comparison between expository essay and argumentative essay

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Exposition is a type of oral or written discourse that is used to explain, describe, give information or inform. Description Process/ sequence Comparison Cause and Effect Problem and Solution

The introduction includes two things: a lead into the subject and the thesis


Argumentation is the strategic use of language to move an audience to action or to change the readers mind. Appealing to reason


Appealing to emotions and prejudices

The introductory part of an argumentative essay contains a brief




-TION statement. The opening ought to attract readers attention; it might begin by description of the topic, including different opinions about it, and a clear presenting an unusual or amazing fact, quoting a proverb or an old saying, giving statement of the writers stand (thesis statement). an interesting description, revealing a bold opinion, displaying statistics, raising a question, etc.

Writers of argumentative essays must take a stand and that stand is expressed in the thesis statement.

The most important thing about the thesis statement in an argumentative essay is that the argumentative thesis statement is not a fact but a debatable premise.

It is advisable to state the thesis/ thesis statement clearly in the introduction.

BODY Essays that show a process; Essay that classify;

Essay that compare and contrast; Essays that analyze cause and effect; Essays that define;

short essay.

Two methods of logical reasoning. One is deduction, and the other is induction. Deductive reasoning moves from the general to the specific; inductive reasoning works to the other way.

Logical and clear reasoning the most important quality for any successful argument.

Facts and examples are always the most persuasive evidence.

Think clearly about what you want to explain and narrow the topic to one concrete point before writing; dont begin with an idea to general or too big for a


Express the purpose of the essay in the first paragraph when the essay is short; dont keep the readers guessing and leave the purpose in the body part Think carefully how to convey your point effectively and choose the method that can best develop your explanation. Once the method is chosen, follow its organizing principles to arrange the details in the proper order. Use transitional words or phrases to link different ideas and actions.


Since expository essays analyze their subjects, the conclusion usually The conclusion should reemphasize the main point and should have a

summarizes the previous discussion, or restates the thesis statement. Other strong impact. The aim is to convince the reader that the essay has covered methods such as proposing a solution, predicting a result, stating an effect, offering all the most important arguments about the issue and that your main idea is a judgment, etc. are also used frequently in conclusions. A good conclusion ought the best position on the issue. to reinforce your position in a meaningful and memorable way.

Never introduce new material in the conclusion. The essay, in fact, in some way is cyclical; it ends up where it started. for example, characteristics are


first, second, third; next; then; finally

Process/ sequence

different; in contrast; alike; same as; on the other hand

Comparison Cause and Effect

Problem and Solution


reasons why; if...then; as a result; therefore; because

To make the opposite position (someone) appear debatable and untrue

TB P. 93

To give a further opposing position It is also argued, claimed, asserted, and make it appear debatable and further maintained that possibly untrue

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To select a supporting argument as (someone) explains, states, from an authoritative published shows source

support the main idea

problem is; dilemma is; puzzle is solved; question...

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To develop the arguments that Moreover, in addition, further




maintains, argues, claims

