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Respondents aged mainly between 20 and 39 years old. In the survey we found that 94.47 percent of women are subjected to a variety of different degrees of pressure, pressure from women's largest economy and work. 59.25% of women believe that the pressure should be positive and optimistic in the face; women was their most frequently approach is to talk to your family or friends. 71.07% of women worry about the future; 80.75% of women believe that middle-aged people the greatest pressure;

57.74% of women feel they are not necessarily big pressure than men. Effect of pressure on women to actively negative half of each. The best way to decompression is to learn self-regulation. This means our society put forward new demands to the community to give more attention to women's groups, from health to improve the state of mind to all kinds of security system. The only way to honestly lighten the pressure on them.(引自邓小兰的中国心理卫生协会学术大会的文章) 2.对于男性和女性来说,由于不同的心理状态、不同的行为模式、人生转变的不同类型以及来自己朋友和父母的不同压力导致的压力和压力症状也常常各不相同。现代医学研究表明,人类大脑后方有一处脑叶,其作用是负责情绪的变化,女性的这片脑叶的活动性要比男性强很多,因此,女性的情绪变化要高于男性,在遇到问题的时候,常常表现歇斯底里的状态,很多女性上班族似乎承受着较大的内在压力,但从男女平均寿命来看,男性往往都存在心脑血管疾病,男性承受的是各种来自社会性的压力,背负着心理上的压力。

For men and women, due to the different state of mind, different patterns of behavior,

life changing and different types of pressure and stress symptoms to friends



anddifferent pressures caused by their own parents are often different. Modern medical research shows

that the human brain has a rear lobes of the brain, its role isresponsible for changes in mood, a lot of strong women in this activity leaves the brainthan men, therefore, mood changes women than men, in the face when problems often show a state of hysteria, many women workers seem

to bear a greater internalpressure, but the average life expectancy of men and women,

men often existcardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, the male bear from a variety of socialpressure, burdened with psychological pressure. 3.

1.压力的来源 3.男性压力来源

社会对男性的期望值过高。尤其从领导来的期望与压力Men will have a greater social expectations.


Men rarely bare yourself and choose to bear alone the emotional pressure. 竞争压力大失去工作就会认为无价值There is a big competition between men. When men lose their jobs they will lose consider themselves worthless. 4.女性压力来源

职场中的危机。女性上班族在招聘、工作安排、升值、加薪方面,会遇到性别的歧视,学历再高,由于是女性,经常被拒绝在竞聘的门外,而且在人才竞争和知识更新的社会中,再学习、不断提高的过程也困扰着女性上班族,对于大部分28~35岁年龄段的女性而言,婚姻、生育则成为他们最大的压力。For most women 28 to 35 years of age in terms of marriage, birth has become their greatest pressure. 许多女性会觉得时间不够用。许多已成家的女性上班族,一方面要完成单位的工作任务,另一方面要忙乎家庭的琐事,还得抽出时间去照顾孩子、老人、爱人,这让她们觉得身心疲惫。Many women will feel the time is not enough. Many women have become home office worker, on the one hand to complete the tasks of the unit, on the other hand to busy household chores. They have to take time out to care for children, the elderly, love, which makes them feel physically and mentally exhausted.



许多女性会存在工作与家庭生活的矛盾。女性被要求在家庭生活中要比男人担负更多的责任,因此她们在社会上与男性竞争时,不得不背上沉重的包袱,从而加大了心理上的压力。There is a contradiction between work and family life for women. Women were asked to take on more responsibility than men in family life, so they compete with men, had put a heavy burden on society, increasing the psychological pressure. 2.不同的表现方式 5.男性压力表现方式

男性很少会将自身遇到的困难和压力与别人诉说。他们会变得很少说话,甚至沉默。Few men will encounter difficulties and pressures them to tell others. They will become rarely speak, even silence.

许多男性在压力大时,会出现酗酒,过量的抽烟的情况。When men feel pressure, they will be an excess of alcohol and smoking 6.女性表现方式

女性的情绪变化要高于男性。女性在遇到问题的时候常常表现歇斯底里的状态。Emotional changes women greatly. Women often encounter problems when the performance of the state of hysteria.

女性在压力大时可能会出现失眠,和一些焦虑,沮丧等负面心里Some women will sleep. Many women will be anxiety, depression and other negative emotions

