Shooting Contract

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Shooting Contract

Party A________________ Party B________________

According to the PRC Contract Law, confirm the relationship of rights and obligations of the both sides. On the Basis of equality and voluntary participation, Party A and Party B, through mutual agreement, have agreed to this Agreement and shall abide together.

After the contract is signed, Party A will employ Party B from ___day___ month ___year to ___day___ month ___year to provide photography service while Party B shall shoot the relevant training and how-to videos of Party A. Party B is willing to be employed and will follow the photographic process of Party A to perform related duties.

Party B shall be paid_____ RMB yuan (amount in words:_____________________) Party A will pay after the above-mentioned photography and videos are finished and confirmed

photographic standards:

1. The shooting time is no less than 2 hours, among which the length of MV is one hour.

2. Follow the arrangements of related personnel of Party A in the shooting process to ensure

the smooth completion of shooting.

The rights and obligations of Party A

1. Party A is obliged to cooperate with Party B readily to perform the contract. It includes

communication with Party B and discussion on shooting details and other shooting requirements etc.

2. Party A shall have the right to demand that Party B to provide photography service with good

quality in time under the contract.

3. Party A owns the copyright of photography products under this contract and they can be

authorized, promoted and sold by Party A .Party B shall not interfere.

The rights and obligations of Party B

1. Party B is obliged to cooperate with Party A readily to perform duties and follow shooting

process provided by Party A. Party B shall not refuse to shoot.

2. Party B shall embody good professionalism and shall not damage the companys image and

interests of Party A. Otherwise; it will be punished in accordance with the seriousness of the case.

3. Party A owns the copyright of photography products under this contract. If there are any

contents involve Party B’s portraiture right and some related rights, Party B can authorize it to Party A in the long term. Without part A's written consent, part B can’t use the photography products.

dispute resolution

All disputes in connection with this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. In case
