日语古典文学作品选读 英文

时间:2023-01-06 01:54:12 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Selected Readings in Japanese Classical Literature

Course code63120000

Course nameSelected Readings in Japanese Classical Literature

Credits2.5 Semester9 Target studentsUndergraduates majoring in Japanese

Instructor in Charge:岩山泰三, Lecturer, doctor

Course description

Through the study of this course, students are expected to gain a rough idea of the japanese literature and improve their ability to appreciate Japanese literature works. To achieve our goal, we are required to read and study some masterpieces of Japanese literature works including 《平家物语》、《源氏物语》、《方丈记》、《徒然草》、《枕草子》etc. In our reading, we should pay attention to the following points:

1. the meaning and usage of the key works in the works 2. the life and writing style of the author 3. the characteristics of Japanese literature

Grading Policy

Open book examination

Required Textbook

[1] Selected Japanese classical literature works References

