有关于普希金情诗英文 普希金最有名的爱情诗

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有关于普希金情诗英文 普希金最有名的爱情诗


有关于普希金英文情诗篇一 to kern 致克恩 中英对照: 我记得那美妙的瞬间: 你就在我的眼前降临, 如同昙花一现的梦幻, 如同纯真之美的化身。

i remember a wonderful moment as before my eyes you appeared, like a vision, fleeting, momentary, like a spirit of the purest beauty. 我为绝望的悲痛所折磨, 我因纷乱的忙碌而不安, 一个温柔的声音总响在耳边, 妩媚的身影总在我梦中盘旋。

in the torture of hopeless melancholy, in the bustle of the world’s noisy hours, that voice rang out so tenderly,

i dreamed of that lovely face of yours. 岁月流逝。一阵阵迷离的冲动 象风暴把往日的幻想吹散, 我忘却了你那温柔的声音, 也忘却了你天仙般的容颜。

the years flew quickly. the storm’s blast scattered the dreams of former times, and i forgot your tender voice,

and the features of your heavenly face. 在荒凉的乡间,在囚禁的黑暗中, 我的时光在静静地延伸, 没有崇敬的神明,没有灵感, 没有泪水,没有生命,没有爱情。 in remoteness, in gloomy isolation,

my days dragged quietly, nothing was new, no godlike face, no inspiration, no tears, no life, no love, no you. 我的心终于重又觉醒, 你又在我眼前降临, 如同昙花一现的梦幻, 如同纯真之美的化身。

then to my soul an awakening came, and there again your face appeared,

like a vision, fleeting, momentary, like a spirit of the purest beauty. 心儿在狂喜中萌动, 一切又为它萌生:

有崇敬的神明,有灵感, 有泪水,有生命、也有爱情。

[size= 0]and my heart beat with a rapture new, and for its sake arose again a godlike face, an inspiration,

and life, and tears, and love, and you 有关于普希金英文情诗篇二 the wish 心愿

by alexander puskin 普希金

i shed tears my tears--my consolation and i am silent my murmur is dead my soul ,sunk in a depression’s shade hides in its depths the bitter exultation 默默无言在哭泣, 眼泪是唯一的安慰, 山盟海誓梦一场, 我心难过又彷徨,

i don’t deplore my passing dream of life-- vanish in dark the empty apparition! i care only for my love’s infliction and let me die, but only die in love! 世间一切伤心事, 我要把它放一旁, 我只为爱情而悲伤,

只为爱情来死亡。 有关于普希金英文情诗篇三 I loved you; and perhaps I love you still, 我曾经爱过你;爱情,也许,

The flame, perhaps, is not extinguished; 在我的心灵里还没有完全消失;

Yet, it burns so quietly within my soul, 但愿它不会再去打扰你;

No longer should you feel distressed by it. 我也不想再使你难过悲伤。

Silently and hopelessly I loved you,

我曾经默默无语地,毫无指望的爱过你, At times too jealous and at times too shy; 我既忍着羞怯,又忍受着妒忌的折磨;

God grant you find another who will love you 我曾经那样真诚,那样温柔的爱过你; As tenderly and truthfully as I.

