
时间:2022-12-27 05:07:11 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Groves A. M.;Kuschel C. A.;Knight D. B.;Skinner J. R.;高蕊

【期刊名称】《世界核心医学期刊文摘:儿科学分册》 【年(),期】2005(000)005

【摘 要】Blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation were monitored prospectively during 40 echocardiography recordings on 17 preterm infants (25-29 weeks; 510 -1430 g), to examine whether echocardiography can be performed without disturbi ng cardiorespiratory status in preterm infants. There was no impact on absolute blood pressure. Heart rate increased by a mean of 4 beats per minute, and oxygen saturation decreased by a mean of 1%during echocardiography. While these chang es reached statistical significance they are not of clinical significance as the y remained well within ranges seen during control rest periods. All readings had greater minute-to-minute variability during

echocardiography but differences were small and again remained within physiological ranges. 【总页数】1(P22-22)

【作 者】Groves A. M.;Kuschel C. A.;Knight D. B.;Skinner J. R.;高蕊 【作者单位】Ne wborn Services;National Women’s Hospital;Claude Road;Epsom;Auckland 3;New ZealandDr. 【正文语种】

【中图分类】R722.6 【相关文献】

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