英语谚语:Whoswimsinsinshallsinkinsorrow中文翻译是什么? 英语谚语: Who swims in sin shall sink in sorrow 中文意思: 在罪恶中游泳的人,必将在悲哀中沈没。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Rear sons for help in old age; and store up grains against famine 养儿防老。 Reason binds the man 理智约束著人。 Reason deceives us often conscience never 理性常骗人,良心永不欺。 Reason governs the wise man a cudgels the fool 理智指导聪明人,而且打击愚蠢汉。 Reason is the guide and light of life 理智是人生的响导和光辉。 Reason rules all things 情理管万事。 Reckless youth makes rueful age 虚度青春,悔恨无已。 Remember thou are but a man 记住你自己只不过是一个人。 Repentance is good but innocence is better 悔罪虽好,无罪更佳。 Repetition is the mother of knowledge 反覆学习是知识之源。 英语谚语: Who swims in sin shall sink in sorrow 中文意思: 在罪恶中游泳的人,必将在悲哀中沈没。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/640908d26b0203d8ce2f0066f5335a8103d26618.html