记事记叙文:灾难性事件 灾难性事件是指战争,火灾,水灾,旱灾,地震,意外,事故(如交通事故,空难等)。 1. 事件名称 disaster; catastrophe大灾难; air crash 空难; snow disaster雪灾; flood; drought; earthquake; an active volcano活火山 ; a big fire; tsunami海啸; storm; typhoon; hurricane; sandstorm; financial crisis金融危机; energy/food crisis粮食/能源危机; traffic accidents; robbery; murder; theft盗窃; commit suicide; burglar偷盗; thief; robber 2. 表示发生 (1) a big fire/a war/ an earthquake broke out in 地点…一场大火、一场战争、地震爆发…… (2) the earthquake /accident happened/occurred in … 地震、事故发生于…… (3) An earthquake hit/struck/shocked the district. 这地区受到地震的袭击。 3.表示起因 (1) The traffic accident was caused by/was due to careless driving. 这起车祸起因于驾驶疏忽。 (2) The cause of the fire was carelessness. 起火的原因是由于疏忽。 (3) The fire was due to the fact that someone dropped a lighted cigarette. 这火灾是由于有人丢落燃着的香烟而引起的。 句式:(1)…caused great damage to…;……对…… 造成重大损失 (2) Hundreds of houses were damaged by the storm. 暴风雨毁坏了数百家房屋 (3) A number fo houses were burnt down in the fire. 房子在火灾中都烧毁了 (4) Many houses were washed away by the flood. 许多房子被洪水冲走了 (5) After the earthquake ,water, gas and electricity were all cut off. 地震过去后,水,电,气全都被切断了 (6) We don’t know how many houses were destroyed, but we know many people lost their home. 我们不知道有多少城镇被震毁,但我们知道很多人失去了他们的家园。 (7) The big floods, which occurred in 1998,caused great losses. 发生于1998年的特大洪灾造成了巨大损失。 (8) The accident delayed all the traffic for an hour and caused the damage of $80,000. 这次事故阻碍交通达到一个小时,造成8万美元的经济损失。 (9) It is estimated that the snow storm has caused a loss of more than 50 billion yuan. 估计这次雪灾超过5百亿元的损失 5.表示人员伤亡 词汇: get killed; injure; lose one’s life; cause… deaths/ injured/missing 句式:(1) Many people were injured/killed in the fire/accident/war/air crash. 许多人死于这场火灾、事故,战争,空难 (2) Tens of thousands of people lost their precious life owing to the strong earthquake in Sichuan province. 因为四川的这场大地震,几万人失去了宝贵的生命。 (3) As a result, the three-storied building was destroyed, 50 people were killed, and more than 200 were injured. 结果,那座三层楼的楼房被毁坏,50人死亡,200多人受伤。 (4) 1976年7月28日中国唐山发生了7.8级的大地震, 造成24.2万人死亡、超过80万人受伤、30,000人失踪及巨大经济损失. A 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Tangshan, China on July 28, 1976, causing 242,000 deaths, over 800,000 injured, 30,000 missing and great economic losses. 6.表示过程与处理 词汇:send sh to hospital; call in the police; call for a doctor; call an ambulance ; donate/collect money to; call on sb to do sth 句式:(1) A big fire broke out in an office building in a busy street. The fire lasted about two hours and was finally put out in the afternoon. 闹市区的一座办公楼失火. 大火持续了两个多小时,最终在下午被扑灭。 (2) Fortunately, the injured people were sent to hospital without delay. 幸运的是,受伤的群众被立刻送去医院. 7、基础写作 假如你是校报的记者,请根据以下内容,写一篇关于东北特大洪水的报道。 时间 后果 2014年8月3日 地点 云南昭通市鲁甸县 灾难程度 18年以来云南最强地震 1. 108.84万人受灾,615人死亡,114人失踪,3143人受伤; 2. 经济损失超过4.6亿元 ; 3. 房屋倒塌,交通受阻,电力供应中断 救灾情况 数千名解放军战士和当地群众正在全力救灾,灾后重建(reconstruction)工作正在有序进行。 写作要求:只能使用五个句子表达全部内容 评分标准:句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ A severe earthquake hit Ludian County, in Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province on August 3, 2014, causing about 1,088,400 suffering from the disaster , 615 deaths, 114 missing and 3,143 injured. It is said that the earthuake has been the strongest in Yunnan in 18 years . It is estimated that the earthquake has caused a loss of more than 460 million yuan. / As is estimated, the earquake has caused a loss of more than 46 million yuan. Moreover, the disaster resulted in the destruction of hundreds of buildings, traffic problems and the shortage of electricity supply.Fortunately, thousands of soldiers and local peopleare sparing no efforts in the rescue work and the reconstruction workafter the disaster is under way in good order. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/3a99895152ea551810a687e2.html