
时间:2022-03-26 07:42:28 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1 cut in a joke 插科打诨 2 speak ones mind 畅所欲言

3 be after ones own heart 称心如意 4 at ones finger-tips 了如指掌 5 fish in troubled waters 浑水摸鱼

6 thousands upon thousands of 成千上万 7 in deep water 水深火热

8 turn up ones nose at 嗤之以鼻 9 skin and bones 皮包骨头 10 touch and go 一触即发

11 from the cradle to the grave 一生一世 12 hit the nail on the head 一语道破 13 turn a deaf ear to 充耳不闻

14 be head and shoulders above others 出人头地

15 pick a hole in sbs coat 吹毛求疵 16 burn ones boat 破釜沉舟 17 make a fuss about 大惊小怪

18 look for a needle in a bundle of hay 大海捞针

19 talk black into white 颠倒黑白 20 have ones nose in the air 得意忘形 21 worship the rising sun 攀龙附凤

22 hit the ceiling/fly into a rage 大发雷霆 23 hold a wolf by the ears 骑虎难下 24 turn a blind eye to 视而不见

25 take sth with a grain of salt 半信半疑 26 get an ace up ones sleeve 锦囊妙计 27 go through fire and flood 赴汤蹈火

28 between the devil and the deep sea 进退维

29 have a lucky star above sb 福星高照 30 fair without but foul within 口蜜腹剑 31 have a ready tongue 伶牙俐齿 32 the light-fingered gentry 梁上君子 33 on the downgrade 每况愈下

34 throw dust into the eye of 迷人眼目 35 search ones heart 扪心自问 36 roll up ones sleeves 摩拳擦掌 37 do sbs lever best 全力以赴 38 swallow the insult 忍气吞声

39 come to the end of ones tether 走投无路 40 eat the bread of idleness 游手好闲

41 set the wolf to keep the sheep 引狼入室 42 shoot off ones mouth 信口开河

43 do not know the first thing of 一窍不通 44 very timid 胆小如鼠 42 keep quiet 噤若寒蝉

43 do evil things openly 明火执仗

44 be full of anxiety and worry 牵肠挂肚 45 a great and thorough-going change 翻天覆地的变化

46 very strong 壮得像头牛

47 very anxious to return home 归心似箭 48 have not cut off relations completely 藕断丝连

49 great in momentum and irresistible 排山倒海之势

50 accelerate the speed/speed up 快马加鞭 51 raise the roof 大吵大闹

52 stand in a white sheet 公开认错

53 with the tongue in the cheek 话中有话 54 sweep the board 获得全胜

55 put ones foot down/set ones face against 坚决反对

56 win the hand of 结为良缘

57 have enough money to burn 有花不完的

58 keep ones eyes on the ball 机敏 59 in a nutshell 简言之

60 by the skin of ones teeth 侥幸 61 oil and vinegar 截然不同

62 a skeleton in the cupboard/a family skeleton 家丑

63 smell a rat 觉得可疑

64 a bull in a china shop 鲁莽的人 65 pull sth out of ones hat 捏造 66 put the finger on 告发

67 hold / carry the baby 干苦差事

68 quick on the trigger / think on ones feet 应快

69 the milk of human kindness 恻隐之心 70 keep sth under ones hat 保密

71 throw ones cares to the winds 把忧愁抛跑到九霄云外

72 look before you leap 三思而后行

73 make hay while the sun shines 趁热打铁 74 there is no smoke without fire 无风不起

75 ill news travels fast 恶事传千里 76 practice makes perfect 熟能生巧 77 more haste , less speed 欲速则不达

78 east or west , home is the best 出门一里,不如家里

79 all is fish that comes to the net 拉入篮里就是菜

80 everything comes to him who waits 皇天不负有心人

81 the moon is not seen when the sun shines 小巫见大巫

82 hot potatoes 棘手的问题

83 a white elephant 一个无用又累赘的东西 84 a bird in the bush 未到手的东西 85 dog-eared 折角

86 count ones chickens before they are hatched 过早乐观

87 warm snakes in ones bosoms 姑息坏人 88 make neither head nor tail of 莫名其妙 89 go fifty-fifty 对半分

90 hang on sbs parents sleeves 依靠父母过日子

91 separate the sheep from the goats 把好坏分清楚

92 blow hot and cold 反复无常

93 run in the same groove 非常相似 94 hoe ones own potatoes 只管自己的事 95 cast pearls before swine 说话不看对象 96 fly in the ointment 美中不足

97 give sb rope to hang oneself 自作自受 98 each try to put spokes in the others wheel 勾心斗角

99 make vicious attacks 杀气腾腾

100 make fish of one and flesh of another 此薄彼

101 lick sbs boots 巴结

102 stick to ones last 安分守己 103 eat ones heart out 极度悲痛 104 be in sbs pocket 被某人操控 105 be in irons 被监禁

106 wear ones heart on ones sleeve 表露感情 107 put ones cards on the table 表明观点 108 eat like a bird 吃的极少 109 catch forty winks 打盹儿 110 break the ice 打破僵局

111 jump out of ones skin 大吃一惊 112 get cold feet 胆怯

113 be driven from pillar to post 被逼得走投无路

114 walk on air 得意洋洋

115 get the green light 得到许可 116 mend ones fences 改善关系 117 poke ones nose into sth 干涉 118 turn thumbs down on sth 反对

119 come straight to the point 开门见山 120 do sth desperate 狗急跳墙 121 walk off with sth 顺手牵羊

122 trust to chance and stroke of luck 守株待

123 an impregnable fortress 铜墙铁壁 124 engage in a battle of words 唇枪舌战 125 at ones wits end 黔驴技穷 126 all by oneself 单枪匹马

127 bursting with energy 生龙活虎 128 on ones knees 苦苦哀求

129 at swords points 有激烈的争执 130 a rolling stone 见异思迁的人 131 at second hand 间接

132 bare ones heart 说真心话 133 break ones neck 尽最大努力 134 cast in a bone between 离间

135 pull the wool over ones eyes 蒙蔽 136 under the table 私下 137 behind closed door 秘密

138 keep body and soul together 维持生活 139 with a vigorous hand 使劲 140 lose ones head 昏了头

141 have no head for 没有…方面的天赋 142 wake a sleeping dog 惹是生非 143 fall back upon 依靠…帮助 144 put sth a new face 使…改观

145 cat- and- dog existence 经常争吵的生活 146 play the fox with 对…耍滑头 147 have great courage 喝了大胆汤 148 get involved in 插一脚

149 all the bits and pieces of trifles 鸡零狗碎的事情

150 be extremely terrified 出一身冷汗 151 well informed 顺风耳

152 obstacles 拦路虎

153 be horror-stricken 毛骨悚然 154 volunteered 毛遂自荐

155 show off in the presence of an expert 门弄斧

156 be bold and resolute 大刀阔斧

157 narrow minded conservatism 固步自封 158 ignorant boasting 夜郎自大 159 great disorder 鸡犬不宁

160 outstanding military exploits 汗马功劳 161 be stunned 吓得目瞪口呆 162 complicated 盘根错节 163 in a few words 三言两语 164 be well-matched 棋逢对手 165 work faithfully 犬马之劳 166 wavering 三心二意

167 offer timely help 雪中送炭

168 maintain the closest relations with 血肉相连

169 be in a turmoil 七上八下
