定语从句精选100题 答案详解1

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定语从句精选100 答案详解1

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

三填入the door of the room,做介宾,四替代为of which

三填入my father is talking with the engineer,做介宾,四替代为with whom

三填入a hotel is only five minutes’ walk,做主语,四替代为which;非限制性定语从句 三填入I can do anything for you,做宾语,四替代为that;先行词anything为不定代词 三填入some writers and their works are known to us,做主语,四替代为that;先行词含人与物。

6. 三填入they are all against the plan for the reason,做原因状语,四替代为why. 7. 此句为强调句,即not…untill的强调结构,是个写作好句型。

8. 三填入she spoke to me in the way,做方式状语,四替代为that /in which /省略。 9. 此句中what I can do for you right now为表语从句

10. 此句为强调句,请对比It was our college library where I borrowed the novel. 11. 三填入trees’ leaves,做定语,四替代为whose

12. 三填入all is needed,做主语,四替代为that;先行词为不定代词。 13. 三填入most of the guests were scientists,做介宾,四替代为of whom

14. 三填入my mother and I used to sit in the evening in the sitting-room,做地点状语,四替代为where

15. 三填入a student was your sister.,做主语,四替代为whoI thought为插入语,先删掉。 16. 三填入the river flows through the town,做主语,四替代为that/which.

17. 此句改为陈述句:This college is the one that they go to last yearthat可省略。 18. 此句改为陈述句:This is the university that/which/-- you visited last time. 19. 三填入his father worked in the factory,做状语,四替代为where

20. 三填入his father wanted to go to the factory,做宾语,四替代为that/which/-- 21. 三填入a country is famous for its pyramids,做主语,四替代为that/which.

22. 三填入he spent the best part of his life in the country,做状语,四替代为where/ in which 23. 三填入a man came out of a car做介宾,四替代为out of which还原为倒装句:Out of a car came a man.

24. 三填入it will be convenient at the time,做时间状语,四替代为when 25. 此句中what I saw为宾语从句。

26. 三填入anything belongs to me,做主语,四替代为that;先行词为不定代词。

27. 三填入I have been able to do the little,做宾语,四替代为that;先行词为不定代词。

28. 三填入 who has common sense,做主语,四替代为that;当先行词为who时关系词用that. 29. 三填入The bike and its rider had knocked down the boy,做主语,四替代为that. 30. 三填入two of three sons,做介宾,四替代为whom. 31. 此句中where he can find it easily为状语从句。

32. 三填入we can spare little time,做宾语,四替代为that

33. 三填入he said everything,做宾语,四替代为that;先行词为不定代词。 34. 三填入he gave me the presents,做宾语,四替代为that

35. 三填入I am looking for the very letter,做宾语,四替代为that;先行词为不定代词。 36. 三填入we expected Tom didn’t attend the meeting,先行词为整个主句,因此用as替代 37. 三填入information will help you,做主语,因为先行词被such限定,所以只能用as.

38. 此句的先行词为整个主句She wears the same kind of clothes,且含same,因此用as引导。 39. 此句中such a clever boy as you,只是个短语,不是定语从句。


40. 三填入he was late for the reason,做原因状语,四替代为why/for which.

41. 此句的先行词为整个主句school will be opened tomorrow,替代整个主句用as.

42. 此句的先行词为整个主句The size of the audience was well over twenty thousand,替代整个主句用as;且as we had expected放在句中做插入语。

43. 三填入I know the hotel,做主语,四替代为that;先行词被最高级best限定。

44. 三填入The only problem troubled him,做主语,四替代为that;先行词被only限定。 45. 三填入you like books,做宾语,四替代为that;先行词被any限定。 46. ___________________________________________________________________ 47. ___________________________________________________________________ 48. ___________________________________________________________________ 49. ___________________________________________________________________ 50. ___________________________________________________________________ 51. ___________________________________________________________________ 52. ___________________________________________________________________ 53. ___________________________________________________________________ 54. ___________________________________________________________________ 55. ___________________________________________________________________ 56. ___________________________________________________________________ 57. ___________________________________________________________________ 58. ___________________________________________________________________ 59. ___________________________________________________________________ 60. ___________________________________________________________________ 61. ___________________________________________________________________ 62. ___________________________________________________________________ 63. ___________________________________________________________________ 64. ___________________________________________________________________ 65. ___________________________________________________________________ 66. ___________________________________________________________________ 67. ___________________________________________________________________ 68. ___________________________________________________________________ 69. ___________________________________________________________________ 70. ___________________________________________________________________

