
时间:2022-06-10 10:45:18 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

如今完成时表示在说话时刚刚结束的某一动作或状态,强调对如今的影响,由"助动词have/has +动词的过去分词'构成。翻译成汉语时通常会用到"已经'等字样。

We have learned five English songs this term. 这学期我们已经学了五首英文歌曲。 I have seen this movie. 我已经看过这部电影。

留意have /has been to; have /has/ gone to ;have / has been in 的区分。

I have been toBeijing three times. 我去过北京三次。〔曾经去过某地如今已回来〕

Where is Linda? I havent seen her for two days.

She has gone to London for holiday. She will be back next week. -琳达哪儿去了?我两天没观察她了。

-她到伦敦度假去了。下周回来。〔某人到某地去了,如今不在这里〕 We havebeen inthis city for 10 years. 我们在这个城市里生活了10年了。〔表示状态〕 辨析:have been in, have gone to have been to

been是系动词be的过去分词形式。be有多种形式:一般如今时态形式是am, is, are,过去式是was, were, 如今分词形式是being have been in 在多长时间了


I have been in the cinema for three hours. 我在电影院里待了3个小时。

三者都是如今完成时态,"have been to+地点'表示去过某处,如今已经回来,不在那里了;"have gone to+地点'则表示到某处去了,如今还没有回来,可能在去的途中,也可能在那里或返回的途中;"have been in+地点'表示某人在某处待了多长时间。试比较:

He has been to Beijing. 他去过北京。〔如今不在北京〕 He has gone to Beijing. 他去北京了。〔如今在北京或在途中〕 He has been in Beijing for two years. 他在北京两年了。 八、Would you mind? 你介意做吗?

这是英语中委婉请求的表达方式,语气委婉、客气、礼貌,易于对方接受。 其结构是would you mind+动名词+其他?

留意针对该句型的回答,英汉有别。假如表示"不介意'常说"No, not at allplease dogo aheadcertainly not';表示"介意',则用"Im sorry, but I doId rather you didntyoud better not'等。如:

Would you mind my asking you a few questions? 请教您几个问题好吗? No, please do. 不介意,请讲。 又如:

Would you mind if I took this seat? 我可以坐这个座位吗? Sorry, but its been taken. 对不起,这个位置有人坐。 3a中小结了几种请求关心的句子结构,请留意。 确定结构:

Would you minddoing? Could you pleasedo? Would you pleasedo? Pleasedo 否认结构:

Would you mind not doing? Could you please not do? Would you please not do? Please dont do

