酒店用英语怎么说 酒店的英语说法1: hotel 英 [həuˈtel] 美 [hoˈtɛl] 酒店的英语说法2: tavern 英 [ˈtævən] 美 [ˈtævərn] 酒店相关英语表达: 四季酒店 Four Seasons Hotel 喜来登酒店 Sheraton Hotels 新罗酒店 Shilla Hotel 度假酒店 resort hotels 广场酒店 Plaza Hotel 酒店的英语说法例句: 我们逐一光顾了城里所有的酒店。 We did/went the rounds of all the pubs in town. 小酒店里净是身穿花呢衣服的农民。 The pub was full of tweedy farmers. 他们到酒店喝酒去了。 They've gone down/round to the pub for a drink. 走进酒店的那个老头子已经90岁了。 That (old) gaffer going into the pub is 90 years old. 附近没有酒店,至少据我所知没有。 There's no pub round here, leastways not that I know of. 侍者正在介绍这家酒店。 The server is introducing the pub. 这个酒店比那个酒店要好得多。 This hotel is much nicer than that one. 第 1 页 共 3 页 酒店不仅在早餐的时间为大家带来自产的蜂蜜而且酒店把自产的蜂蜜作为礼品赠送。 The hotel gives honey out as gifts and serves it at breakfast. 是美国人创造了大型酒店,同时也创造了酒店业的标准。 Americans invented the grand hotel. 该酒店的全部理念就是提供轻松的服务。 The whole ethos of the hotel is effortless service. 没有几家城市酒店能与克里雍大饭店媲美。 Few city hotels can outclass the Hotel de Crillon. 塔特怀勒酒店楼顶闪烁的灯光 The blinking lights at the top of the Tutweiler Hotel 作为酒店浮华装潢之缩影的豪华电梯 The sleek lift that epitomized the hotel's glossy Decor 我决心不住酒店,以免浪费钱。 I resolved not to waste money on a hotel. 许多经营者都想用古董装饰他们的酒店。 Many proprietors try to furnish their Hotels with antiques. 不得不说,阿斯彭的丽兹·卡尔顿饭店是我所住过的最气派的酒店之一。 The Ritz-Carlton in Aspen has to rank as one of the most extraordinary hotels I have ever been to. 我在约翰内斯堡一家大酒店的休息大厅跟她打过招呼,她当时在那里参加一个工会会议。 I spoke to her in the lounge of a big Johannesburg Hotel where she was attending a union meeting. 领有执照的酒店店主(出售食品、烈酒、啤酒等供顾客在店堂内享用)。 A licensed victualler, ie a public house keeper who sells food, spirits, BEer, etc to BE consumed on the premises. 对唐纳德来说,酒店业是一个全新的领域,因为他一直以来从事的是食品 第 2 页 共 3 页 零售业。 Hotels represent new territory for Donald, whose career has been in food retailing. 冉阿让坐在较远的一块界石上,在小酒店的转角处,双腿夹着他的枪,直至目前为止,他一点也没有过问所发生的这些事。 Jean Valjean, who was seated apart on a stone post, at the corner of the tavern, with his gun between his knees, had, up to that moment, taken no part in anything that was going on. 第 3 页 共 3 页 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/32a084ecb90d4a7302768e9951e79b896802683a.html