
时间:2022-03-06 01:03:58 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

I. 单项选择:

1. ___ your assistance, he finished the job in only two hours. A. Owing to B. Owing C. Owed to D. Owed

2. Political parties often differ in their views on various ____ concerning their own countries. A. ways B. measures C. issues D. patterns

3. ____ his knowledge of the mountainous country, John Smith was appointed as our guide. A. In spite of B. On account of C. Regardless of D. Instead of

4. I support your decision, but I should also make it clear that I am not going to be _____ to it. A. connected B. fastened C. bound D. stuck 5. Lost time never returns____. A. any longer B. no longer C. any more D. no more 6. It has been laid down that each student must ____ a composition to the teacher once a week. A. turn in B. give up C. put forward D. bring out 7. Would you mind____your radio a little, please A. turn off B. turning off C. to turn down D. turning down 8. He is ______ to get there in time if he starts fight now. A. possible B. probable C. likely D. impossible 9. I admire those people, _____ having little money, they feel happy and satisfied. A. With B. Because of C. Instead of D. In spite of 10. --Do you smoke? --No, I don't. But I used to. It's two years since I ______. A. smoked B. didn't smoke C. have smoked D. began to smoke 11. ____ the meeting room, he found all the parents already ____________ there.

A. To enter; sitting B. Stepping into; to seat C. Entered; seat D. Entering; seated

12. It is such a good place ________ everybody wants to visit ____________ is well-known all over the world. A. which; that B. as; as C. as; that D. that; which 13. We came to a place ____________ they had never paid a visit before. A. where B. to which C. that D. which

14. Many of the creatures in Rowling's world are not real, and much of _____ happens is strange. A. which B. that C. what D. it

15. --Hi! Where you are going! --What's wrong? --The road repairs ________. A. haven't completed B. weren't completed C. haven't been completed D. didn't complete 第二部分:完形填空 (20)

It's 5-year-old Karmen's dream to be a ballerina(芭蕾舞女演员). But Karmen, living in Denver, was born with the AIDS virus and has spent much of her short life going in and out of the hospital.

Karmen _46__better than anyone dared to hope. Doctors thought she would never walk or talk, but she _47__with a walker and speaks fairly 48

Karmen's hopes, dreams, and 49 are being documented with the help of a Denver organization called the Children's Legacy. 50 by the photographer Katy Tartakoff, the charity helps seriously sick children and their families write their own 51 by providing books that guide _52__ along -- My Stupid Illness, for 53 children, and Let Me Show You My World, for their siblings(兄弟姊妹) and parents. The books contain suggestions of 54 to draw or things to write. Tartakoff helps illustrate the books by taking black-and-white photographs of the children. For those children who _55_, the books help their families cope. For those _56_ survive, the books help them heal 57_.

Karmen may not grow up to be a ballerina, _58 , despite her difficulty walking, she was 59_ when she put on a tutu (芭蕾舞的短裙) her mother had bought her. "She really took _60_ the persona of a ballerina," says Ms.



This picture of Karmen is one of a collection of Ms. Tartakoff's _61_ that the charity has published in a book called An Alphabet About Families Living With HIV-AIDS, _62_ poetry. According to the book, "Sometimes Karmen _63 her head on her folded hands because she is _64_ , and sometimes she needs to talk with God."

One of her prayers: "Dear God, Please make my_65 and body strong. Please let me grow up." 46. A. has gone B. has fared C. has spent D. has experienced 47. A. stands around B. gets up C. walks away D. gets around

48. A. well B. good C. nice D. right 49. A. smiles B. illnesses C. struggles D. sadnesses

50. A. Found B. Founded C. Built D. Created 51. A. stories B. novels C. problems D. sicknesses 52. A. him B. us C. them D. her 53. A. healthy B. sick C. normal D. ill 54. A. charts B. pictures C. photos D. designs 55. A. live B. fear C. die D. suffer

56. A. that B. which C. / D. who 57. A. emotionally B. happily C. carefully D. quietly 58. A. however B. and C. but D. though 59 A. changed B. turned C. shaped D. transformed 60. A. after B. in C. on D. to 61. A. collections B. photographs C. books D. copies 62. A. holding B. containing C. writing D. including 63. A. lays B. lies C. sets D. puts 64. A. ill B. dead C. tired D. bored 65. A. legs B. arms C. hands D. feet 单词拼写(86She felt g________ about leaving her sick child and going to work. 87I must a________ for not being able to meet you at the airport on time. 88Whenever I get into trouble, he comes to my help without h_________. 89In order to avoid the p_________ for the wrong that he had done, he went to a European country in 1981. 90He was too s__________ to admit that he was wrong and refused to say sorry to his girl friend. 91If you want to pass your exams, you’d better change your a__________ toward study. 92She was a________ to graduate from college and get a well-paid job.

93You’ve put me in a very a_______ position and now I don’t know how to deal with the matter. 94I tried to p__________ him to change his mind but he refused to follow my advice. 95I am sorry that I was a______________ just now and didn’t quite catch what you said. IV. 书面表达:



1.交友不慎易学坏,养成坏习惯 2.浪费时间和金钱 3.害己同时危害家庭和社会

Some of them are for it, while others are against it. They think it has both advantages and disadvantages. Some think that if students are not careful enough and make bad friends, they will form many bad habits, such as smoking,drinking and even stealing or commiting crimes. Besides, it will be a waste of time and money. As a result, making bad friends will not only do harm to themselves but also to their families and society.

However, others think if they have some good friends,they will share sorrow and happiness with each other. When they are in trouble, good friends will give a hand. In addition, making friends with others will help them to learn how to get well along with others, which will benefit them all their life.




2.在你困难时伸出援助之手 3其它(自己设想)

I. 1-5 ACBCC 6-10ADCDA 11-15 DCBCC

II. 1. introduce 2. land 3. featured 4. symbol 5. attractions

6. including 7. scenery 8. millions 9. visitors 10. disappointed III. 1. sporting 2. conditions 3. sailing 4. living 5. international 6. especially 7.won 8. ranking 9. concerned 10. wonderful IV.

Some of them are for it, while others are against it. They think it has both advantages and disadvantages. Some think that if students are not careful enough and make bad friends, they will form many bad habits, such as smoking,drinking and even stealing or commiting crimes. Besides, it will be a waste of time and money. As a result, making bad friends will not only do harm to themselves but also to their families and society.

However, others think if they have some good friends,they will share sorrow and happiness with each other. When they are in trouble, good friends will give a hand. In addition, making friends with others will help them to learn how to get well along with others, which will benefit them all their life.

