2013新版PEP小学英语四年级上册 Unit 2 My schoolbag教案

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Unit 2 My Schoolbag

任课教师 与班级

Part B Read and write , Lets check, Lets sing

Teaching aims:

1 课时 ( 6 课时)

知识目标:通过本课时的学习,学生能认读并理解English bookChinese bookmath bookschoolbagstory book等词汇,掌握Lets learn中的关键句型;能理解Lets do中的内容。


能力目标:通过本课时的学习,学生能够说出书包中的物品名称,主要是书和文具用品;能听懂一些简单的指令,然后把物品放到相应的位置。 Main and difficult points:

Main points: 让学生在语言的复习稳固、学习和活动中掌握English bookChinese bookmath bookschoolbagstory book等词汇,会用句型Whats in your schoolbag?并答复;会根据老师的指令作相应的动作。

Difficult points: 反复提醒,强化学生对句型Whats in your schoolbag?的问答。

教学目标 〔含重点、 难点〕

教学理念 教学准备




个人二度备课 及课后反思


Step 1 Warming up and revision.

1. Ask and answer: Whats in the classroom 2. Lets do.〔三上:Show me your pencil/…〕 Step 2 Presentation and Practice 1. Let’s learn.

(1) 通过Lets doShow me your book,随机教学词组English bookChinese bookmath bookstory book

(2) Where is your English book/Chinese book/math book/story book?教学


(3) Lets chant: I have an English book/ Chinese book/math book/story

book. Me too!

(4) 出示schoolbag ,问Whats in the schoolbag?How many?稳固复习新词组,并关注复数形式。

5Whats in your schoolbag?学生用所学语言进行对话。 2. Let’s do.

Teacher gives one of the orders and does the action to make Ss understand

the meaning of different orders.

Teacher gives orders and Ss do actions. S gives orders and the rest do actions.

Step 3 Consolidation 1. Guessing game.

教师将某种书藏在讲台里或书包中,请学生运用句型Whats in the…?猜猜是什么书,最后公布谜底,出示藏起来的书,并请学生举起相应的单词卡片。

2. Do the exercises in the workbook.

Unit 2 My schoolbag

School + Bag Whats in your schoolbag? English book Schoolbag Chinese book

math book

story book

板书 设计

作业 布置 设计 教后 整体

制作迷你书,即在空白方形卡片上画上与书本相符的画,在卡片反面标明书的种类; 听录音跟读新词汇与句型。 能听指令做动作。
