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早在20世纪20年代,英国学者Herbert A . Giles就以散体形式将《长恨歌》译为英文,中国翻译家许渊冲先生又将其改译为诗体。以下将选取诗中部分名句,对两位学者的不同英译进行比较。


1.His Imperial Majestya slave to beauty

longed for a subverter of empires;”(Giles

2. The beauty-loving monarch longed year after year To find a beautiful lady without a peer. (许渊冲)

首先,对于第一句中的“汉皇”一词,《唐诗一百首》解释说:“汉皇----唐朝人写本朝皇帝的事,不便直说唐朝,所以借汉来代唐。”可见,原诗的内容和形式是存在矛盾的,形式上用“汉皇”来指代内容上的“唐明皇”。两种译文都注意到了此矛盾,避免了将“汉皇”直译的错误,而monarch又比Imperial Majesty来得简洁。其次,第二种译文用year after year表达出了“多年”的意义,without a peer更是巧妙地体现了“求不得”;相比之下,Giles的译文虽然用slave凸显了君王对美色的强烈欲求,但对“多年”和“求不得”两层意思的反映却略显逊色。再次,yearpeer押韵,更有音韵美。



1.Her sisters and brothers one and all

were raised to the rank of nobles.

Alasfor the ill-omened glories

which she conferred on her family.

For thus it came about that fathers and mothers

through the length and breadth of empire

Rejoiced no longer over the birth of sons

But over the birth of daughters.Giles

2.Her sisters and brothers all received rank and fief

And honors showered on her household to the grief

Of fathers and mothers who would rather give birth

To a fair maiden than to any son on earth.(许渊冲)

从形式上来看,第一种译文有8行,第二种只有4行,正好与原诗的四句相对应,因此后者在形美上更胜一筹。从用词来看,相比之下,第一种就无足称道。首先,“皆列土”意思是分到田地等,从而社会地位升高,Gilesnoble一词是值得商榷的,noble侧重于出身的高贵,属静态;虽然杨玉环确实生于宦门,但原诗其实要表达的是她成功选妃后家庭中发生的变化,属动态,所以许先生用received rank and fie就比noble一词更为具体、准确。其次,“可怜光彩生门户”的“可怜”并非“令人怜悯”之意,而是“可爱,令人羡慕”,因此,Giles将其译为ill-omened glories实属误译。再次,最后一句“不重生男重生女”,第二种译文中,would ratherthan 以比较的形式体现了父
