幼儿园周计划 日期:1月3日—1月7日 班级:中C班 第19周 Day Monday New Year Holiday No Class! Tuesday Welcome and introduction. Speak about our weekends Review unit 12 words and sentence Introduce unit 13 Wednesday Welcome and introduction. Introduce unit 12 “ch” Words: peach, chimp, sandwich Sentences: The chimp is eating a sandwich. The peaches is hanging under the tree. Thursday Welcome and introduction. Competition day Run to the correct letter or word Remember letters in words and think of the next word Sentence game Friday Welcome and introduction. Write and the sounds and words. Make new sentences with our new words. Morning New Year Holiday No Class! New Year Holiday No Class! 语言活动: 数学活动: 艺术活动: 《我的新年愿望》 《复习几何图形》 《新年音乐会》 (叙事性) (歌曲) Talk about the new year holiday What did you do at home? Review “Letters A-Z” “School is Cool” Key words : marker/scissors/pencil/eraser/schoolbag/book/picture/classroom (combine with numbers) Key Sentences : What do you see in the classroom? I see _________.(combine with numbers) I have _______./I don’t have _______. Review “Letters A-Z” PE + Math : Action Game Key words : left hand/right hand/left foot/right foot/jump/clap/climb Key Sentences : I can _______ 1-5 times. How old are you? I am ______ years old. Review “Letters A-Z” Art + Science time : Colors mixing fun Key words : mix/light/dark/purple/ gray/pink … Key Sentences : How do we make ___? I mix ___ and ___ together. 社会活动: 《过年啦》 Review “Letters A-Z” Review “School is cool” Key words : marker/scissors/pencil/eraser/schoolbag/book/picture/classroom (combine with numbers)/ left hand/right hand/left foot/right foot/jump/clap/climb Talk about the unit. Activity Book p.10-11 Afternoon 美工区:新增彩纸、装饰材料,供幼儿创作新年贺卡;提供不同彩色的卡片,供幼儿制作圣诞贺卡;提供彩泥、彩纸、纸盘,供幼儿创作《我最爱的早餐》。 Corner Games 数学区:提供运动小人,供幼儿摆出相应的动作;提供食物对应,供幼儿快速找到相应的食物;提供萝卜大作战,供幼儿合作游戏。 科学区:新增调色盘、排笔、三原色颜料、记录表,可让幼儿探索颜色的秘密。提供风力车,供幼儿根绝不同的风度进行实验;提供声音的传播,供幼儿根据不同的位置以及管道的长短进行感受声音的变化。 语言区:新增自制画《我的新年愿望》,供幼儿讲述自己的新年愿望;提供往哪走,供幼儿滚动小球,按照小球滚动的方向讲述完整的句子;提供指偶,供幼儿讲述创编故事。 建构区:提供彩色冰淇淋棒、夹子,供幼儿进行创作叠高;提供吸管以及转接器,供幼儿拼搭不同的造型;提供木头砖块,供幼儿合作叠高。 1.体育游戏:摘果子、传球、听听摸摸、狡猾的狐狸在哪里、抢椅子。 Outdoor Activity 2.自选材料:呼啦圈、踩高跷、皮球、投掷靶心、保龄球瓶子。 3.早操活动:在退场时能够快速找到教师有序退场。 This week we start to review the topic “School is cool”, which is the unit we talked before in Habit September. We learned about things (marker/scissors/pencil/eraser/schoolbag/book/picture)we Formation see in the classroom. We can make sentences like “I see _______/I have _______/I don’t have ________.”We will also review about the alphabet letters. This week we will review letters A-Z, the kids can practice writing letters with the parents at Home home. This week we also review “Left and Right” with the kids, we encourage the kids to also Connection practice it at home. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/67c350385bfafab069dc5022aaea998fcd224065.html