幼儿园周计划 日期:11月22日—11月26日 班级:中C班 第13周 Day Monday Welcome and introduction. Complete worksheets of this weeks phonics work. Review the work of the week. Tuesday Welcome and introduction. Introduce new words of the week: “thirsty, thunder, thumb, thin” Sentence of the week: “The thin man is very thirsty” “The thunder is so loud” Wednesday Talk about the weekend Review days of the week PE : sports (basketball/ping pong/baseball/swim) Thursday Friday Talk about Thanksgiving (culture sharing/Thanksgiving words/Thanksgiving story) Thanksgiving Morning 主题活动: 《家乡的饮食文化》 语言活动: 《爱笑的笑翠鸟》 (故事) Afternoon Corner Games Talk about Review food the weekend pyramid Review days Review sports of the week PE : sports (basketball/ping pong/baseball/swim) 美工区:新增彩泥、纸盘,供幼儿创作《我最爱的面食》;提供彩泥与蛋糕盘和一次性纸杯,供幼儿制作美食;提供纸杯、垃圾袋、彩纸等,供幼儿创作《万圣节手工》。 数学区:新增食物迷宫,供幼儿通过不同的线路图找到正确的出口;提供跷跷板,供幼儿根据方向进行比较、摆放图片;提供对对碰,供幼儿合作一起游戏,一人随意摆放图形,另一名幼儿快速找到相应的图案。 科学区:新增声音的传播,供幼儿根据不同的位置以及管道的长短进行感受声音 的变化;提供听一听,供幼儿听声辨别是什么物品;提供颜色变变变,供幼儿操作体验不同颜色混在一起后会变成什么颜色。 语言区:提供图片《你在干什么?》,供幼儿讲述完整地句式;提供火车,供幼儿按照顺序摆放相对应的图片并讲述;提供书本《拉呀拉呀拉》,供幼儿讲述。 建构区:提供彩色冰淇淋棒、夹子,供幼儿进行创作叠高;提供吸管以及转接器,供幼儿拼搭不同的造型;提供木头砖块,供幼儿合作叠高。 音乐活动: 《感恩节》 (歌曲) Talk about Science : Talk Thanksgiving Thanksgiving about recycling Activity (culture (Let’s protect (turkey/pumpkisharing/Thanksgthe n pie …) iving environment) words/Thanksgiving story) 数学活动: 《序数6~10》 社会活动: 《感恩节活动》 Outdoor Activity Habit Formation This week we’ll be reviewing sports we learned last week. We will also practice longer sentences a little bit more. I play __(sports)___ on ____(Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday)____. We are talking about a healthy lifestyle, the kids can practice playing sports on the weekend Home Connection 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/f0518f752c60ddccda38376baf1ffc4ffe47e206.html