英语陈述演讲技巧(经典) 1. Tell a captivating story. 讲述一个吸引人的故事 "Of all the starters in your tool kit, storytelling is among the most powerful and consistently successful,” Price says. “As humans, we’re hard-wired to enjoy and learn from stories. ” 普莱斯说道:“在所有开场演讲方式的手段中,讲故事当属最强大也是最具有持续成功力的手法。”“作为人类,我们天生便会欣赏故事并从中受益匪浅。” The story can be about you personally, which tells the audience first-hand why you’re invested in and passionate about the topic. Or you can tell a story about another person who the audience can learn from. “Another option: tell a fable, wisdom tale, historic event, or anecdote,” Price says. “The idea is, start with a brief 60- to 90-second narrative that launches your speech and captivates your listeners, and make sure the story encapsulates the key point of your message.” 开场故事可以涉及个人,这样便能先入为主告诉听众为何你如此关注这一主题,你也可以讲述一段事关他人的故事让听众从中学到一些知识。普莱斯说道:“另一个选择便是讲一段寓言,智慧故事,历史事件或轶事,这样做的目的在于通过简短的60-90秒叙事开启你的演讲并吸引在场观众,并确保故事中包含了你想要传达的关键信息。” She suggests you consider these questions as you craft your version of “Once upon a time”: What challenges have you (or another) faced in relation to your topic? How did you (or another) overcome them? Who or what helped you or harmed you? What lessons were learned? What do you want your audience to gain, feel, or do as a result of the story? 普莱斯建议通过“很久很久以前”的故事版本构建演讲框架,具体涉及:你曾遇到过与主题相关的怎样的挑战?你是怎样克服困难的?谁曾经帮助了你抑或伤害了你?从中吸取了怎样的教训?你希望你的听众们能收获,感受或者并根据故事结局做出怎样的反应? 2. Ask a rhetorical thought-provoking question. 提出一个发人深省的反问句 “As a speaker, you ask rhetorical questions for persuasive effect; you don’t expect the audience to answer aloud, rather silently to themselves,” Price explains. When crafted and delivered well, rhetorical questions influence an audience to believe in the position of the speaker. “Clearly, Shakespeare’s character Shylock is leading his listeners to think ‘yes’ four times in order to justify revenge against Antonio. What do you want your audience to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to?” 普莱斯解释道“作为一个演讲者,提出反问句便是要收获一种说服效果,你并不能指望听众们会大声做出回答,多数情况下,他们只是安静地在心中做出回应。”一旦构建并提出一个出色的反问句时,这便能说服听众信任演讲者陈述的观点。“显然,莎士比亚(Shakespeare)作品中的夏洛克(Shylock)为了证明报复安东尼奥有理便引导读者四次思考“是”的问题。你希望你的读者表态是或否吗?” In addition to yes or no questions, you can also arouse curiosity and motivate your audience to think about the answer, she says. 她表示,除了是与否的问题,你还可以借反问引起听众的好奇心并刺激观众去思考问题的答案。 3. State a shocking statistic or headline. 陈述匪夷所思的数据或标题 “The statistic, bold claim, or headline needs to be directly related to the main purpose of your presentation,” Price explains. “Its impact ideally persuades the audience to listen and respond positively to your recommendation and next steps.” 普莱斯表示:“数据,大胆的断言以及标题往往要直接与你所要陈述的主要内容相关联。”“这将影响到说服你的听众继续听下去的心理,积极回应演讲中的提议并涉及到下一步行动。” 4. Use a powerful quote. 引用强大有力的引言 “Employ the wise words of a well-known person because the name allows you to tap into his or her credibility, likeability, and notoriety,” she says. The quote must have meaning and relevance to the audience. 普莱斯说道:“由于名人本身能够赐予你名称所代表的可信度,受欢迎度以及名声,使用名言名句也将起到良好的效果。”引言必须有特定的涵义并为观众所熟知。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/3e1682c241323968011ca300a6c30c225801f082.html