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柴可夫斯基的一生几乎可以用来拍摄一部好莱坞电影——他与导师安·鲁宾斯坦关系紧张;与崇拜者的一段错误的婚姻令他精神崩溃并试图自杀;他与资助人梅克夫人在13年里只通信而未曾见面。种种经历加上敏感脆弱的性格令他过早地衰老。五十岁的他已经白发苍苍,步履蹒跚。可以说,柴可夫斯基的生活是不快乐的,他的一生深受压抑和神经衰弱的折磨。不过也许正因为如此,他才会将所有的情绪都倾注到音乐当中。 Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was born to a fairly wealthy middle class family. His father, Ilya Petrovich married Alexandra and the two had two sons, Pyotr and Modest. Pyotr was a precocious child, having learned to read French and German by the age of six. A year later, he was writing French verses. The family hired a governess to keep watch over the children, and she often referred to Tchaikovsky as the “porcelain child.” Tchaikovsky was very sensitive to music and was placed into piano lessons at a young age. He would complain at night that the music in his head would not let him sleep.

When Tchaikovsky was ten years old, his family enrolled him into the School of Jurisprudence for a career in civil service, not fully

comprehending his remarkable musical talent. Because the minimum acceptance age was 12, he was sent to boarding school. After turning 12, he entered into the senior classes at the school. Apart from singing in

choir, he did not seriously study music. It wasn’t until after he graduated in 1859 that he began to study music. In 1862, Tchaikovsky began taking classes with Nikolai Zaremba at the St. Petersburg Conservatory. In 1863, Tchaikovsky quit his job as clerk at the Ministry of Justice.

After quitting his job, Tchaikovsky devoted his life to music. Under the mentorship of Anton Rubinstein(director of the conservatory), Tchaikovsky went through the conservatory’s curriculum.

Aside from musical studies, he also studied conducting. Tchaikovsky had an immense fear of it and would often hold his chin with his left hand while conducting after once imagining his head falling off his shoulders. Though he was not the best conductor, he was one of the best music students. In 1866, Tchaikovsky took a job as a harmony teacher for the Moscow Conservatory with Rubenstein’s recommendation.

In 1868, he had a brief flirtation with soprano Desiree Artot, but she later married a Spanish baritone. Though his personal life may have been unsuccessful, Tchaikovsky was steadily completing composition after composition. In 1875, Tchaikovsky’s world premiere of his third symphony was given in Boston on October 25th and was conducted by Hans von Bulow. Despite there being pockets of opposition towards his music, his works and reputation began to spread across Europe.
