
时间:2022-03-04 21:40:05 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载





high warm clever

white blue

1 The flowers are very ______. (beautiful)

2The girls are sitting there ________ .(quiet)

3They re talking very ____ . (loud)

4We can get there ____ . (easy)

5They re getting ready for the sports meeting ______ . (busy)

6They re living a ____ life. (happy)

2. The yellow book is bigger


3. Tom is the best student ___ 4. This lesson is more interesting 5. This apple is the largest __



()1. John is myfriend of

A. goodB. betterC.

nice gentle

safe wide close long heavy sunny early dry busy happy easy angry windy little

thin fat hot big wet good bad well badly many much far










7The wind is blowing ______ . (strong)

8He plays the piano ________ .(bad)

9The river runs ____ down the hill. (gentle)

10 The sun is shining ______ . (bright)

11 The man is riding his horse along the road ______ . (slow)

12 The girl sings ______ than the boy. (beautiful)

13 Jack plays football ____ than Dick. (bad)

14 He is speaking ______ . (angry)

15 The children are running ______ along the road. (happy)

16 She runs ______ of all. (fast)

17The sun is shining ________this afternoon than this morning. (bright)


18. Of the two girls, I find Lucy the _____ (clever).

__ (little) useful than

19. Gold(黄金 ) is ____ iron( ). 20. My sister is two years ____

___ (old ) than I.

21. John s parents have four daughters, and she is the _ __ (young)


22. The ___

__ (cheap) bags are the not usually the best ones.

23. The short one is by far ___ ____ (expensive ) of the five. 24.

The boy is not so ____

__ (interesting) as his brother. 25. Dick sings __

___ (well), she sings __ ____(well) than John,

__ ___(well) in her

but Mary sings_ class.

26. She will be much __ ____ (happy) in her mew house.

27. This dress is _____

_ that.(twice, as

as , expensive) . Of, than, in, as 填空。

1. This table is as bigthat one.

1 / 2

()2. E-mailing is muchthan

A. cheapB. cheaper

()3. Beijing is one o

A. very beautifulB

C. more beautifulD.

4. The Yellow River isn

A. longB. longestC. l

5. The coat I bought last we

change it fo

A. smallB. largerC

()6. Who is the, Jim, L

A. tallB. tallerC. ta

()7. Of all the stude

A. fastB. faster

()8. He has grownto ta

A. tall enough B. enough tall

()9. Tom drawsbetter

A. moreB. mostC

()10. Who does homew

A. carefullyB.

C. more carefullyD

11. This box

A. heavy thanB.

C. heavier asD

12. When we speak to

A. as polite as possible

C. as politely as possible

13. This book is____ that

A. as difficult

B. as more difficult

C. as difficult a


D. more difficult as; as expensive

()14. I think the story is not so ___ as that one.

A. interestingB. interested

C. more interestingD. most interesting

()15. His father began to work____ he was seven years old.

A. as old asB. as early asC. sinceD. while

() 16. The earth is about____ as the moon.

A. as fifty time bigB. fifty times as big

A. tired 7.

B. hard C. well D. hardly

do you play computer games?

B. How often

Once a week. A. How soon D. How many

C. How long

8. The population of Tianjin is than that of Shanghai.

A. larger B. less C. smaller D. fewer


. We have to stay at home instead of going It rainings


It is _____ ______ today____


This story is _____ ______ _


He is _____ ______ _


C. as big fifty timesD. fifty as times big

() 17. Your room is ___ than mine.

A. three time bigB. three times big

C. three times biggerD. bigger three times

() 18. His father is ____ than his mother. ;

A. older four yearsB. as four years older

C. four years olderD. bigger four years

() 19. Maths is more popular than____.

A. any other subjectB. all the subjects

C. any subjectD. other subject

() 20.Tom is stronger than ___ in his class.

A. any other boyB. any boys

C. any boyD. other boy


()1. The air in Beijing is getting muchnow than a few years

ago. A. clean B. cleaner

C. cleanest

D. the cleanest 2.

is your grandpa, Emma?

He s watering the flowers in the garden.

A. When

B. What

C. Where D. How

3. Nowadays science fiction isn ast

as cartoons among


A. popular

B. more popular C. less popular

D. the most popular

4. We are glad to see that Shanghai is developing

these years than ever before.

A. quickly

B. less quickly

C. more quickly

D. the most quickly

5. The cheese cake tasted so that the kids asked for more.

A. delicious

B. well C. bad D. badly

. I think she needs to have a

6. She looks very



A. badly

B. hardly C. heavily

D. strongly

10. Can you give a hand with this table? I want to move it.

Sure. are you going to put it?

A. Why

B. How

C. Where

D. When

11. Guo Yue did quite

at the World

Table Tennis

Championship, but Zhang Yining did even


A. better, well B. well, well

C. well,

better D. better, better

12. Tom is six and he is

his sister Jane. How old is Jane? Three.

A. twice as old as B. two years older than

C. three years younger than D. as old as

13. Remember, boys and girls.

you work,


you will get.

We know, Miss Gao.

A. The better, the harderB. The harder, the better

C. The hard, the betterD. The harder, the good

()14. Jack has three friends. Mike is theof the four.

A. most cleverestB. more cleverC. cleverestD.


() 15. In our English study reading is more important than

speaking. I think.

I don t agree, speaking isthan reading.

A. as important asB. so important as

C. the most importantD. the same as



This book is _____ _____ _____ that one.


You can t swim _____ _____ _____ your brother.

2 / 2

This story is _____ _____ _


He is getting _____ ______


He is becoming ______ _____ ____


The more he eats, the _


Your question is _______ __




