Japanese Classical Grammar Course code: 63025000 Course name:Japanese Classical Grammar Credits:2 Semester:8 Target students:Undergraduates majoring in Japanese language and literature Instructor in charge:岩山泰三 Course description: Japanese Classical Grammar is a required specialized course for the senior Japanese majors. The course focuses on teaching the basic knowledge of Japanese classical grammar, helping the learners to master the basic grammatical conception, grammatical meaning, and the usage of it. Its purpose is to improve the learners’ ability to read and appreciate the Japanese classical literary works. Grading policy: Attendance and Assignment: 20%; Final Exam: 80% Required textbook: Self-prepared teaching materials References:【1】《文语语法》日荣社编集所编 【2】《古典入门 古文解释的方法与实际》铃木日出男·小岛孝之·多田一臣·长岛弘明. 筑摩书房. 1998年 1 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/3bd1fb761b5f312b3169a45177232f60dccce73c.html