
时间:2022-03-06 01:04:05 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
1.We got there only to find that the store was closed on Tuesday 2.Shocked by the news of failure of the projectthe new manger 3.When he saw Jane fall down on the ice,he couldn't help laughing. 4.She is amazed that people still risk traveling... 5.It was the awful weather that drove...

6.The engineer ears are highly sensitive to any unusual...

7.Every new staff is required to take the training course,which will help them know more about the company 8.The general manager required to take the training course,be submitted before... 9.We show much interest in the the latest model of digital cameras to be illustrated. 10.Country life is better than city life in that it offers. 11.No sooner had the manager finished his talk than he was... 12.The picture reminds me of the time we spent...

13.When they had finished playing, the children were made to put away all the ... 14.Do you remember being introduced to professor Smith during your last visit? 15.Before the meeting, our wager requested that everyone be well prepared.

16.She has been working in marketing department for three years,but she behaves as if she I were I still a green hand . 17.The staff were overjoyed to hear the news that their company had... 18.So far there is no proof that spaceships from other...

19.I hope that my teacher will take my recent illness ...judging my... 20.I dont think this software is appropriate for children under... 21.Having finished his first degree ,he went abroad to do... 1:这个项目成功与否决定我们如何确定轻重缓急 The success of the project depends on how we set our Priorities 2.文章交上之前,务必仔细检查一遍。

Make sure you review your paper care fully before you hand it in 3.每次我们队遇上问题,我们队长都能很快想出解决的办法。 Brery time our team comes across a problem .it doent take our captain long to come up with a solution, 4.医生思后总结说信心对治愈疾病至关重要。

The doctor finally concluded that faith was critical to the care of the disease. 5.Im not a dig fan of multitasking .If you ·········· one thing at a time . 我不赞成同时从事多项任务的做法,如果你有五项任务要做,要是你试 图同时做,你就一项也做不好,一次要集中精力做一件事情。 1. to find 2. Shocked 3. laughing 4. traveling5. that 6. to 7. which8. be submitted 9. to be illustrated 10. in that 11.than 12. of 13. to put away 14. being introduced15. be16. were 17. That 18. that 19. .judging20. for21. Having finished

一.爱因斯坦:CDCBC 二、关于食品:BBACD 三、years:BCABD are:DCABA 作文:

More and more people use mobile phones nowadays,mobilephone must have its own excellence.As we all know,it makes us more convenient to contact our friends and relatives who are far away from us.So we do not have to go around to seach for the telephone,and not as writting letters,we need not to wait for long time but get reply immediately.However,we also know that all mobilephones are radioactive(有辐射的),it is very harmful to our health,especially to our brains.Besides,many students may ignore(忽略)their study because of the mobilephones.
