93. 中华优秀传统文化 -- 宋词(中英文对照版) 鹧鸪天 辛弃疾(著)、许渊冲(译)

时间:2024-03-16 09:02:40 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
中华优秀传统文化 --- 宋词(中英文对照版) 鹧鸪天



壮岁旌旗拥万夫。锦襜突骑渡江初。燕兵夜妮银胡觮,汉箭朝飞金仆姑。 追往事,叹今吾。春风不染白髭须。却将万字平戎策,换得东家种树书。

Partridges in the Sky


While young, beneath my flag I had ten thousand knights. With these outfitted cavaliers I crossed the river. The foe prepared their silver shafts during the nights, During the days we shot arrows from golden quiver. I can't call those days back, but sigh over my plight. The vernal wind can't change my hair from white to black. Since thwarted in my plan to recover the lost land, I’d learn from neighbors how to plant fruit trees by hand.
