幼儿园周计划 日期:10月18日—10月22日 班级:中C班 第8周 Day Monday Welcome and introduction. Speak about our holidays Review Unit 1-3 Tuesday Welcome and introduction Review Unit 4-5 Wednesday Welcome and introduction Funny Phonics 4 Unit 6 “fl”with longer words “flower/floor/flag/fly” Thursday Friday Morning Welcome and Welcome and introduction introduction “fl”with longer words Complete worksheet of Words this week’s phonics “game/name/cake/lakwork e” Review the work of the Find the letters and week sounds Write the words 语言活动: 《好朋友,请回答》 《你在干什么?》 (语言游戏) 主题活动: 数学活动: 《目测数群》 美术活动: 《夸夸我的好朋友》 (绘画) Minke’s class : Review numbers My favorite color/animal Activity Book p.10-11 健康活动: 《好朋友抱一抱》 Afternoon Unit cool> Revision Letters A to Z
Finish Activity Book p.7-9
Minke’s class : Art work
Make shapes with different material (straws/clay/paper/cotton …)
Let’s go outside
Touch the things on the playground
I can smell with my nose
____ smells good/smells bad (flower/lemon/onion/perfume/coffee/noodles)
Corner Games
科学区:提供颜色变变变,供幼儿操作体验不同颜色混在一起后会变成什么颜色;提供不同的种子,供幼儿进行种植和观察;提供罐子和不同的豆子,让幼儿摇一摇,听声音分辨物品。 语言区:新增书本《拉呀拉呀拉》,供幼儿讲述;提供书本《小兔子找太阳》,供幼儿观看、讲述;提供书本《父亲节》,供幼儿观看、讲述。
1.体育游戏:马兰花、树叶宝宝和树妈妈、跳云朵、插红旗、小小兵过草地。 2.自选材料:毛毛虫、威武的坦克车、孙悟空翻筋斗、兜兜乐、过小河。 3.早操活动:能跟着新早操的音乐节奏进场。 Week 8 song : Head, shoulders, knees and toes
This week we will be reviewing what we learned in September, things in the classroom.
Outdoor Activity
Habit Formation
We will also start our new unit
We learned about “I can touch with my hands”
The kids can participate a game with their parents (prepare a bag and put all kinds of things in it, the kids will
have to guess)