1..Parasite: A parasite is a smaller organism that lives in or on and at the expense of a larger organism temporarily or permanently. Parasite and host:A parasite is a smaller organism that lives in or on and at the expense of a larger organism temporarily or permanently.A host is alarger organism that is parasitized by a parasite temporarily or permanently. 2..Parasitism(寄生): is a unique animal association in which the parasite is not only in continuous,intimate association with its host,but is also metalbolically dependent on its host to some degree,directly or indirectly. 3..Ectoparasites(外寄生虫): organisms that live on the outside of their hosts,usually attached to the skin,feathers,and hair. 4..Endoparasites(内寄生虫): living within their hosts.ie.,in the gut,body cavity,lungs or other tissues. 5..Facultative parasites(兼性寄生虫): living either a parastitic or non-parasitic life. 是指可寄生也可不寄生而营自由生活的种类。 6..Obligate parasites(固需/专性寄生虫): parasites which are obligated to live a parasitic existence and are incapable of surviving outside the host environment. 是指在其生活史过程中,必须过着寄生生活,离开宿主便不能生存的种类。 7..stenoxenous parasites(专一性寄生虫): organisms that inhabit in only one particular species of host. 有些寄生虫只寄生于一种特定的宿主,对宿主有严格的选择性,这种寄生虫叫做专一性寄生虫 8..Polyxenous parasites(多宿主寄生虫): these are parasites that can infect more than one species of host. 有些寄生虫可寄生于多种动物。 9.Soil-borne parasites(土源性寄生虫):parasites that are infected with soil,water or polluted food. Biological parasites(生物源性寄生虫):parasites that are transmitted via intermediate host and vector. 9..Temporary(intermittent)parasites(暂时性寄生虫):Parasites that live on the hosts for only a very short period of time in their life cycle. 指只在采食时才与宿主接触的寄生虫种类。 10..Permanent parasites(永久性寄生虫): parasites whose every life cycle stages are dependent on the hosts,and whose life will terminate if being separated from the hosts. 是指寄生虫的各个生活阶段均不能离开宿主,否则便难以存活的寄生虫。 11..Opportunistic pathogenic parasites(机会致病性寄生虫): parasites that do not cause any damages to the hosts under normal circumstances but will become有些寄生虫在宿主体内通常处于隐性感染状态,但当宿主免疫功能受损时,虫体出现大量的繁殖和强致病力,称为机会致病性寄生虫。 pathogenic when the immune function of the hosts is attacked or compromised. 12..concomitant immunity(带虫免疫):AN immunity that acts against invading larval stages but not against existing infection. 13..Complete metamorphosis(完全变态): egg->larva->pupa->adult指从卵孵出的幼虫,幼虫在生长完成后,要经过一个不动不食的蛹期,才能变成有翅的成虫,这几个时期在形态上的生活习性上彼此不同。 14..Incomplete metamorphosis(不完全变态):egg->larva->nymph->adult.昆虫在其发育过程中,经过幼虫蜕皮发育成若虫,若虫蜕皮发育成成虫,这几个阶段的重提的形态和生活习性都像是,这一过程称不完全变态。 15..Accidental or incidental parasites(偶然寄生虫): parasites that enter or attach to the body of a host species other than its normal one. 16...Intermediate hosts(中间宿主): the hosts in which the larval stages or asexual stages of parasite develop and inhabit in.some parasites may need more than one intermediate hosts. 指寄生虫幼虫及无性生殖阶段所寄生的动物。 17..Final(definitive)hosts(终末宿主): organisms in which the adults or sexual stages develop and parasitize. 寄生虫成虫及有性生殖阶段虫体所寄生的动物。 18..Paratenic or transport hosts(储藏或转运宿主): those hosts in which no development of the parasite occurs but only an accumulation of the infectious stages;or involved in the transportation of parasites from one host to another. 宿主体内有寄生虫虫卵或幼虫存在,虽不发育繁殖,但保持着对易感动物的感染力的这种宿主。 19..Reservoir hosts(保虫宿主): organisms in which a parasite that is pathogenic to some other species lives and multiplies without doing serious damage to these organisms如果一种多宿主的寄生虫可以寄生于家畜和野生动物,从流行病学的角度看,野生动物被称之为这种家畜寄生虫的保虫宿主。 20..Vector(媒介): a transmitter of pathogens and parasites.Transmission mostly occur during blood sucking or 1 contamination of blood with cyst stages from faces of infected hosts. 脊椎动物宿主之间传播寄生虫疾病的一些低等动物,通常是指传播血液原虫病的吸血节肢昆虫。 Vector: vector is a transmitter of pathogenic parasites from host to host. 1 host tick:one-host tick where the entire parasitic development from larvae to adult takes place on one host. 2 host tick:two-host ticks where larvae and nymphs occour on one host and the adults on the another. 3 host tick:three-host ticks where each stage of development takes place on different hosts. 21..Host:is a larger organism that is parasitized by a parasite temporarily or permanently. 22.Infective stage(感染性阶段):the development stage of parasites that can infect hosts. 23.Prepatent period(潜伏期):the time taken for development from infection until mature adult parasites are producing eggs or larvae is known as the prepatent period. 24.带虫宿主(Carrying host):宿主被寄生虫感染后,随着机体抵抗力的增强或药物治疗,处于隐性感染状态,体内仍存留有一定数量的虫体,这种宿主即为带虫宿主。 25.一宿主蜱:有些蜱的幼虫、若虫和成虫都在同一宿主体上发育,成虫吸饱血后才落地离开宿主,这类蜱称一宿主蜱。 23.完全变态:指从卵孵出的幼虫,幼虫在生长完成后,要经过一个不动不食的蛹期,才能变成有翅的成虫,这几个时期在形态上的生活习性上彼此不同。 1. 专性寄生虫:有些寄生虫只寄生于一种特定的宿主,对宿主有严格的选择性,如人的体虱只寄生与人,这种相互间都具有严格的特异性情况,称之为某种寄生虫是某种宿主的专性寄生虫。 2.终末宿主:成虫或有性繁殖阶段所寄生的宿主 3.不全变态:昆虫在其发育过程中,经过幼虫蜕皮发育成若虫,若虫蜕皮发育成成虫,这几个阶段的重提的形态和生活习性都像是,这一过程称不完全变态。 5.带虫者:某些寄生虫疾病治愈或康复后,宿主处于隐性感染的状态,宿主有对这些寄生虫的免疫力,但宿主仍有对这些寄生虫的免疫力,但宿主仍有一定数量的虫体,称这些宿主为带虫者。 13.感染性虫卵:寄生虫虫卵内的幼虫已发育到具感染力阶段。这种具有感染力的虫卵称为感染虫卵。 2 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/24aaa23028f90242a8956bec0975f46527d3a793.html