英语专八考试作文评分标准(中英双语版) 英语专八作文满分20分,分为五个等级,20-18分,17-15分,14-12分,11-9分和8-6分。 BAND-8 SCORE DESCRIPTION 20-18 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION WITH ACCURACIES The writing effectively addresses the writing task. It demonstrates a well developed logical organizational structure with clearly stated main ideas and sufficeient supporting details. It has almost no errors of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or syntax, and it displays an adequate ability to use the language with appropriacy. No difficulty is experienced by the reader. 17-15 GOOD COMMUNICATION WITH FEW INACCURACIES The writing adequately addresses almost all of the writing task, though it deals with some parts more effectively than others. It demonstrates a generally well developed logical organizational structure with main ideas and supporting details. It has relatively few significant errors of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or syntax, and it displays an ability to use the language with appropriacy. Very little difficulty is experienced by the reader. 14-12 PASSABLE COMMUNICATION WITH SOME INACCURACIES The writing adequately addresses most of the writing task. On the whole, it demonstrates an adequately developed organizational structure, though there may occasionally be a lack of relevance, clarity, consistency or support. It has occasional errors of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or syntax, which may, from time to time, obscure meaning, and for the most part it displays some ability to use the language with appropriacy. Occasional difficulty is experienced by the reader. 11-9 PROBLEMATIC COMMUNICATION WITH FREQUENT INACCURACIES The writing only addresses some of the writing task. It demonstrates an inadequate organizational structure, and there may quite often be a lack of relevance, clarity, consistency or support. It has frequent errors of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or syntax, and it displays a limited ability to use the language with appropriacy. Some difficulty is experienced by the reader. 8-6 ALMOST NO COMMUNICATION 评价一篇专八作文的得分,大致可以参照以下四个标准来确定:内容(content)、组织(organization)、语法(grammar)和得体性(appropriacy)。这四个标准中,前两个标准是关于内容结构的,属于谋篇布局部分,后两个是关于语言的,属于表达部分。 在英语专八考试的作文评阅中,一般将作文分为五个等级: 第五级:优秀作文(effective communication with accuracies) 这样的作丈观点清楚,结构合理,内容充实,语言运用得体,基本没有语言错误。得分在18-20分。 第四级:良好作文(good communication with few inaccuracies) 这样的作文观点明确,结构合理,内容充实,语言运用较得体,稍有语言错误。得分在15-17分。 第三级:尚可作文(passable communication with some inaccuracies) 这样的作文观点明确,结构完整,内容尚可,语言运用的得体性一般,语言错误不少,影响到作文的理解。得分在14-12分。 第二级:问题作文(problematic communication with frequent inaccuracies) 这样的作文观点不甚明确,结构不完整,内容匮乏,语言得体性较差,语言错误较多,影响到作文的理解。得分在11-9分。 第一级:失败作文(almost no communication)这样的作文基本没有达到写作要求,几乎无结构和内容可言,通篇充斥语言错误,无语言得体性可言,作文难以理解。得分在8-6分或以下。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/563b30886bd97f192279e9c3.html