小学三年级英语作文200字:六一儿童节 今日是六一儿童节,学校放假,本可以痛快地玩一场的,可是,天公却开起玩笑.他把乐队和雷公请来.雷公敲起了响鼓,轰隆隆,轰隆隆,吵得我们不得安静.闪电神射起了银白色的箭.雨娃娃顽皮地把身上的水洒向了人间.我只好呆在家里不出门.可能是天公遗忘了今日是六一国际儿童节吧! Today is children”s day, the school holidays, this can happily playing a game, however, the weather had joked. He put the band and the thunder, thunder sounded. Drum sound, rumble, rumble, had we not peace. The God of lightning shot up from the Silver Arrows rain doll. Stubborn skin the body of water to the earth. I had to stay at home and not go out. May God forgotten today is the international children”s Day! 下午,天公记起来了,把太阳姑娘请了出来,太阳姑娘把她那满身的光线洒向了大地,大地变得亮堂堂的,小鸟在空中自由地飞行,小朋友们欢呼着,纷纷从家里跑了出来,好不喧闹! Afternoon, I remember, the sun girl please come out, sun girl put her with light to the earth, the earth becomes bright, the birds fly freely in the sky, the children shouted, have run out from home, very lively! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/73c8c2fe1a5f312b3169a45177232f60ddcce7ad.html