2575就明而论,词学几失传矣P2689陈廷焯在《云韶集》中持论词莫盛于两宋,至有明一代而风雅扫地矣(卷十二)词至明而词亡矣(卷十三)其在《白雨斋词话》中认为词兴于唐,盛于宋,衰于元,亡于明p3明代无一工词者,差强人意,不过一陈人中而已P3至于明,而词亡矣P57元明而后,词之变也P185词至元明,犹诗至陈隋P185郑文焯评说元、明迄今,迷不知其门户(陈锐《袌碧斋词话》记)P4200)王国维在《人间词话附录》中持有明一代,乐府道衰P255自元迄明,益以不振P256文廷式在《云起轩词钞序》中认为沿及元明,而词逐亡P1877等等。
