
时间:2022-04-20 04:30:07 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
师缘教育 63310084


1. Excuse me,Madam.Can you show me the Christmas tree? A.where put B.where can I put C.to put where D.where to put 2.What did you say just now?I asked .

A.how I can open the door B.if you watched TV last night C.when did the program start D.you had finished your homework 3.I really don't know when .A.he is born B.is he born C.he was born D.was he born 4.Will Mr Black be here soon?I'm not sure.Let's go and see .

A.when will the train arrive B.when the train arrivesC.when the train arrived D.the train when will arrive 5. I want to know the day after tomorrow.

A.what he will doB.what will he doC.what he didD.what did he do 6.I'd like to know or not.

A.whether will he comeB.whether has he comeC.whether he will comeD.that he will come 7.Where do you think he the computer?Sorry,I have no idea. A./;bought B.has;bought C.did;buy D.does;buy

8.Where is Tom?He is away to spend his holiday.He's gone either to Hangzhou or to Shanghai,but I am not sure . A.that B.which C.where D.there 9.The doctor asked medicine you had taken.A.which B.whatC.that D.those 10.We don't know we should go away.A.what B.if or not C.whether or not D.where 11.Could you tell me ?Yes.He to the library.

A.where is John;has goneB.where was John;has beenC.where John is;has goneD.where John was;has been 12.I want to know in the party.

A.if you have a good timeB.if you had a good timeC.that you have a good timeD.where you had a good time 13.Paula looked very tired and the teacher asked her what with her. A.the matter was B.was the matterC.the matter is D.is the matter 14.I don't know he will come tomorrow. he comes,I'll tell you. A.if;Whether B.whether;WhetherC.if;That D.if;If 15.I don't think the book is interesting, ?A.do I B.is it C.doesn't it D.isn't it 16.I don't know he still lives here after so many years. A.whether B.where C.when D.what 17.Could you tell me it is ten miles ?A.that;far B.if;far C.that;away D.if;away 18.I am sorry for I have said.A.that B.when C.what D.why 19.Could you tell me a concert this evening?

A.that there is going to be B.if there is going to beC.when is there going to beD.if is there going to be 20.Do you think an American film tomorrow?

A.is thereB.there's going to beC.will there beD.there's going to have 21.Would you please tell me ?I'd like to visit you sometime next week.

A.where he comes fromB.where do you come fromC.where you liveD.where do you live 22.Could you tell me how long ?About three days.

A.does the sports meeting lastB.the sports meeting lastC.will the sports meeting lastD.the sports meeting will last 23.Do you know if he to play with us?I think he will come if he free tomorrow. A.comes;is B.comes;will beC.will come;is D.will come;will be 24.He said he three hundred English words since he came here. A.learned B.has learnedC.had learned D.would learned 25.Do you know whom they at the railway station?

A.were waiting B.are waitingC.are waiting for D.wait for


26. you are not careful,you may be hit by a car.A.If B.When C.Until D.Before

师缘教育 63310084

27.I will wait for you until she back.A.not;will come B.not;comesC./;will come D./;comes 28.Why didn't you try your best to get on the bus?I tried to,but I could,it started moving. A.until B.when C.before D.after 29.The lady went to see the doctor her back hurt.A.so B.and C.because D.but 30.It three years since they to England. A.is;movedB.was;have movedC.is;have movedD.is;will move 31.He wait until the rain .A.won't;will stopB.won't;stopC.will;stopsD.will;will stop 32. you eat bad food,you may be ill.A.Before B.WhyC.If D.Which 33.1000 dollars is a large sum of money,but it's than we need. A.far more B.very muchC.far less D.very little 34.This question was that nobody could answer it. A.very difficult B.too difficultC.difficult enough D.so difficult 35.My mother wants to know if a picnic tomorrow?Yes.But if it ,I will go to visit the museum instead. A.you have;will rainB.you will have;will rainC.you will have;rainsD.will you have;rains 36.Jane wore a raincoat it was raining.A.so B.butC.however D.because 37.Little Tom went to school it rained heavily yesterday.A.though B.ifC.but D.since 38.I haven't heard from my sister she left this city.A.for B.afterC.before D.since 39.This dress was last year's style.I think it still looks perfect it has gone out this year. A.so that B.even thoughC.as if D.ever since 40. it is raining heavily,you'd better take a taxi there.A.For B.AsC.Because of D.When


41.2006山东烟台中考36The woman son works in a computer company is Mrs. White. A.who B.whoseC.that D.whom 42.All they have done is good for us.A.what B.whichC.why D.that 43.This is the best film has been shown this year. A.who B.whichC.that D.when 44.I don't know the reason he came so late.A.that B.whichC.why D.who 45.The day I shall never forget is the one I joined the army. A.that;where B.when;in whichC.which;when D.on which;why 46.Who is the man is standing there?A.that B.whoC.as D.whom 47.Winter is the time of year the days are short and nights are long. A.when B.thatC.where D.on which 48.They lived in the house in front of there was a big tree.A.who B.whichC.that D.when 49.I drove to Shenzhen for the air show last week.Is that the reason you had a few days off? A.why B.whenC.what D.where 50.John was looking at the photos that he in Beijing.A.was taking B.takesC.has taken D.had taken 51.2006吉林模拟)Carmen likes musicians different kinds of music. A.which play B.who playsC.which plays D.who play 52.This is the most beautiful park I have visited.A.which;ever B.that;neverC.which;yet D.that;ever 53.We are talking about Tonny, you met yesterday.A.whom B.which C.that D.with who 54.Is this the very museum some Japanese visitors visited last Sunday? A.one B.where C.that D.which 55.The place I grew up is a beautiful town.A.which B.that C.where D.from which 56.This is the shop sells children's clothing.A.where B.whoC.the one D.which 57.I don't think the number of people this happens is very large.A.who B.to which C.that D.to whom 58.This is the most enjoyable journey I have ever heard of.A.which B.who C.that D.whom 59.Do you know Mr Green daughter is a famous singer?A.that her B.whose C.who D.of whom 60.Do you remember one evening a week ago I went to your home and borrowed a necklace? A.before B.which C.when D.as
